... THE ORATORY PLAT. Aftsr reposing for a couple of years upon their well-won histrionic laurels, the pupils of the Edgbaston Oratory School came up on Friday evening, like giants refreshed, to the scene of their former successes-the great class room overlooking the Haglay Road- and demonstrated, to tbe satisfaction of the large audience present, that long disuse had neither rusted their weapons, ...


... TIllS MONTH'S MAGAZINES. SECOND NOTICE. Xaccem ?? second of two leotures ..The Middle Ages and the Revival of Learning appears this month. They were originally delivered at the Edin! burgh Literary and Philosophical Institutio; and will be readavithmuchinterestbythestuldent. The author's researches extend over a wide field of literature. Mr. Black's Strange Adventures of a Phaeton is con ...


... MISUELtkfximous. The ?? -cdm~xiiion opens o~ueans 3, and closZ Jul Wde o31en onk Thutdar, May, Bear.Admiral W. H. Stewart has accopte the perma-. nent poat of Cemptroiler onf the Navy. A marriage Is, it in reported, on the ?? between Miss Fox, the daughter of Lady Holland, ana Prince Withen- gensteii A Cockney archseologist, who has recently visited Salls. bury Plain, says that Stonehenge is a ...


... A correspondent of tfhe N 7w Yc 2is w~rites from Susquehanna Depot, Peansylvala, on the 12thinst. The proverbiali hatred of cartain. clasies of ?? to negroes his been ilaustratedai this place bya most fiendish and unhesrd'of aot. A few days sinea there eame here, frora Hawley, Penn., onone of the Erie freight traia. a negro boy, abut 13 years old. By-his qualit and amusing notionr he becase ...


... BIlTNOHAM ROYAL SOCIETY OF; ,RTEW B XAUTUMNR EHBIXHON ' THIRD NOTICE. Among the numerous figure afiblect which IPpO 5uQ1 unwonted animation and human Interest to ihe. prieet exhibition, M~e large Canvas (LOI) by Urs. B. toug, whlch: OCCOPIesthe place of honour, Li s mole prihcePi. It Is 1urns. questionably a mnarteuly production, whether we regard Its' spviritual or Its icohinosi qualities, ...


... FESTIVAL OF THE TIEME CHOIRS. [F- LFrom out- Correspmndeat.1 WoRoaes, Thursda. Last night's concert at the College Hail wan triiumph. The hall wax filled nearly to the door, and the allery, which on Tuesday had notl 50 ocupant, overfioweld. The sipecil uttraction was the selection from gandel's serenats formed on Milton's L Allegro and II Penseroso. The rest of the sohemo war made up of ...


... j1rHH OAT SHOW AT THE CRYSTL PALAOR. ! This being the third oi the Anuual Cat Shows 'which have been instituted at the Orystal P'alace, offers a fair test of the likelihood thee Is of similar exhibitions bsbeoming pormauently popular with the public. Yester- day was the first open day, aud judging by the number of Visitors, and their style and apnearanoe, we should be very snuob inclined to ...


... TH P1an0~B GALI. The Spadiou and well .adapted galleries, which miuge on the opposite sides of Ithe Horticultural oardenor over the arcades, ere not so amply fied ,as ?? were last year. but the visitor will probably find that quite enough has been done for his gratiflostiin) without taxing the powers of ordinray mortals too far, and with- out cloying the appetite for beautiful th4age, The ...


... I = ' 1 - i l-s l - l K K . . l The 4o f~abs~a~ week included per-. formanoss dlo flno Suite in D for orchestra, aud; JhbAchl I Hungaria oonoerto, both for tho first timei atthese concrts-eagoh withthe adirantop of.*_qiloei- lent band of the establishment, ooaddetad by'Mr. Manu, f endthlast natmedwork with the special feature of tho. iric0 gmerble performanoe of the composer. - A= ...


... CURRENT jlITERATURE. Sir George Jackson, who died in 1861, was a, public servant whose performances were far more useful than ostentatious. From the year 1801 to' the year 1859 he was in the diplomatic and foreign service. During that long period he was discharg- ing onerous and delicate functions at the mosbtit- portant junctures in modern history. He was in Paris when Bonaparte was First ...


... Yiftraturt. MAGAZINES FOR JANUARY. I1'THIRD NOTICE.J Mjacmillan'~sjlagazine. No. CXLVII., January. London: MACMILAN and Co.. 16, Bedford-street, Covent-garden. Macmnillaa opons the year wall. The early chapters of a now novel by Mr. W. Black, ontitled 1Tue Strange Advert- tutros of a Pi'ntont are bright, enticing reading; and Mrs. Fawcett. diecusses tbe bearings of National Debts upon ...


... e ' The 15th annual exhibition of the Derby Canary and o Ornithological Society was held In the Corn Exchange on ae Saturday and Monday. Previous shows bad been held in I the Lecture Hall. but that place having been engaged the is committee were compelled to resort to the Corn Exchange, it which'was not at all too large for the exhibition. Indeed, id the entries this year were so numerous, ...