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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. Cltaiyycsfor anniouncem-ent of Marriages, 28. 6d,, of Births and Deaths, Is. 6d. ; and to 'invsre iasertion Pd aioutflt ssuests Cii all cases, be prepaid. BIRTHS. Blacker-Junc 16, at 29 Pi ince'sstrcet, Cork, the wife Of Mr. John Blacker of a daughter. Conroilb--June 18, at 2!} Leeson Pa-k-avenue. the wvife of jeseph Connolly, &f q, of a son. Stevenson-June 17. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE REV. GERALD BARRY. Thursday last having been the day appointed for paying the last sad tribute of respect to this deeply lamented clergyman in Cappawbite chapel, priests and people assembled there in numbers to testify their sincere regard, to manifest their heartfelt sorrow, and to offer up their fervent prayers to the Father of Mercy for the eternal repose of his soul. Amongst those ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND ,% ARRIAGES. Charges1or annotuncemnenst of 9fa7iG>Jo5es, 22- lid,, of Birib and Deaths, Is. Sdii; and to 'ieiore iinsertimi tih avmounet must, in all caser, be prepacd BIETHS. Jordan-JulY 10, at 43 South Great George's street, the wife of Thomss Jordan of a dug~hter. Nclan-July S. the wite of Anthony Nolan, eolicitor Nenagh, of a son. MARRIAGE. Low ar d R, ?? ll, at tho ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. O1tAY}A5 afos' rsie OletiOCuI of n0Q55. 2s. 6e1., oj Iirg/! and Deaths, is. 6d. ; and to iswsri itnsot's 16. mountm me. in lI cases, be prepaid. BIRTH. Gill-Oct. 5, at Wellington-street, Kingstown, tile wife of J. J. Gul, Esq.. of a daughter. MARRIAGES. Cuddiby and Perkins-Oct. 7, at the Catholic Cathc- dral, Waterford, by the Very Rev. J. Ryan, D. ., assisted by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAIURs, Notices of Births, Marriagcs, and Deaths must in 5!t cn *rsbe authenticated by the sieknature of the uctje- They cannot otherwiee l e irsetted. Charges for announcement of Marriages, 2s. td,, of Births ard Deaths, Is. 6d.: and, to insure isj, tliO the atuount must in all c2ses be prepaid. BIRTHS. Arkins-Ect. 7, at fi Merrion p-rade, the wile of j. p Arkins of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -B , I IBIRTHiS, M1ARRIAGES, AND DEXATHS'. ChMargea (or amnouncomnen of Mcrar-ia. , ?? ory B-rh asud DeatIh is. fd. each; and cI ?? inscr':mn r4 eount tA in ai oases. ieo z-onad. MARRFAG ES. Geale and Crawley--April 1S, at III Dean-strteet, BrA- lyn, by the Rev. Farber ioaue, of J'hicaago. .JoL WI (Caoe, eldest son of WVn. Ge tie, 4 ?? , n-!. Di - lio, toMaggiuTeresa, only dsnglstorof Ur ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, LIAlRRIAGES, AXN i' i i. Carges jet on ' ?? r ' t- Ina Deasths, 14;. ?? ea; enj I-3 -, : ,r ' emount ?? sl: ?? D 5'C4 MA.RRIAGES. Durn and ?? ?? the- Rir '. : : DI,2)- doyle, by toe Pev. Carp, Smrith i:rk. 1. ?? Milv!, eldest son of the late Bir;ae.l IDULS, L-., A wem-- snteet, to Bot-ba, zhimrd ?? ot All . E~nde, Esq , 2Ne. Cruove iluc-a, Raheny, ,auty DaJ' lin. Knoivd and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRUA03S. Chargeeier anseusicementt of Marriages, 28. Cfi,, rj Biws and Deatgs is. 6d. ; anld to sniwzr6 fti;6ifr. oi eaitoiunt ernust. in all eases, be prepaid. MARRIAGE. Rolerts an1d Morrisi-Augn 14, aS l -eadl:-,7j Galway, by the Rcv. Robert Plundell., .. - (te' the Rev. Jobn Hwiniltlnb Frederick G. R!L. M J,. of Dublin, to Janie, y econd daughiter of Jh J err: Eq ., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE KING. OF SWEDEN. A speeiil telegram infor-s us that the King cf Sweden died about nine o'clok on Wednesday night, at Maim OQ; where on aocount of increasing weakness he bad heen obliged to rest on his re. turn from the baths at Aix-la-Chapelle. King (barlea XV. was born on the 3rd day of May, 1826.- He was married on the 19bh Jane, 1850,. to the Princess of Orange, danghter of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES, chargesfosr annouoenest of Marriages, 28. 6sa, oj Births asnd Deaths, Is. 6d.: and to insuro insor5on noe omount mtnt. iin all eses. be prepaid, BIRTH. Adrien-Sept. 11, at Mecknanstown, Balabriggan, tha wife of Dr. Edward William Adrien of a son MARlIAGES. Coyne and Egan-At the Church of SS. Mtary aal l'eter. Rathnmines, Dublin, by the Rev. '1lotuai F. r'Evoy, CC ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND WARIaiwlib. Notices of Birthas. MKarriages, and Deaths .sect iS at csaesbeauteenticatedby thes gkatureof xte *enh . l1hey cannot otherwise be inserted. Charges for announcement of Marriages, P. di., d Births and Deaths, Is. l6d.; and, to insure ituertior, theaamount must in all cases be prepaid. BIRTHS. Astrico-Nov. 18, at Victoiis, British Cole ?? ,. wife of Alr, A. ...