Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ZMTH8, MAUAB, DEATH8. & charge of ONN F 4 um eGpoi, .u.; Two Simb : l rS if bookedA Ia B ?? ?? of Birthk, Marrage% and& Diaafi& AUl BuQh11 atinounomnta mu4b Anibentfwe by his umania andl asdW e(-tha iader. Poatage Atmp a may be rent Afalymenk UnGHAM HOMXaOPATHIE HO9PITAL. - Ked kl4 0250ar, Di Blake, Thomsa, and rar ; dentist Mr. P. J. sims -Attendance last week, November 29,1872; Outpattentas ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARIAGES, DBATUB A oharge of O SHiLLiNG, prepaid, a Two 13=I LToxs if booked, la miade for .wnomcement d Births, Marriages, and Deaths. All Oauh &Umounoements must be sauthenticafod by tW name and address of the eeadoz. P0145 stmp3 may be Waab Ui ?? AUJNDM-On the 17th inst., the wife of Ur. W. Axnsdel, of 9A 'Wellngton Road, Edgbnston, cf a daugI'ser. AULrTROWLEY. Rowznv-BnsEg-On the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NiOTIOE. BIRTHS. MARtBIAGMS and DEATHS notaxoseding fle~r inered at 5s. each, or 3 times for 10s. Poter ?? Afterwerd BIRTIS. ,&LFX DEM - February 20, the wife of XaJor B; P. Ajx- ander, Rifle Brigade, of a daughter, stillbom. ,SUMS1RE.-February 90, at ce5 Eyde-yark, the We of F. P. Ashmore, EFq., of a Eon. BURlBURY. -Februly22, at Upper Philli esrens, Ken- sington. the wife of i. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .I IS. MRRIAOES, aned DEBATHS, ?? ines are I'ere atiseaohor s times for lOs.. Is. per line terwards. BIRTHS. ]ZgWr1-Angust 15, the wife of W. C. Browne, Esq., of a daeuhter. CAsTr -.-August 16, at Walton-on-Thames, the wife of A. Castle, of a daughter. COAST-August 16, at Park-vilage East, Regent's-park, the /ife of W. C . Coast, of a eon. ' DAlT'r-Auglnst 1D, at Priory-villas, Rilburn, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... isertedt Is. ts*eah ?? s. ier1110a~ftlerwards. BIRTHS. ,AIBCLAY.-MSy 14, ct 01i22vhill.hoU , Handawo , the viffe i of Mr. H. l ay, of a daughter. , * BLACI-[t.-MaY 5. ast Upton, Boxley, 'H eat, the l 7f 00f W. 1 lR. Bla1.ett. of a win. 3Uiltq.-On l8th inst, at Epinom, the wife of Robert 9, jun., of a daitghtr, . e (JOB 11AM. -May 14, at eighton-park, Berks, 0eia, the wife Of oxntain A. W. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MINTIM NAOTIOL tat i 5 eah cr3 t imes for lceu be lneairad. BIRTHS. pATA N.-April 18, at bdelgrave-reentt Edinburgh, the wife of G. Alston. F , of Craighead, of a daughter. ANDIEWO.-April 19, at Castle-bhi, Windsor, the wife of F. M. .Andrwswf, of a mmi INAN.-April 19, St G(at Quee-atreet, St James's-park, the wife of A. Duncan Beq., of a daughter. WALAWAY.-Apil Ayls -la, Forest-ill, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NOTICE. rRmTI MARRNIAGES, and DEATHS, notexceeding Mines. are 1 ,,menot at 8. ecach, or 3 times for le.; is. per line afterwards B3 I RT:S.1 On the 16th instant, at 'icehurst, Sussex, the wife of Williain Bennett, solicitor, of a eon. CogEN.-August 14, at The Paragon, New Eent-road, the wife of J. A. Cohen, Esq., of a daughter. F'glf'r~ ON E-August 13, at Itockingham-hall, Hagley, the vife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NOTICE& 3TrTTlf- - ATtR-TAGtFS. and DEA'TXS. notoxcreilinn Slines. aro jnstn1 at nSis. eaea, or 3 times fur lOs.: ls. pier line afterwards. BIRTHS. CARE1Y -Are ust 19. at St, Ippolyt's Vicarage, near nitchia, tho oif. lof tiRev. E. T. Carey. MA., of a son, CRrllfi.-AllRust i9, at Mtndcliife-house, Brixton-riSe, Mre. Ctpddh, of a son. s Wc; .-August 20. at Godalming, Surrey, the wife of E. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... VTMTHS, MAnRIAGES, and DEATHS, not eseeding Slines6ae inserted at 5s. each, or 3 times for 10s.: Is. par H5ue aftarwards BIRTHS. ALLEN.-FebruarY 5, at Stoke Nowington, lm. A. J. Allen, of a daughter. DENNY.-February 6, at Connasught-plo, the wifo of T. A. Deuty, Esq., of a son,. DOXAT, -February 3, at Hoflan-road, Kensington, the Wife of E., REq., of a son. Ao GltROSON.-February 4, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... inertda 3 ah or 3 ?? for 103.; 15. er line dafterwl2ards.e BIRTHS. ,& 1S(,-harch 16, at The Limes, A ahkhuroh-ark, Shop. Al1rd's bush, the wife of C. A. Addison, o n a son. 'UjSTlN.-M xarch 16, at RIigh-atreet, Ramagate, the wio of t J Austen, Es ., surgeon, of a son. JiUuMtoNT- iarehl 17, at Chesbam-place, Belgrave-square, v if e of F. H. Beaumont, Esq,, of a daughter.' gi~qUEND ,-March 17, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... albt 5. each, or 3 ?? lea; s.arline aterwaebtgrds BIRTHS AW.Dg.-April 20, at EsaeX-vilafa Tcnslagtoi, the wife of C. Aldin, Esq., of a son. , AfON.-APril 20, At Hillbouse, Tooting-cCumfIO, Surrey, the wfe of . Di. Alston, Eq. of a daughter WAllBER.-April 21. at Ayneomb-housea, Orpington, tent, the wife of Mr. . L. Barber, of a son h SEY.-Ap M 21: at Perk-lane, the v ieofe fTW. Corasseyq., XSp. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE BISHOP OF CAPETOWN. gi Advices from the Cape of Good Hope announce a' the death, on the Ist September, after a short illness,of the S Right Rev. Dr. Gray, the Bishop of Cape Town and o: Metropolitan of South Africa. The deceased wps 63 years al of age at the time of his death, having been born in 1809 at Bishop Wearmouth in Durham. He was educated at b Eton, and afterwards at ...