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... You may brag of your fathers, but what, man alive, Is their glory compared unto mine? Your Grandsire was out inr thefor*y-jlrc, I was one of the fifty-nine.; rts more than a hundred and twenty ycara Since for bondage he flung up his hat; Whilat I-what I could do-did this very year; Nowv, isn't there som'shing in that? And he, too, what else was there that he could do, Brought up as he was and ...


... TRANSLATIONS FBOM BERANCGER. I7 irr xxxv'. NO MORE POLITICS. You, who my heart's own darling- are, Yet -vho so oft complain That of its love too much by far My country cloth retain. Since politics fatigue your ear, What can I but obey; Henceforth, my darling, never fear, Of them no more I'll say. Weli pleased, no doubt, within their hearts, *Mv rivals felt when I Extolled the triumph of the ...


... .JTERATUB.R . - a WoUR WORa Iw..-TH: Coc.-s | *^L13or Roax OF SOBUrrWE S.J, sdted, with 14einonri, Introdurction; and $ote3, by the Rev. Alexander Ballehrsart, of St Oecie'B, Blackburn, Ljancashire., of keen scent are attracted by raiften as much as byworth. Bibliophi- are of rmany classes, and bibliographers e h their own Set theme and scheme. lorer3 of all sorts, however, are interested ...


... 7 - DULI \ X I- , ; T Il T}IE DULN-BIBITION. i IN settin apart the- Central Transept or Nave ras the ritish and Foreign Department, -the - Commissioners doubtless mitended-to give the Dublin Exhibition an internationals character. of In this they have not been successful; There gu are, only a few exhibitors from ILdndof, End- du sdersfield, and other English towns while -tbe an, number of ...


... SOIREE.S, CONOERY'S LE 2TU s & IdFESTIVAL OF THE WINE, SIl IS ?? TRADE, 't The eis th annual festival of the eelplcos Wine, Spirit.TAd Ber Trade of Gclgow ., ^ustrenightin the City Hill, which 3rcro~vded. Mr Robert -Robin occupied ti `'ii kend was Suported by Councillor Steel l baid re I'Willim. R, Robi n, e '>1oo Bid M'Intosh, A. Fraser, DaiIrymi1. ip\ 0 &c. A Efter tea, . Id T The CHAth ...


... THIEAkiR4LS IN LONDON. - , ; ' . , ?? . z . ' . .sjiO.'A CORRESPONDENT.) I. TII revival of 'Dryden's Amphytrion' at the 4t Royal Court Theatre is an event worthy of 0 at least passing notice. Written in Glorious Johni's latest and best style, and fortunate in e its principal 'oharacter having such a tepresenta. e tive as Betterton, this vigorous comedy, or very it diverting entertaiument; ...


... 3iRENFREW LEEK AN D- I AlThN8 sbowt Which WAR i-j,wi t. nl . .. at; This show,'which wag ?? on ;was held in the Queen's 114I1 p day lsat. The capacious lal.jilld tr, cipally with leeks and ortcil,,A I * the very unfavourablhe season, Ine% rf thb, n as, sown aonion Measured froin ~~I, ce t to! cumference, and were of the ?? t ll 'CC1, on; leeks were very, nunmeropos and extra lsr..5 let: them ...


... CURIOJS EPITAPHS.-No. II. (Ro'o A CORRZSPONDbENT.) 1. In St Dunstan's Churchyard, Stepney, Lon- don- Here lies the body of Daniel Satl, Spittaiflelds Weaver-and that's all. 2. In Chester Cathedral Grafeyard, on a woman named Catherine Gray, who had kept a potter's shop in the town- Beneath this stone Iles the old Catherine Gray, Changed from a busy life to lifeless clay By earth and clay she ...


... J 1TERATUARJ Dmscouitss BEARING UPON THE SONSorr ALII9 BROTHERHiOOD OF BELIEVxEiR, and ,other. kindred subjects. By Robert S. Cmtnlusiji D.D., &o. Edinburgh: Adatn & Oarlesc Black. 1872. WE .are very glad, to see Dr Capdliss. nainI onice rmoreoon the -titlel age ?? i that pliasureive aro sie Will b ?? Altogethir frtbfitheir opifoiY f of the book ifMP ikor ?? igusi to foar th~t, his. *v, or~k, ...


... SOIREES, qONOCRTS, ECTURES, &o. L TsLxGitAPH CLEnxW A1gNNuti, FsTIVALa.-Tbe I ?? of the telegraphempnfyds was held in 'the-Assembly Rooms Bath Street, on Tuesday I L ?? Riohard Hobson, Postmaster, in the v c1ehair, In the course of his'address, the Chairman c stated that the incease in the number of messages v . passingthrough the Glasgow offlce during oneweek v in November this year, compared ...


... TH r~iT~o- YAL4~RO RO -'1679 ' thaviing been . withdrawn b to bhe re- sy!n 4ived, we shoui hopee, Qf some 'futumire 0062ln; l rer --'Rob Roy! was 'producedl: orn' 1 Situ sk' ckvenig, with a few novelties in the cai'twhio W arrant a line. or* two. - In the ;flrst place,Q Pel- lFrancis GsbcididdhS,; being trpreiei t5d ,.y a BV- 'lady, is ifn more senises; than one a mIsrepresen- -he ...


... LIZTEIRA TU> CIEZNCE, & -ART ITMZS, I rOE. G4HT [KS- t.l y to 'ance The and zens it a ratio heir that 'our. very 3ned eing n of cies. Atest ness eant semI iked d to inti- but a to 'ich- .nes- ,ein ,ets, 11 to ed. the for- 0e 3i ,ddi- will s of yore i to *UE. THE Refius Professorship of Physic at Cam- bridge University, vacant by the resignation of Dr Bond, has been accepted by Dr Psget, ...