Advertisements & Notices

... TRHATREI ROYAL, BIRM[jg~uAMj. LAST. NIGHIT A~ND BDENEFIr OF, miss 13IBI;I- B3ATEMAN. R0ME0 AND JULTET. Tococlude with TILEP 1r0sr lily.', THEATRE RQYAL-,16IRl4NGHAM, BENEFIT OF MISS ISABEL BATENMAN, ¶fHlb (FRIDAY) EVEN ING, Novemsber 24. On whifch ?? thewili ar~prrir, for tire firsottier on any stage, in the Chmrsetr of JULILT, indhi ?? of RONILO AND JULIETr. Miss ISABEL RAjI IM VA raisli ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G ~4BT. :;rBDY.:aOW, Q D 2 U>OOI ?? S Co 0 31 KA N, LIVZkBooL. tera~o.from..a1lI tO~ AN 0 00 Dittorl ditt Gen~y 111es' Th d~tto 0to. 1000 ~~ dittoieyer ditto yO 0to 90 00 .~ ?? , _ ?? ~ ~ ~ S ditoro fit b rae whca d3e t In to ' t 3u 0r O l asrat (han arfed Gol Alerto, atd lts pr os ?? theby easo-are J. bL' rn maunftore. and anle (ICISTh Wateht-ae all ooex~ejflhl by erperlreed releo JntweYnery, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8c11OI1 Haovelock Honge, Avlasbury.- AD yto M~&. PAhIP, anatetod by professors. 1116- IA 04 ~ h~riddford; Jag- IKoihioyp Escq. H~olghtey ~ ~ f~tO~fl tipied alnte of the pupilo, ¶Torou onl ~~~~NONOOGGO, M.. of Ohrist.'t Col. (it.,,~aaa. Ioad Toater of the BrAdford tfigh Sohool, ?¶tt'f~,le 'ti'tS, Itktoy. fteor ltorianioO. ,-lm13 nor fjroan louc-Iold, Ititaey. D ZO0e0 rE SHOOL, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The impres Stwaw for ewspapers, ad the privilege of re-transmission over Great Britain and Ireland, i now abolished. The postage has been reduced to id. for news papers of a ljus Are than oen cqpy cannot be seni i'de Om 8t10nP- MZi charge for the HAMrsHIBE TELIGRAPH sent free by post is now as follows :- Prepaid, . ?? 4s. 4d. per Ozaer. On Credit ?? d. , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' R. I. JELLETT, DE N T I S T, b', Lpp'rr Arz/ur PSerep, T -0 THTE, LALTE MIM C. DAVIS wars of Thirteen Years. TF' - tcr atP--ded to Gratis on. T UESDAY and S.L CZuD Ay M'orninfgs from Nine till Ten. I ' OO S X X I D E G A S AMMIMSTrZE'tD tDA=LY BYT -R JOHN C. CLARKE, DENTAL SUT'RGEON, QPl- ic4J Ize - Surgeons, Londo, 8':>.- 30.'to the late ',fr. C. DAB s), -2, ALTTEMUR STREET. 9535 ORGANS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '10 AR TN_-smo Prode ii :vDYo D;'-BROW 84; -: SREE :- 8? W~D' UBLIG AXUBEENTS, , : Royal Alexandra ?? Axe and IotWn.; oya Aph1thstr&-TheLittle Bentliel; aolest; S# - 2 Young Man. : .- . : Iuinee of Wales ?? Thumbi OIeatares da ImPulse. p delph} Theatrc.=-lmour the TaHtar; Claude D6val. egral Colossunm Tbeatre.-The Mormons; lBluesk3n. B.C 4asmee Hall.-Slave Troupe Ml9lltrail. *oottlis Gnreat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S4 i, ?? I ?? .r 11 LI ltLIEOW y t 1' qW1P 'AXSIIATO~ i'A~sliltt.Cc~~i~o',A )-I CA\rr?EkgA. Tj~ 11Ii 'rs) it! fllit mothlydo pistorstoeg Fcr tItI pirrlt i.arvr of rat'it (If f'rtgttl anti lItt'9'tt, apyto S11 N tIY ItATil &' LON, Li ini nlid l Lteiriiherii 10onee, W 4eAMCOt0M ATU NE CA'P[ON ,IV t~I, Ni ?? ?? (,COf On tin touiectee f the Ancoltr NCAI'tLS. N'IESolNA andi lALEI1 i. 0 oi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Asnnosncemnets atre is irI lis Cs this Caams a Siwence f'or Two Beast. h's' eu5sceeiro Linv, i baned 2'wsoessce. in al es se short ass sncet tents mwst be Pre-podri. S COTCH Dyeing and Cleaning Office-WA. Prescott. 8 Lower Abbey-street, Dublin .1 0630 reO those who Buy their ovnl Cloth-A suit of Clothes A. perfectly made, for 16s, at 12 Lower Abbey-street PIClrRR FRAME- of every manufac- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .E. J IN PARLYAMNT-E IO 172 Cl EAT NORTHERN RAILWAY (No.1) Q d gansfr ofBradford. agd Tnornton Ralway-Deviation. ?? Dewsbury-Devlaiton of Ifradford, toocashlsiU, and Mde Railway at IlAtster IPyke-Junotion with the North Londdn Railway-Tlse of a, Portion of North LondsiX Railway and 'of Brooda-street Station-Agreements with North London., London and Northt Western, Midland, and with North ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOHN LA-DYMAN, WASTC AND OLOa MAK, JEWELLER, AND SILVERSMITH, 87,.HANOVR.&STREZT (Vm DOOOR ThOK CHUYRGETRZETl. LIVERPOOL, Gentlemen's Gold Lever Watches, fromen..£2 0 0 to A 0 0 ° DItto dltto Geneva ditto 5 a 0 to 10 0 0 ?? ditto Lever ditto 7 000 0to 0 O Dito ditto Geneva dintt SO O to T 0 0 Silver Lever Watches, from.. . , 44 0 to B 8 0 Silver Geneva ditto I I 0 to 3 a80 EIghten Casat Ohall ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1'EEPAID1 ADVERTISE MENT1S IN THESE COLUMNS: EIQI(,ITRRlN WOiil ?? SXPRENO-iP 'T'iilEM INSERilT IONS ?? I.OXfV 511ffII Nt SIX INSERlTIONS ?? SITUATIONS VACANT. ¶jiOS 0l1i -'MAST LILS18-This Mea itan citr o thet Cort Ii, trI ikl Cttl It fiOO',, Oil icltrti If11.5. ?? ii oardfil tet.j int ii~ivreso API'i,ICA'IoiNS for thlt ?? ot StiF It! Ni1. INIENT cod Sf1 OOLMIASTIMi, which soil Iteeottic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? VLAOAWT.- I~ANTE!D. a hlzbly respectable PERSON. ng,3 fr~om 33 t A W thorounghly cronfietetat tn Keep teed, alseotall tee bo Mono- eloonto l~oroks by d oubloetetry; also to anniet In c ccii or~ndo. One acnistonned to the Tn-noe toroferred. Serurity r~e ulred--h-6oply, Statinggegocondsalary, in firfl Ins~tance, to KY. Z7, Poet otIo' 15towitaprt, Aoton. 2 Clerk Mubwrito go~ ?? (truntk at ...