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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, ANI) DEATh ii. Clla~rgee fovr ansussnemrresi of .t. rr eg's. 'JaX . rii, ,,1£ cad Deaths, 18. 6d. each; a4'SU. i,;'rcr i;). amount marst .s ein cases, be , finn. pi it I Farrell-January 13, at 46 )ule-irave street, 1i( ?? in, the wife of Mr. Win. Farr 1I. ?? :. t, 1. Kirng-January 13, at 4 St. Vinert-t- qmre, th, en , James King, Esq., Begstown. ?? Jlceatb, f 3.4,, still ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES. A-ND DEATH.i. Ckairua7c for annou ncement Cf Afar7 iof,' CL@ J.,I. ane Desths, Is. 6d. eacd; st cI it-v- : awount mA in e cases, be r'paid- Et iRT1I1S, Davits-Januaryl0, atS_ Itsrgr0et-, t.-: of Frederick D. Davi-s,&q ?? ?? Yourelle-January 9. at Can:-ost nH ?? rM.- ?? the wife of JohnJ. Youreil, ?? q- Beeche and Andrew-Oc -r ,, a - N Zealand, by the Rev. J. Bi, I J v ' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE REV. JOHN PHELAN, P.P. So soon after the death of Father Ryan, it is our mnelancholy duty to record to-day the demise of the lev. John Phelan, P.P, Tullfherin. The diocese of Ossory will mourn the death of one whose piety and zeal everyone admired, and whose friendship everyone valued. As curate sand parish priest he laboured for 46 years in the ministry in promoting every good ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHiS.; Claares for tnsnare ,ree-nrent of Jforriayee, Os. Cii, It1,,j and Booths, Is. Cd. eac.h; arnd to inbvire ?? .0 armount must, in al1 cazeese be pa;C. BlRi'H. ' IKicrans-On Christmas Eve at XNavan, rorimtvV '-air the wife of Firacis isr.srns, En. . odili r of 1ILL Recvcnne, of a son. DEAVTS Cleayy-January 6, at S Alsercorn-terrace, MIr.. Mary Cieary, aged S2 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHls, Charges for caanneesnst of Marriages, 2t. Ud.. oj t As and Deaths, Is. 6t. each; and to isture ersir.- 6,r le amnt muse, in all cassm, be frspaid. BIRTHS. Bapty-January 27, at Hope House, Rathgar, ttb ire Frederic Bap;ty, of a dlaughter. Fitz-Simon-Jauuary £7, at Glancullen. the a'e of -. O'Connell Fitz-Simor. of a eon. Stephens-January 2,, the anife of Richld. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH1S, MARRIAGES, AND DlE ?? Chitrges for OfiO5Sfld6OV300ofr g 31.nrrisav.jta; , d.. .,j B. onfl Deaths, Is. 64. etac; ar;'t tr ie .. - , amoenet snws, in ai easee, be -oVsaid. BI RTHS. Coffey-January25, at 'Z3 Lower Bridzre ?? the wife of James Cvffey. ot ad gsuht- . McDonald-January 2 5, at Saint Marlas, wife of Edward MIcDonalid, Eq, of a .i1tl MA$RRI AG ES Badbaln and Luckie-jatu ry 18, ...


... ND DEATHS, Charge, for anarsnwceiwsrt of Mhrrages, ZL. Bd., of 5r6tj and Dcaths, Is. 6d. eaol.; asnd to isture inaertiss t4 amount sts, in aU o , be preid. BIRTHS. Conroy -December 31, at 12 Great Denmark-streec, rho wife of J. G. Convey, Esq., of a daughter, Fay-January L at 73 Lower Gardiner-street, the wife ci P. ?? Fay, Esq., of a daughter. DEATHS. Begg-December 31, at 5 Upper George's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRL4GES, AND Di.l ?? Charges for ansunauncesfesst of Mfarras ,. rtcd, of ?? and Deat, Is. 6d. euch; andl to in> ?? amnount musst, it al raeS, be rsspao'. BIETIl. O'Donohoe-January ?? the %x ife of Ur. T.;. u' D a. 4 flawkin's-street, of a daughber. MARRIAG ES. Halbert and Lenoban-January 10, at t'-e Ch ?? - . Three Patrosri, Rathgar, by the 11tev. ?? rl- - Tere a, only daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE COUNTESS OF GRANABD- REQUIEM MASS AT WEXFORD. (From our Specia Reporter.) Wexford, Fridqr. The Pontifical Office sad Requiem Mau8 for th repose of the soul of the late lamented Countes of Granard was celebrated to-day in the church of the Immaculate Conception, Rowe-street. The service by which the Church supplicates in behalf of a departed soul is among the moot inopreehiv%~ asit ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, ANiD DEATHS. Chlarme for annou nceint of 3arriages, 2& Ed.. of Bir h and Dcea, Is. 6d. each; cr4 to insure insertior. 1.te amwunt mst, in alu easies be prrepal BIRTHS. Smith-January, 3, at 5 Alexandr4-torrace, Bray. C wxifo of John J. Snmitb, Esq., of ason. Walker-January 3. at 44 Blcssiug ton-street, the utiv; Chambtrlain hichard Walker, of a daughter. MAE RI a GE. Donnelly ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. Clics6pee forr announcment of Mfarrajs 2a §d., oj 6 rV fand Dceahs . &d. each; ard to insure iree rti-n Mt amount aie in as, be rv'-ra MARRIAGE. Healy and O'Conzor-January 17, at the Church of SL Francis Xavier, Upper Gardiner-street, Dublin, by the Rev. John M'Glew, P P., Nobber, caunty M-ith, Jamles, eldest son of the late James Healy, l~i., of Farganlstowo, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AD DEATHS. Charoce for ar.n. noement of Marria7eu, 2h ft, of Birtf and DeathS, 1i &I. each; and to wiure insertion ths amount mast'. MlN cases, be ppoaid. BIRTHS. Bull-January l, a' the residence of her father; Jo-ie:A Green, Ese-, Barna House, Newport, county Tipperar*, thenife of Robert George Bull. Esq., Sulbiepeo:, Royal Irish Constabulary, Miwchestown, of a son 3cNerney ...