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Advertisements & Notices

... famous Kent Morella, supersedes the use of Wine in many ?? much favoured by Sportsmen, and is also recommended by the Medical Profoinin as a valnablo tnnic in cases of weakness. Ordur of any Wine Merchant, or direct ot T. GBANT, Distillery, Maidstone, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tonic in cases of weakness. Order of any Wino Merchant, or direct of T. GRANT, Distillery, Maidstone, at 42s. per doz. cash. Carriage paid. OCTOBER BREWINGS. The GOLDEN HOP PALE ALE. 16s. Gd. per Firkin; 33s. per Kilderkin. SOLE AGENT, J. Z A Y O, WINE AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fed to be the ,- ^ T * , most useful and Perfect OTU1CLU;:IN min the Market for every AND kind of Work for Boot ?? ..1OWEI~rNG ?? or No. 2 Boot- I Closing Maohine, £7 108. Same Machine, SEWING with Vibrator for J Floweriug, to be used or Rf ACH:IXE. not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Merchant, or direct of T. GRANT, Distillery, Maidstone, at 42s. per doz. cash. Carriage paid. FAMILY ALE, 10s. Gd. the 9 Gallon .. THE NOURISHING STOUT. 4. perdoz. Imp.Pints; 32s.perEilderkin; 16s.perFirkin. The GOLDEN HOP PALE ALE. ,s. per doz, Imp. Pints; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... moderate on application at his residence, 12, vacation.'s-tr Southsen. Private lessons given during the in GEORGE ELLIS, B] BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURER, 111, QUEEN STREET, PORTSEA.&. Established 1815. A LARGE ASSORTME}NT OF FRENCH SHOES. ex jfJORTGAGE.-SUMS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... North Wall, Dublin; J~snns HARtTIEY & CO.,S 137. Leadleahall-street, or 'at Miller's Wharf, Lower East t Smithfield, and West Kent Wharf, Southwark, London- W. & E. C. CAENEy, Falmouth; H. CLARK & SON, Or H. J' to WARImN, Plymouth; LE FEuvxx & SoN, Southampton; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... North Wall ,Dublin; JAsxne HARTLEY & Co., 137, Lesaienball-strcet, or at Miller's Wharf, Lower East Smithifiold, and West Kent Wharf, Southwarkc, London; y IV. & E. C. CAU~n,. Falmouth; R. CLAnus & SON, or H. J. g WARINe, Plymouth; LE FEUvin & SON, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5, North Wall, Dublin; JsmEn HARTLEY & Co, 1j7, Leadenha~l-street; or at Miller's Wharf, Lower East 1 Smitfield, and West Kent Wharf, Southwark, London; . W. & E. C. CABNE, Falmouth; R. CLARX & SON, or H. J. WARING & Co., Plymouth; LE FEUVRE & SON, South- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sauces, &c.; Chocolat Menier; Price's Paralsne and Palmitine Candles. N.B.-ALnnm'iT and SoN have placed a box at 6 Castle-place, Kent-road, Southsea, and will execute the same day all orders left there before five o'clock,,p.m.: B U RD E TT, (FROM 0. CADBYS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5, North Wall, Dublin; JAMES HARTLEY & CO., 187, Leadenhall-street; or at Miller's Wharf, Lower East b Smithfield, and West Kent Wharf, Southwark, London; - W. &; E9. C. CASe, 1;Falmouth; R. CLARK & SON, or H. J. WARsMGse & Co., Plymouth; LE FEumBE & SON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEETH BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. Regular attendance as follows. At PORTSMOUTH, the thirdl TUESDAY of every month, at Mr. Davis's Boot Establishment, 123, Highi-stireet. At A R EHAM, the day before the third Tuesday of every month, at Mr. C. Batchelor's, Chemist ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EGAN, 5,North Wall, Dublin; JAXES HAnTLEY & Co. 137. L ahenall-street, or at Miller's Wharf, Lower East ' Smithfield and West Kent. Wharf, Southwark, London; W. &E. . CANEFalmuth B. L~ic & ONor.HJ. WARING, Plymouth; LEi FiguviSE & SON, Southampton; - or ...