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Freeman's Journal



Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHIS, MARRIAGES, AND DEAT;Is. Ciuter-Ds (o asntabuflctlfled- of N ?? ar lv,' . Kt:' ..i, nd~i De~tails, (i. ii. each; al:41 to t7wtre (i-ran :i- drneift muit, in a12 s-CLs, be ?? Clereb-3'1arch1 S. at 7$.Clld~lsr t hen :U UhrictolieCr l lC. cUlenlb, o tf al s- It. 3lee ?? 010, at Dullin -treet, ! ?? t~l2 a ?? of Mr. Joseph Miceriaa, of a -zli. hlA ?? ~ ?? E Beatty and Bea1tty-Mart i 1:3, a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS, C7&arge for anlaouncement of.XVareA, 2. 6d.. of Birthl and De=tk, Ia. 6d. each; and to insure irsertion thS e Snw mwst ins du Caes, be pr3ai BIRTHS. Bridgman-February 15, the wife of Joeeph Bridgaa, C. E., SO Great Britnin-strost, of a daughter. Coyne-March 5, at 9 Leimox, strect, the wife of .tJha Coyne, Esq, of a daughter. Shiel-March 4, at the rc.idence of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TEE LATE N. W'YM. M'EVILLY. On Saturday a sole0-n Hiigh MIass d- reyitee was cekbcra'etd, at II o'clock, in the beautifal new chaurchof Lcuimhurgh, county Mayo, for the repose of the soul of M4r. Vmn. AM'villy, who breathed his l-st on Thursday at the patriarchal age of 8d. Few if any in the ?? were more estsmeed, or have Lorne with them to the grave so large an armouant of the regretfal ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE COUNTESS OF GRANABD- REQUIEM MASS AT WEXFORD. (From our Specia Reporter.) Wexford, Fridqr. The Pontifical Office sad Requiem Mau8 for th repose of the soul of the late lamented Countes of Granard was celebrated to-day in the church of the Immaculate Conception, Rowe-street. The service by which the Church supplicates in behalf of a departed soul is among the moot inopreehiv%~ asit ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAMES. Clse8jesor a uentleie nment' o Marrae, 2,. Se,, oJ Bintl 1s anti Deatlhe, Is. 6-4.: and to itsurd inertl(e thA amount must, in all eases, bePrepsid. BIRTHS. O'Donnell-Ang. 11, at 5 Auburn Ville, PTathgar, thst wife of Thomas O'Donnell, Esq . of a son. f O'Reilly-Aug. 12, at Duumoe Lodge, county Meleath the wife of Eda ard O'Reilly of a son. CoY nnge and MARRIAGES ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIA-GS. Char'geaor atnn oucemesf of MAarriages, 20, Od,, Vi BOM and Deaths. la. Oct. ; aend to ismurs ?? IL, munt ftust. is all eases, to pr5prad. BIRTH. Shbnahan-Sept. 5, at 18 Leunox-street, the wife of S. Sbanahan of a daughtar. MARRIAGES. Clancy and Daly-Sept. 5, at SS.a Catholic Churcb, county Limerick, by the Very Rev. Edmond HtY.o,! o.P., assisted by the Rev. Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. CaSrge5Jor announeioscement of Murriaqes, 2s. 6d,, of qirth and Deaths, Is. 6d.; ea to imszre iaserljn thJ amount must, ik. all cares, bd prepaid. DEATHS. Fogarty-July 14, at the Convent of Mercy, Doon Co Limerick, Anne, called in religion Sister Mary hag. dalene, daughter of the late Mr. James Fogarty, Ballinahow, Thurles, aged 23 yearsdeeply regretterl There ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MA chargesfor annotratneenset ot Marriages. 2 6d,, e gjA #sad Deatha, ls. 6d. ; and to imn-ere i awri ?? motentg e mt . ifn all caeg, be prepaid. BIRTHS. Gilligan-July 19. the viie of Mr. Jaiur ?? North Circulsr road, of a son. Pelly-At Sandymount, county Galwvay, the %pfe, Martin Plly. Esq, Coroner, of-a son. MARRIAGE. Boland and ?? 18, at Kidra Castle, b j Boland, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Chargresjor aseoauinremenlt of Mari'ages, 2s. td,, of BirtA3 anul Deaths, Is. fist.; and to Omsure inserons tihe unsount rnust, in ?? Cases, be prepaid. MARRIAGES, Boland and Mulcahy-Julv 18, at Kidra Catlee, county Tipperary, by Rev. Timothy Dooley, P,Y., Clonea, assisted by the Rev. M. Mooney, P.P., Cahir, Edward, eldest son ef the late James Boland, (Cabir, to Kate. youngest daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATlHS, AND MARRIAGE. 0Clargesfor annoletneam'ent of JMrr 'ages, 2 L L, of Birtho and Deaths, Is. (id.: asd to lissurd iurtion as &wount mt st. is all cases, be prepaid. BIRTHS. Cox-July 20, at 233 Westminster rOad, Liverpool, the wife of Frudericic H. Cox, Esq., of a son. Dowling-Aug. 5, at Cloheen Cottage, Monasterevan, the wife of James Dowling, Esq., of a son. Holohan-Aug. 2, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH1S, MARRIAGES, AND DlE ?? Chitrges for OfiO5Sfld6OV300ofr g 31.nrrisav.jta; , d.. .,j B. onfl Deaths, Is. 64. etac; ar;'t tr ie .. - , amoenet snws, in ai easee, be -oVsaid. BI RTHS. Coffey-January25, at 'Z3 Lower Bridzre ?? the wife of James Cvffey. ot ad gsuht- . McDonald-January 2 5, at Saint Marlas, wife of Edward MIcDonalid, Eq, of a .i1tl MA$RRI AG ES Badbaln and Luckie-jatu ry 18, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE DR. DAWSON. (From our Correspondent.) The mouth'es mind of the late Dr. Dawson wis celebrated on Tuesday In. t. Mel's Cathedral, Longford, in amannderat once aolemn and im. osing. The office comrnmenced at 11 o'clock. The Mass wa ssung by the Moat Rev. Dr. Con. roy, who after asecended the pulpit and delivered a mosteloquent panegyric on the deeply lamented Dean, There was an ...