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Advertisements & Notices

... -i EDUEATIONAL. 19 51RIST-CLASS EDUCLTION FOR YOUNG F. LADIES, In FL heelthy locality, where a limited number only is received. ?? on Rpslication to H., Marine lIotus, South ClitR, ToTenby, Powmrokesl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN Last Seven Nights MR. J. L TOOLE, Assisted by Miss Annie Tremnate. On1THISEVENING,AAugust 19, the Performance will commence with the Comnediettaby Wybert Reeve, FEsq., A MATCH FOR A MOTHER-IN-LAW. To be followed by Alfred Thomnpson's Opera Bouffe, entitledwihnwmsb AL.ADDfN T}IE 2nd, rith new music byflerve. Ko-klh-ko (his original character) Mr. J. L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ORCESTER, BROMYARD, and LEO3IINSTER RAILWAYCOMPANY. To be worked under Agreement by the Great Western Railway Company. Issue of 48,000 Five per Cent. First Debenture Stock, Being a First Charge upon the Gross Receipts of the First Section of the Line. Dl ItRECTORS. John Wiceeley Lea, Worcester, Chairtnan. Edw. Bickertoni Evans, Whitbourne hall, Deputy- Chtairmnan Francis L. llodenlham, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W OOD'S ANTI. - CHoLEr,5A MIXTURE' piepred rom he Oigin l Rcpe, which obitained such ?? of Cholera. in lbst1 2514181. Tis Pepaatin sowel, kownfor its efficacy in all ~aas (f iiarhm an th fistsitgesof Jhlera5 requires 'I0 CO~3ea. t i ony ecesar t ad tht t may be obtained as S. BURuDO- (LATE Taso0sus C, I'ONTXNG), CHEMIST TO THE QUEEN, 32, HIGH-STREEIT. No Famnlly should be without this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVER'TISERS. AU letters in answer to AdVortioorf3l13fts through the Printers are for. warded to thepropor particoi, and the Printers havvera mo0re con- trol over thorn. -Addrees (capital lettor and nsmbrnto means the appicantsanre to orrite. inti not to aptly pergoflallY. Appnitients sourold not in any rase aetid ORTUINOrAttestimonials, bat Oj\,\ GOVERtNEFS wanted, to teach fotac ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jORN CAMPBELl4i UroADtf L e &aOon. ?? TOCHG DRU3 ST. ; DALATHLY.4E, N1RA.I j LENCOR A~i GLEORCHY ?? EveySRwo ?? 1 stati n ~fr03Nown BALLNIAULISE4 ?? ?? EEAi'16ef LoOHaiAOMONinglr;v(DuAndan ~retEDtatUo, k~ MAMad (BuMauLY.u ?? t , j Wn AMc Now~ Rc~ inio INvzu1AwruL DAV.Cl- Lvergty Tafrbnt Io maybel haa the.m d owtbee ofil At row Edinbrghe 024 -~ &xyl,'te.. and Jr. W . MkeztameriDge ASmrctby ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROB TlE SEASIDE AND TOURISTS, E H J3. NrICOL'S 2 nld S Gauinea Tweed and Cheviot Suite. Hs, 3. NICOLJ'8 5 and 4 Guinea Angoloand FanorateatA.Fitd f, J. NICOLL'S 1guinea Tvweed Paletlts, vith Silt Lspes x. J. NICO L'S ?? Llama Dust Coate. E I, J. CIOLL'S Ie, 6d. Tweed 'egllgG Jackets. To behadinMANCHESTT lonlv at tl5 BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT, 10,. ZlEY T1910l'S ' R IINCE'S TEECAMR E, MANC-HESTERB. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. CRARG FORISSET10Nin the Hapsisre Telegrarph. ant Busses Chronicle of small prepaid - advertisements (Not exceeding five lines in length) Is Now 2s. GD. EC, with the exception of the class SITUATIONS B WAN TED the charge for which is 2s. .th Country Advertisers can either remit the amount direct to this office in Postage Stamps, or pay it to our acknow- lodged Agents in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L1,A & PERRINS' WOECESTERSHIRE SAUCE, PROr(OUNCED BY CONNOISSEURS THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE. rr~O guard ?? thae numerous worthless imita- tions of this renowned Cordiment, the public should s for LE3:A AND PERRINS' SAUCE, d see that tbeir names are upon the wrapper, lable, an ~~~stopper, aud bouttle. * Sold WVholesale and for Export, by the proprietors, Worcester; CROSSE and BLACKWELL, London; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EIMPPING NOTICEBS. }jMI(BATION.-IflRP JEAN GOLDMANN by tho Chief Governiaeet 3ml~iat Officera at ivepapoo, ILeaden and Qneenetowvn, will BOOK FASSIISGEBS TO ALL PARTS off the WORLD, at the L~owest Rat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I HE1NRY WALTER TAYLOR, of Pembroke- J..l street, Saint Aldate , Oxford, Livery Stable Keeper, le rebq Dire Nice, that I wvill not be answerable or account- able for an; debt or debts which ny Wifc, JANE TAYLORl, may contract after this date, she having left her home.- HIENRY WALTER TAYL^OR. Witness-CHARLES HADLAND. MIfARSH BALDON FEAST. NOTICE is herebygriven, that no Persons, other thau ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LTLU ~S H RCU, North-8treet.--IMissionte to FO.O erring 1inYWAlher, R0ev. R. Iduse, M.A,, Ph. Dr., ~ BiY.JOSAR rEARSON, of Harrogate, ,ul rr~sh ie te eelyrn (hapel, lI Imilet, To-menrrw. Mr~bn- givin, cv 0. olletions in aid of Trust Fiunis. jOH DFT()flwill preach To-morrow, at 10.30 a~m.,an 'jLAE HAP'EL.-Roev. E. VICKEIDGE allpraoh To-morrow Morning, at l0.oi and the Rhov. J. iy VLin the ...