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Reynolds's Newspaper



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Reynolds's Newspaper

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... D. WE 3ATZ -o MSAZZ!l X.. - A Naples co.xreespc et of tiie Times writesuader date Mareh 18:- Al parties in Italy ib unitedin doing honour to the mtmory of Giuseppe Razziai, and the municippl body of Naples, at the end of 12t week, on expressink their senti- ment3 of admiraton of Mia u. wearied patriotism and regret at his deathb-resolvsd on con(ribating to a monu. mebt to be erected in his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... : ?? . O, 1 C I I . ! O SIAE GEOROVf Pi LLOXCS' FUNRSAL, Tee' funeral ot Field-Farshal- Sir George Pollck, E C69stableOef ?? ' London, took place in West. s minster Abbey on Weduesday afternoon. The body was conveyed from- the late Field-Marshal's residenco, t la4hpam-dofnmon, in &; plain hearse, followed by five mourning comches t the Vauxhall'Station of tho London a and Sonth Western Rwilay; ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... | IAMS OP VXSCOUNTESS 1AO0NSFPIMLD I As we announred last week, the illness Under which Lady Beazoasfield laboured had entered a phase which 'precluded AJl hopes of recovery. After several months' illnves with caneer, when inflammation of the ?? asupervened, her ladyship was too weak to rally, and she had been continually getting weaker. At a qearter past twelve on Sunday she expirei. The late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NAr.MAGE OF A CATHOLIC PSIEST. We find in the Teoars of Tuesday the letter of Father Hyacintbe, in which he announces his marriage abroed. The father was married to Mrs. Meriman, an American widow. This letter wkhih is dated Paris, August 25, extends over two columlns, and enters elaborately into the question involved; The father commences by remarking that his character of priest, which he ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATE OF THZ RAUL OF YAONSDALE. The Earl of Lonsdale died snddenly late on Mende night at his house on Carlton How terrace. His death was quite unexpeoted, as he bad been out for a drive during the day and appeared in his usual health and spirits. After dner his lordship retired to the library' sad while dozing, as was supposed, in an easy chair, he expired without the slightesi convulsion. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH Or THZ QUEEN'S SIXSTE. The Queen received on Monday the intelligence of the death of her sister, the Princess of Hlohenlohe-Langen- burg, who expired at Baden, Bnden. This news hns caused the Queen the profoundest grief and sorrow. The princess's declining health had to a certain exteut of late prepared the Queen for this event, but the rajid termination of the illness was unexpected. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... rUN2nAL OP LADY EACONSPIXELD. On Thursday the mortal remains of Mary Ann Disraeli, Viscountese Beaconsfield, were interred in the fssmily vault in Hughenden Church. The ceremony, in accordance with the wish of the de ceased lady, was of.the simplest character, Almost all the paraphernalia of mourning-'hearse, mourning-carriages, plumes, scarves, and flowing hat- bands-wero absent irom a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAILEXAGM O' W1. ZlNRZ 3iOCZEFOZT. A Paris correspondent of the Globe, deecaibing the marriage on Thursday of M. Bochefort, writes:- Few romances of fiction have imagined for their climax an incident so pathetic as the marriage of DI. Rochefort, with all the circamstances which, in fact, sur. rounded it yesterday. Several years ago, vhen the man now condemned to detention for life was the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATE 02 MS. T. GOP-DUN M3BErNN [From the DaC1il News ] The death of the editor of the New Yorkc Herald is ae event which will add another senaetion to the wono which America is experiencing feom ths exoitea couditiea of its internal end Poraign politios. The disappearance from the atreetS of New York of the well-known features of the cynical and canny Scotohmanr, end tho oefesation of his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -DEATH Of D. ROAMN -M&LE-OU. u Doetor Norman Macleod, ediitor of G Goao Words, minister of the bsrony parisb, Glasgow, and Dean of the Otaer of the Thistle, died on Snday, at his reeidence, 204, Bulth street, Glaegowr. Eheod bnae ?? illfor t Iree I days, and died from effaeion in~o the pericrdium. The deceased was born at Carmnballtown, Aygylesbire, in 1812, and studied st tee Uaive sieas o ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I wi1axh.s or OP X ARQUZ 0o Zuwx. [Frome the Time.] On Tuesday the wedding of ord. Bate 'with ais, Gweandoline MarF Anne Fit% Alan Howard, eldest daugh. tr of Lord Howard of Gloeop, 'was solmaized in the LChapel of the Oratory of St. Philip Nero at Brompton, by Axcubihop Meaning, aasisted by Monseignor CapeL The hour fixed for the ceremony was 11 am., bat long before that time every available ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DIRTH OF A YOUNG HIPPOPOTATM1US AT TEB. ZOOLOGICAL GAnDMNS. Mr. Frank Buckland, writing to Land and Water, I nam delighted to be able to issue a bulletin that the 'Little Stranger' has at last arrived. Mr. Bartlett, residet superintendent of the Zoological Gardens, has been good enough to inform me that this interesting event took place this morning, November 5th, at 7.15 a.m. Both mother ...