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Belfast News-Letter

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAiGE$5, AND DEXTE S. B I P. T 3it S . BARTNETT - Aug. 25. at Los Pinos, Qilmes, BcECs Ayres the wit' ufz Albert Baanedt Fsq., of a sor. £NSSON-Qc.t 2. at Gl ord, the wile of TLomn , ?? IS'tsoo, saq., of a d ug'tet. iBRASXZON.Sept 25, at Dieppe, France, t'e L- Jy Bralzaon-, of a sonl. C AWFORq-Sept. 28, at A1U Saints' Personage. Nevn tow-licLtlargilarm, the wife of the &ev, Jurmes ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, IMABIRAGES, AND DEATHS. B I RT Hl S. ANDRhEWS -Oct. 22, at Comber, the wife of John Andhews, Ese., of a daughter. ARCEIER-Oct. 25, at Be.Iford. the life of Fra-cis C rdon Archer. Dequty Commirnsary Army Control Department, of a son. JQHNSrON-Oct. 21, at the Ferguson Arns Hotel, Cascicderg, the wife of J. T. R. JoLnstoa, Thq., CUster Bank, Donegal, of a son, stillborn. IPSEOWN-Oct. 25, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THI, LATE MARQUIS OF LONDONDERSRY t RR-XLt OF THE CORPE. tFPRO OUR REPORTER.] N[WrTOwNARDS, FRIDAY. Saomvy after ten o'clock this morning, all that i3 mortal of Frederick ~illiam Stewar fourth Marquis of Londonderry, was brought to Newtown- arde. On the arrival of the Fleetwood steamer at D3uegall Quay, Belfast, the coffin was placed in o 3e of Mr. John Robson's hearses, which was wait- izg to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUSNERAL OF THE HON. JUDGE LYNCH. TFrz funeral of the lamented Eon. Judge LSnc' took place on Saturday morning at nine o'clock, when the remains were removed from his residence, Ierrion Square, Dublin, to Glasnevin. Amongst those present were-The Right Hon. the Lord filavor. the Right Hon, Lord Chancellor O'Hagan, the Right Hon, the Master of the Rolls, the Right Hon. tre Laid Justice of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BMT , ANi DEATH& COLIIER-Aug. 27, at Lo*er Windsor, Belfast the i*ife of B. C. Cowlief of a -ter. DOWNING-Aug. 26, at 9; 1Uper Cresent Belfast the weif of .ose flowniing, of adaughter. : PRY-Aug, 23 at :COhw Rdow, Basex, the -,wife of,- W. StorkiFfy, Ba of a. S' LEGGE-4ug 9_'22athittingion, Lichfield, the Hon. Mrs. Okorge B. liegge, of a daughter. OXNCHAug. 23 at Grosvenor Square, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUINTERAL OF AN ORANGEMKASN. YEOTERDAY one of the largest gatherings that we have ever seen at a funeral assembled to accompany the remains of Mr. William Peebles, late Secretary to the District and County Grand Orange Lodge of Belfast, to their last resting place in the Shanihill Bulr ing-gro und. Mr. Peebles who was universally known amongst Orangemen, through his having held the office of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIPTSA IGES. ANt DEATHS BIRTHS. CoOTB-flec. 29, at Sealeote, India, te wfile f F. Eyre Cooie, q, 58th Begl. of a sonL EegLIN-Feb. 23, at the residerce of her fatter, tle Rev. J. Wrixon, 6, Queen's Elms, Belfast, the -wife of John Godfrey Echlia, Esq., of Rokeby, near ikE- born, of a son. bl'MYLTLB-Feb. 2S, at Lauriston House, Windsor, Belfast, Mr. Robert fiullezn, of a daughter. SIIYTHE-Feb. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AN]D DEATH, B I ET H S. HARDY-Afli 26at Neting ii,,London, the wife ofHnRDYA L.gryq, ofaan. oHeRSAB'23' atB tock Hfall, Cheshire, the wife of Major c.E Fance Hayhrat of a son and heir. HYD E~tAr1 27, at 3, B-elmont Park Terrace, Be& `nt, B5 the wife of 'm. Richard 0. Hyde, of a MT URPHY-ypAfl 23, at Glenbaurn, Drnmurry, Mrs. Isaac J. Murphy, of a son. pARR-April 26, at IS, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. DAVIES-JanL 10, at St. Margaret'½,Merrion, the wife of Frederick D. Davies, Esq., of a son, stillborn. WLCATNiCE-Jarn. 12, at 33, Beer's Bridge Place, Cast'e- reagh Road, Belfast, the wife of hr. Eobt. IWCance, of a daughter. p.,RKER-Jan. 10, the wife of Mathew Parker, Bq. , of a son. FATTEN-Jan. 9, at Emerald Lodge, Bnliybrack, tle wife of W. Patten, Esq ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, £-BS, AND DEATHS. ~~~~ la 33BCIRTHS,- BRODIE-Marc 3, at Brodie Castle, N.B., the Lady Eleanor Brodie, of a son. CECIL-April 2, at Eaton Terrace, London, Lady Eustace Ce, of a daughter. COCKBURN-April 1, at Dounton, Eadnorshare, the wife of Captain George Wim. Cockumrn, late of the 42nd R oyal Highland (BlackWatch) and 83rd Regts.. af tWif soDS COTTON-April 2, at Lower Baggot Street, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARGES, AND DEATHS,- BIRTHS. ARMSTRONC-Feb. 25, at 14,B eSq East the Wife of Joohn Arstrong, of a daughter. CARMARTB-EN-Feb. 20, at Round OaI, FaLefield Green, London, the Uiouess'ol Casrma~ei of a daughterz MACPHERSON-Feb 23, at CGasheltown, Airs- shire, Mrs. James Macpheson, of a son, R.A4SIN-Feb. 25, at 15, Little George's Street, Bel- fast, the wife of Mr. Hugh Rankia, of a son, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHTS, tARRITAGES, AND DEATHS, BELL-uly 7, at Kempasy, Worceser, the wife of C~olonel Bell, C.B5., VOc, of a daulghter. COLt N-J'.dy 9, at White s Avenue, 3Ierrioni, DublinJ the w-ife of; Monsieur Id. Col~n, of a son. C;IRVI.'-.Iuly 11, at 37, itttffe Patrick Street, PcI- fiat, ti e wife of ;Ir. SI. Girvin, of a son.; IOVTRA.Y-July 3, a3t RichmontClichete, Ballygaw- ley, the wife of the Rev. ...