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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIR-THS, IXARRIAGES, AND DEATHS ArM ttow.n-d at tit., ?? at Two Ilarm i i Oa ?? fl 7, C-f. ard ?? frG i_,very wl-7utiotrr ?? vords. Ati n' a'iuj~rni, tn, ?? o7..o-tv . -i b,, tIn) itse arid f..M'rx-r.r- -4 .i; ii1(A VI.. n¼-,U nil:d Dtfr. F.WI. 02 t I io'-O ~t r In ~r S. ?? A. Vru: -rwil ?? .i 01 NV, ?? .7 ?? I % t - :r I I I Z GuIcea tii-a-An, 2, 0;r,- 1 Z iii (i27 X'I % I ie It 33j X I, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... se. ;l are charged 2d. ad. *etdfilttoio tto! ?? .. I 1 t with the words No card3, o0 a3ny b,'atices of Dest'; . Aianluutnent, are charged 2s. 3d. delay after th ' it'i 2 shouhl be seat with the least pos3ible Gn or h' * noe If atrveeiecj in tli'efor insertion tci folowqi ' X, I t cjf'r toA cuelt, Shoe triE be elaergcd aS grordoq. tf c. -. -Cr2 ix~tt, 1y., and Lfd. pir tine afer- abroad or ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF SIR GEORGE POLLOCK. Pield-Mlarahal Sir George Pollock died suddenly at Walmer on Sunday. He was born in 1786, and was three ytr as the junior of his brother, the late Lord Chief Bfron Sir George entered the military service of the E13 st Inldi, Company in 1S02 and served under Lord Lake at the capture of Dieg in 1803, and at the assault at Bhurtpore in 1S05. -He was also engaged in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MIARRIAGES, AND DEATHS Art nbaarged a' ILia fo1 atun~g rrium Two IuA3 01' kO w.oavmna Is.& A-nd 6d. for Oeaery additlonaaa nine Wotsj. Alli-rnah ann auenmrita tltt.3t bo anthnntictMa~ by tbaa naims san 7 ElItlks-110att t-0h.lin ta) tina F0r-,ar, CalPt. 1.. ?? It~~~a~7i1t ?? U ?? hlt.otrl to Janea McamfaOitIOT bEattrtoa, dataghtot at C'sat t. it Nhi tga~t. Ta)0'f l hat r tf Ithat Oamlc ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ;hilIts of LirMs ear charged 25;. Gd. (rrsq;tdDoers, With the wo-,a eao t&' 'ii.;r to ths simple annonaremen re -3rhrars eds qdo g3' ,n lst Findarnid &Isagoa, selould b)a 3eqt with the loncotpoesble &'n' iiit(f- tamr Cce'ir'rqnca. If riot rent'd ie r ts rni for ing-rrtion l''J Ih- thi;2 irtod d iler t'e eon :, t74ou biilhe 5d cryzd at 8 1 'iqn', o.-I- cr02 tin', 1i, (md C'S. ri itool hr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MlARRLUGES, AND DEAT11IS, Anounocements of Births, Harsiagee, and Deaths are thsig. as ordinaey advertidements, at the ?? rato-- Two LINES OR IG0 Woens, Ls. Gd. And 6d. for every additional rime words. Ah runh annotuocements must be authauticated by the m-zs at addrees of the sendor. Postaae stamps may be sent in msyment Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths Bent from a distanre r. , ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS Are charged t t1b ?? . Two Lnttm on IC WaoEae, IJ. G4 And ed. for evetY aditiono.J ror.t wr-rlq At tsdr armouneomenta tt ovt be theatu^ta! iby t.. Gne t7 i a&dxe ot tbe ,tader. Ptsago stampa DL1S b. iD PlU' x ?3itb s. ?? thc2 7th inst.. at Lttrrosate, thevwsf of lor ?? !. RG'It - On Sunrary, the 2lth intt, at No. 2, * thapLl.Allerton., tte vrife of J.itIs P. hL ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (Cbnt,;,t,fron~ thie Yinti Pi age.) Not'tces o! Deaths and M~arnlagee eberild be seat witht the 1e,~t.7y7O:5 delay aiter their noruirrence. U not reioeit in nrme fotilr~j on or beofere floe thoirct day after thoe oyenz:, whe,7f el her!,r teatoil. Of eanree, this does not appl.y to Dveaths and t;l aerosat or in ?? Caonlee,7. nneLD.-Jan. 24. 1072. at the rosidencp of her father, Johr Ci'- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Aenozacelle'as of Births are charged 2r. 6d. Yeocris of Marriages and Deaths with the ?? No cards, or any addition to the simple announcement, are charged 2°. 6d. 11otices cof Deaths and Marriages shonld be aent with the least nossible delay after their occorrance. Ilf no received in tire for ?? or. or before the third dat after th, evest, lhy iriV lb rchar I,, at the ?? rates, vi, :-I or 2 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EIAG*E OF ¶'~ WREROR OF .21 m ?? r-,zv or~ TEM DLUTv -ar, *Oot. ~lO ?? 0~ sibed all that could ly be seen oft ;; v-;ditng. I have been is togt details of tb te-;,eioe within the Palace; i, from t-e Valfl- ?? t;aentanes, is not easy aipsicbeoL fromJ t, my dr.l 0o info: nation do flter ghthe mes site Sal-..d .o e repez - i with many donsof ?? to thi3 oii .nel by which ?? c s AMll tbat a cL, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEEKLY RETURN OF BIRTHS AND DEATMN IN THE BOROUGH OF LERDS. 32XnD WEEK, 1S72. In the week er.ling last Saturday, 4,57f) births ann ?? deaths were registered in 18 of the largo3t Englisi eiw, including London. The births exceedcd by 45 at d I e dcaths by 232, the average wvoekly numbhri in; ?? fen years IS11.70, correeted for incroase of populition to the umiddle of this year. The deaths showed ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 5 ee7moneetneoee ts of Births are charged as. ed, each. Xotices O sMal' ?? s ec't Dcal/e 1with the words 1No cerds, or any addition to the sirmi g anoniecttment, are ?? 2i. rd. eotiocoat -Dearh anod Manisges ahooll bhe salt r'ith the leaat possible delay after their occurrenca. Zf not received in time r insert ion or Or efore t dhe thid da I after the event, them cvit be charged at oie ?? ...