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Amateur Theatricals at Hams Hall

... One of those very pleasant entertainments that are periodically given at Hawrs Hall took place on the 5th inst., when, despite the drencbing rain, neafry 200 guests-composed of metabers of the nobility, neighbouring gentry, and resident tenantry-gathered together in response to the cordial invitation of Sir Charles and Lady Adderley. These reunions are looked forward to, more especially by the ...

Published: Sunday 14 January 1872
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 581 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THiE new political movement in Ireland has already gathered about it a literature of defence, apology, and explanation. If pamphlets could help, us to an understanding of the matter, we ought not to remain Unenlightened. Mr. MacCarthy has contributed a book of advocacy which has the merit of being distinct and lucid, though it may not be difficult to show that his mild and apparently cogent ...

Crystal Palace Winter Concerts

... Crystal PalaCe Winter Concerts. one trst ot the second series of these admirable concerts took place on Saturday, when a programme not only attractive but free from all that was commonplace amply rewarded the visitors who thronged to enjoy it. Mozart's Zaubeiqfote overture, the grandeur and originality of which can never tire the lover of the highest school of musical art, was one of the items ...

Published: Sunday 28 January 1872
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 517 | Page: Page 13 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... T.ONDON BALLAD CONCERTS, The third concert of the series teolo place on Wednesday evensng at St. James's Hall, and, as is invariably the case at these concerts, attracted a very large audience, which can harl he ondredat when we consider the excellence and variety of the programme. First let us mention that Mr. Sius Reeves not only appeared hot sang in his most exquisite style, Meeting With a ...

Published: Sunday 21 January 1872
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1108 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... i -, buffBRRET LITERATURE. I . . MIDDULEHAROH. Pool. 4I. of Middlemarch (Blackwood and Sons) 3 comes t, ,romind us of our interest in s series of c pervona t&\whom we were introduced some two nmonlhs ago0.' That look bak is instructive. How is it that w4-:eenu to recall these people, not so much ns figurae in some play or scene invented by an artist, as in\ the midst of ordinary life, and ...


... THE DRAMA OF KINGS. * IN BUCHANAN, abandoning for the nonce the themes of low life by Which he won his earlier laurels, sets out with the ambitious object of Putting in poetical shape the higher lessons of recent events in Europe. E's new work is a trilogy of tragedies mounted by Lucifer and a corn- Pany of supernatural supernumeraries, and represented for the entertain- Ient of the Lord, ...


... IREIEWS OF BOOKS, TO DuPBLN UTIj'ERSITY MAGAZiNE. Hurst 6 ,gaiBckett. A Fragment of Italian Ebtory ) ra=4 a very attractive paper, whilst The Lives f ?? Lord Chancellors of Ireland seem as ahmsh they would never end. Worthy men, rfaps, in their way, but not of suflicient note or nss ence to occupy pages of a periodical for h yam Paris under the Empire is a sketchy s duaciiption of the ...


... L I T E R A.T U W L' - - o - ?? Iii}ANE. resnisrl Bar Is one of thc beit of 'the many light ,,riodicals. As a' rule, its articleS are well written ,,od ice fiction is amusing. The contributors are Viostly those whose opinions airo worth recording. IVe are, however, about to make objection' to the pijent feature of the Inst fve orrairparts of this popular magaidue-tbt is, to Miss;Brobghton'e ...


... SoLA Imame AND MANiAeNT, Y. Bi. (hraeeof.r Morning Perfrmonres every wednesayaosd SlIatOatl ttfI Saturday, February 'ki. flvelulS 14 and degtru th week, weill be Performoadhe . Cod saaannual, verittenbyBi. .BLons Table. TheeneGlind oh i ecude a thou pconI uevilna T~4 Right, n AWT3T l~jawdG Yoks 0 hagrlest HanddveyHrved ucln- the Mihes Themeascmpoed nd eletedby ofW C. at?. Box ...


... A Q U A T I C S. Royal London Yacht Club, The proceedings on Monday evening were of a most important cha- racter, not only to the cause of yachting, but most materially influencing the destiny of this Club. Without further preface we proceed to detail them. It was the night for the annual election of officers, and in the opening of the evening and during the transaction of the routine btuiness ...

Published: Sunday 21 January 1872
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 993 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... CURRENT LITERATUBE. - - I Count Beugnot's Life and Adventures, ,rnslated by Miss Charlotte M. Yonge (London: ;,:urst and Blackett, two vols.), are full of interest, dealing as they do with the interior ,of a historical period of the gravest moment, 'and giving us pictures by an eye-witness of scenes and personages whose real characters *Have been rather bidden than exposed through ,the pens ...


... T7HE AR TIS T. THE religion of Art is served as promiscuously as some Hindoo shrine by the Ganges. From the holy Brahmiin who communes closely with his deity, through the infinite orders of a tolerably respectable priesthood, the suite of his godship shades away to the tag-rag and bob-tail, who practise orgies for rites in the outer courts and whose inborn idleness counsels them their vocation ...