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... IB Le t. The Dark Blue. (London: The British and 1g ColoDial Publishing Company, Limited, Sla, Fleet Street.)-The two leading stories in this[ l well-conducted monthly are, as our readers are eraware, Lost, by John C. Freund, the editor, adld Carmilla, by Sheridan le Fanu. The e, other contributions are of the usually miscella- a neous character. Reminiscences of a War e Correspondent, ...


... The Public Schiol Atlas ofkfodern Geography (London: Longmftns, Green and Co.)-Tbi, new Atlas contains thirty-one maps, exhibiting clearly the more important physical features of the countries delineated and noting all the chief placesof historical, commercial or social interest. The work has been edited by the Rev. George Badter, M.A., Principal of Liverpool College, who, in the coarse of ...


... COUgr AND TASHION. The Poit announoes that the approaching session of Parliament will be opened by the Queen in person. It is now hoped that Lord Carnarvon's convalescence is established. The Italian Court has gone into mourning on account of the death of the Marquis Spinola. On Tuesday the Queen distributed New Year's gifts to the children on the Osborne estate. The Princess Louise and the ...


... The municipal council of Bordeaux hbs refused a further subsidy to the theatre. The American tour of Mladame Arabella Goddard will commence in August next. 31r IV. Bagehot is preparing a new and revised edition of hig work on The English Constitution. Mlr Henry T. Tuckerman, American art critic and biographer, died in New York on the 17th of De- cember. in his fifty-ninth year. Julius ...


... lVnsley'8 lfagazine. (Lon dou: 18, Catherine Street, Strand.)-The first number for 1872 con - tains a great variety of in teresting matter, over and above a curiously egotistical, tawdry con- tribution from the pen of Henry Kingsley. Here are a few thoughtful verses entitled DREAMS. In my early years I began to weave Bright dreams for my future hlie How true did my foolish heart believe I ...


... Fromn the Comic Papers ?? other sources.) A Fireside Tale-The cat's. Call a spade a spade ; you may call stockings A new version of an old ?? the poor Indian ? What should a clergyman preach about ?-AXiout a quarter of an hour. When does a man impose upon himself ?-When he taxeshis meroly. When was Desdemona like a ship in port ?-When she was Mloor-ed. An old lady, writing to her son, warns ...


... Prof. Seeley's lectures at Cambridge next term -re to be on the Reign of Geirge the Thiid. ' Les Faux Bonshuonmes' of E. Sardou is the latest revival at the Paris Vaudeville. mr H. T. Craven has re-appeared at the Strand Theatre, playing in his own drama, ' The Post-Boy.' Alr A. W. Hunt is engaged in painting, for the coning exhibitions three landscapes The subjects are sutpp~lied by the ...


... Si The death is annlotinced of DI. Alexandre Blarechal. S the clown Of ?? dramatic authors. Di. fjesplechiim, a popular scene-painter and decora- tor of the Opera, Paris, is dead. Dlr /eorge Cruikalhank has in preparation an auto. biography. h The Governient of India has offered 100 for a el simple mnedical manual, for the use of officers whose ca duties takc them far from medical aid. Nv ' La ...


... GOOD Boosts.-A good book is the precious life- I blood of 4 ris'sts-r-spirit, embalmed and treasured up I on purpose to a life beyond life.-Millon. dust ?? is nogreater mistake, and few more c urnireni among us, than that of imag- ining that there is so uis line for whilich we, have a special aptitude could we only fird Out what it is. Depecnd ull) ll it if it is in us, it will have shown it- ...


... Mir Payne's new volume of poems, 'Songs of Life and Death,' will appear shortly. The second volume of Prior Vaughan's 'Life and Labours of S. Tbomus, of Aquiu ' is nearly ready. BITr ;mcdley. Benal ?? Service, has discovered sonic valuable ancient inscriptions int Lehar. Signor ?? ninuao Cannizzaro is preparing a large collection of ua'l 'blislied Sicilian 'Caati Popolsri.' A new republican ...


... COURT AND IWASHION. The report of Lord Milton's illness is icontra- dieted. The Princesa Louise and the Marquis of LorA'e have Ileft Paris for Cannes. It is rusmoured that Signor Mario is about to marry the sister of an English Duke (Beaufort). i i The eighth birthday of His Royal Highness Prince Albert Victor was observed at Windsor, on Monday, with the customary bonours. Sir Richard ...


... Earl Granvillo is suffering from gout at Walmer Castle. The Emperor of Drazil will remain in France until the end of January. It is stated that a baronetcy is to be conferred on the Right Hon. Alerander Macdonnell, one of the Irish Educatiorr Commissioners. King Amadeuls has conferrel the order of the Golden Fleece upon Piinca Fredejick Challes of Pru scia. The Ohaerrer is informed that, on ...