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Era, The



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The Era

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHUS. DOUGLASS-On the 4th inst., at 29, Downs Park-road, King6land, the wife of John T. Douglass, of a deughter, ACHI~l, l thewi e of dr in~t., adt ~dgar Honse, dgaro-road, Ciftonville, Margate, the wife of Henry Joaehitfl, Esq., of 2me, Phicliaoreoadrdae. , Keneington, prematurely, of twin daughters, one atillborft i R~iDEN-Oft thels1istte., attlsBE SgnsAr~ms,Ladbroko-grove,Notting- Hill, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BlIRTHS. BOOT 'll-On tlue 9th inst,, at Fallowfiold, tile wife of Mr W. S. Booth, Lesseo of tho Alexandra Music Hall, Manchester, of a son. CARVER-Onl the 11th insL, at 55, Corpus-buildlugs, Cambridge, the wife of Edmued Carver, Esq., M.B., of a son. FULLER-On the 90th inet., at Thureastoll Rectory, the wife of the Rev. John Fuller, of twins-a son aed a daughter. RATIIBONE-OnI the 12th iest., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS.,tewf ?? AMPBELL-Ota theist inft., at Southseathe wife of Commander Hugh Campbell, R.N., of a son. ETHERIDIIE-On the 2d lost,, at Thornton Heath, near Croydoa, the wife of Charles Etheridge, Eoq., of a son- h LANSDOWN-Oll tho 2id fost, at Warviek-streot, Charlogcross, wire of George Lanodowet, Of a eon. NEWBN-Oi te lt itot, a 17, Flbobrough-road, West Bromptfln, S.W., the witfe of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Death of Mr. James Henry Hackett. James Ilenry Hackett, the eminent American actor, died at his country seat at Jamaica, L. I., on Thursday teornisig, Deceinber 28t0., in the seventy-sccond year of Isis age, he having breet born at No. 72, Wr Ilianti-strect, ?? York city, March I5th, lS00. I1i- father was a H1ollander, ?? had bern a Lieutirsant in the Life Guords of ite Prince of Orange, arid ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DISTINGUISHED MARRIAGES. THE MARQUIS or BuTE.-The marriage of the Marquis of Bute to the Hon. Gwendaline Mary Anne, eldest daughter of Lord Howard of Glossop. was solemnised last Tuesday at the Oratory, Brompton, in the presence of a numnerous and distinguished gather- ing. Archbishop Mlanning was the officiating prelate. The mar- riage register was signed by the Duke of Cambridge, the Duke of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF LADY BEECHER. 'the few old playgoers still remaining among us who can recall the triumphs of the once-celebrated Miss O'Neill will feel that another link is snapped in the chain of old associations when they hear of the decease of their favourite actress. Miss Eliza O'Neill was the eldest daughter of Mr. John O'Neill, the Manager of a strolling company of comedians who visited the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DIED, on the 3d inst., at Falwnastane Lodge, St. Margarat's, near Eichmond, Surrey, ELIZASETN, thoe wife of FREDEBICE ARSOID, of l-'le-ttreet. She ovas a most affectionate, devoted wife, and a loving, doting mother; poosesshig so amiable a disposition that sha was seldom, if ever, known to disagree .-itb one of her friends or family, and departed with the regrets and respect of a nsumerous ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATE IN THE MOTLEY. The sudden close of a Clown's life while the echoes of laughter roused by his mirth have scarcely died away may naturally touch the deepest sympathies of all. A brief career was that of the poor young fellow who, after playing at the Standard Theatre, was borne to the hospital in a dying state, with the Clown's paint wet upon his face and the Clown's dress still upon his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ! MISS RoSE OsffAN&- -This fascinating, young, and cnever actress is engaged by Mr. W. 1H. Swanboroughbfor his autumrn and winter season at the Rovalty. Miss Osman will play in burlesque as well as farce, and the new Lessee could no. have made a more promising engagement. MR. SOTHERN, Mrs. Sothere, and their son sailed on Thorsday from Liverpool for New York. MR. WYBERT REaviz's performance of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ai[RTHS.Cahm CANHAIIAOn thelistinet., at NorwiCh, the wife of MrIsialhR. Caonhe (Secretary of the Norwich Liceoeed Victuelers AssoEtion, a 0oi. CHANiIPION-Onl the 0th inst. at ililgay, Barge5ssbill, Ssetewf of Frederick S. Chimpioln, of a son lellce-3troet, jaksjoeid, the Almc~Olfu4Trol thle oth itist at ProVIdCo etsnf ThatreRoyld,th wlife of WNli Alarchant, comedian, aild hlatiu o h y ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I DEATH of Xr. ANDREW NIM-O. On Sunday last, at five o'clock in the afternoon of a brilliant day in summer, died Mlr. Andrew Nimmo, a man whose name, by acts of courtesy and offices of friendship, must be endeared to every member of the Theatrical Profession and to all who have been connected with the amusements of the last quarter of a century. He died suddenly of apoplexy at his residence in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MR. J. K. LORD, Manager of the Brighton Aquarium, died on [Monday morning. TDiE CONSERVATIVE LAND SociitrY.-After twenty years' asrvice, having been one of the founders,iMr.Gruneisenhasresigned the oslreeof Secretary. He purposes to complete nome political and musical works he has had long on hand. THE Worshipful Company of Fishmongers, at their Court holden on Wednesday, voted twenty guineas ...