St. George's Hall

... A drnmatic entertainment Was given at the above Hall on Monday, in aid of a member of the Odd Fellows, who had been suffering from partial less of sight for a long time, and has now become totally blind. This is one of those instances of severe affliction which demand our warmest sympathy; and when we state that the wife of this unfortunate man has been striving to support her husband and four ...

Published: Sunday 14 January 1872
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 664 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... I pASBION AND VARIETIES. I I - ?? THE PRINCE OF WALES. The following corre-spondsilte has taken place between Francis Wakefield, Es 4, Chairmnan of the Wicktlow Town Cominis.'.ioners, and General Knolleys, relative to the Prince of Wales:- 1Wicklow, Jan. 2Z 1872.- Se-I have great pleasaur in requesting You t? con- vey to her MAjjesty the QUeen and Hf RH. the Prin-moss of Wales the ...


... I .FASHIONS FOR JANUARY . I (From the .Miaiirse and Dreamnwk-e) The models which prevailed towards the end of tlte eighteenth century, when the exaggerations of lbug waists and pariers, high-heepled shoes and powdered coiffuros, gave wary to a more rational and becoming, but exquisitely taste- ful style of dress, are those -which our grandest modiates have introduced into fashion again this ...


... PRSAT3RE RowAx,5, nnRunYLANZ. gma Lustse AeND M1AGec, P. D. CuAr7TERese. iermenW P'beno svern oW desday. Frary lath), (enetiing- %y. Prb NOsTin InelnOfeW Doons oepn finuarber-ust 1, eommnenes at quarter to 2. dh~ e aa.s cng, t a week. VWl be performed the t50d Ome anua, ritonbel 1.I, Blalneherdon Hited OM THUMB; r Harlequin King Art nrand the Erdgf teof the ood Table. The'. new and ...


... I TRANSLATIONS Fror BE1rANGER.-XII. MkY COAT. My poor dear old coat, do not fail mc, I pray; Together our youth we've outrun. Ten years have I brushed you myself every day; Not Socrates move could have done. Fresh trials should Fate have in store for your cloth, Though threadbare resist to the end; Like me with philosophy baffle her wrath. 0, let us not part, my old friend ! The first time I ...


... REMvWS OF BOOKS, ROUND THE, WOrTMD. Xurray. Albeniarqc-street -We are indebted to Mr. Smiles, the author o Self-lHelp,'7 and ether popular works, for anotbe' very interesting contribution to the literature o the day. He has edited his eon's account o s voyage ronuxd the world, the incidents o: which wers duly recorded in the young gentle man's diary, and put into publishing form by hi father ...


... I I I ?? ENCHANTED EMBERS. When bright flames nlicker o'er the burning coal, And throw gaunt shadows on the dusky walls, Anid my black cat sits by the mouse's bole With two round glaring eyes like fiery balls, Then in your ruddy, sympasthetic blaze I see old friends and live in other days- Live o'er again a time that was to this As sunny summer is to winter's cold, Or as long troubles are ...


... 4ti . V otttv. THE NATION'S VIGIL. Dy J. GREGORY. IT is fifty days to-morrow tuee a Plnsire hushilg sorrow ,oetfl the happy homes of llnglantd; A itd along the trembling widr Stot the Stift contagious tiding 'o our msauif old abldings ?? hau my spirit in her hid)ings ilaw a Faly arnm'ds with fire, By hili fountains of a palace, lo)r-15 it, il a royal chalice; And to slay the Prince uf Cymri ...


... LST night Othello was produced at the Theatre, with Mr. Sullivan as Othello, Mr. War- den as Iago, Mr. Cathcart as Cassto, Miss Con- stance Young as Desdevmona, and Madam iuddart as Emilie. The other parts were well filled, so that w-e had what may be denominated a strong cast. There was a good average house, the tragic nature of the piece and the uncertainty of the weather notwithstanding. ...


... RY AND DOG SHOW. This exhibition, so long looked forward to with general interest, commenced yesterday in the ,Ehi- bition Palace, under the auspices and direction of the Ornithological Society of Ireland. For some months past the members of this association have been most active in their exertions to make the National Dog and Poultry Show worthy of the country, and, the expectatioas which ...


... X ON AD VAMBETIE& * _ E * I i] Ginozi rede .lrs l o THE PRINCE OF WALES SPECIAL TELEGRAM. {From our Corretpondent.) Limerick, Tuesay Night. The followin g reply to the address of cungratulation from the city magistrates was received to-day by the Mayor :-Safdringham, King's Lynn. January 27, 872. General Sir William Ynollys has received the in- structions of the Princess of Wales to assure ...

The Ladies' Column

... I Ei~bt Labito' Coiumn I New Year's Day is the gran fite of the year for the Pirisians, when we aU do our best to be courteous and gay. Everybody seemed as merry as possible on the opening of 1872; the gifts that were interchanged were most numerous, and in many instanoes magnificent; luxury was apparent on all sides, the dire calamities of 1871 were for the moment forgotten. Bonbons were ...