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Freeman's Journal


... FASHION AND A EI. THE QUEEN'S JOURNEY. Versailles, Sunday Evening. Her Majesty Queen Victoria arrived at Cherbourg at hreeord(ock.and was received on ianding by ?? Preect. HergaicA~ttooklunc~hoon audshothanleft for Paris. whereh will arrive about two oclockinthe morning. Her Majesty will notpass through Paris, but win take the Circular Railway to the Eastern Station. Her Majeaty is tranelling ...


... FASHION AND VARTETIES. I _ __ THlE COURT. Wiudsor lwitlc, Tuc,. sy IThe Queen drove out yesterday afternoon. Her Mlpiesty 8 dinner party included Ih d Roya^l [iif,. ness the Grand Dulie ef Aleclhlealurm, Xitrelitz, thir Itoyal llighicast's l'P iore and Prin1ce's Chriltial q .Seleswig-13Olstein, his Ro'uyal liighlle!s Prilnce l,,s. told, ihis Screne lliflttua53 the D~lke Altl 1,or .lhbneEs the ...


... I FASMON AND V.RLETiE i. THE COURT. Windsor, Tueojay The Queen drove out in the grounds yesterday &fte. noon,. Her Majesty's dinner party included her Roysl Jm j. ness the Duchess of '-ambridge, bis Royal llihite,, the Duke of Cambridge, their Royal Highneisee tb Prince and Princess Christian and Prince Leopold the Duke and Duchess of Atholl, Viscount 0tifder4 the Marquis of Huntley. Her ...


... | _- - A 'THE N'ATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY. IIL In the present paper we pass from the Caro- linian to the Jacobite period, from the gay court of King Charles to tha fields of Anghrim, the banks of the Boyne, the walls of Limerick. The accession of King James the Second was inrhis- tory marked by the substitution of a warlike foe a peaceful period, in art by the dethronement of Sir Toeter Lely. ...


... THE NATIONAL EXHIBI IION. | . | - ?? THE LONDESBOROUGH COLLECTION. The whole public have long before noW ex- pressed themselves regarding the National Exhi- bition, after the unequivocal fashion of see ng it as much as they could, and prais ng it all they were able. Taking into account the bitter and continued ioclemency of the slummer, whioh could not but have seriously Impeded the visits of ...


... I FASHION AND VA!ETiIES. I THE COURT. Osborne. Friday. (h Tee Queen and Prince Leopold drove out yesterday afternoon. Her Majesty's dinner party yesterday included their Royal Highnesses Prince Arthur and Prince Leopold. the Duchess of Roxburgh, the Hon. Lady Biddulph. Admiral Sir Rodney MundY, K a B: Rear-adlmiral Alden, of Her Majesty's Navy, and Viscount Bridport. The Queen walked in the ...


... I THE COURT. The Dundee Courier ?? Sunday the Queen, accompanied by Prince Leopold and Princess Beatrice attended Divine service in the parish church, Crathie. The Rev. Dr. Burns, of Glasgow, preached au eloquent sermon. The Right Hon. W. E. Forstet has left the Castle, and Lord Charles Fitzroy ha% arrived. Prince Leopold has recovered so far as to be able to walk a little, but Is yet very ...


... 'IJll AGRICULTUfRAL EXHIIITIoN OF 18,1, Mr. Cranfield, of Grafton-street, hlm, with;,i3 accustomed spirit and enterprise, just pubiluied a magnilicent autotype print of Mr. F. Reynoldi fine picture representing the Royal Agricultural Society's Farmers' Show at Ball's bridge, in August, 1871, at which his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales was present as president, acc ini panied by his brother ...


... FASHION AND VAPETICS. THE PRINCE OF WALES. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, attended r by MIr. Francis Knollys, left Victoria station yesterday e afternoon by direct Mid-Sussex route for Portsmouth, c on his way to Os'Dorne. - THE VICEREGAL COURT. r At five minutes to six o'clock yesterday evening, f his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant and the v Countess Spencer and suite arrived at the ...


... I FASHION AND VAIUETIES. THE COURT. Osborne, Tuesday The Queen drove to Ryde yesterday aftenioon, Wit: the Princess Louise and Princess Beatrice, atteeded by the Countess of Caledon. The Eqoetryincwij1tId wassin attendance on horseback. Her Majesty walked in the grouads this moraing, acanspanied by,the Princess Beatrice Princess Louise, Prince Leopold, and the Marqule of Lorne also walked out ...


... I I (From our Beporter.) Ballinasloe, Saturday Night. d The country fair was held to-day, and the t streets of this town were crowded by the peasantry from the surrounding districts. It was with the utmost difficulty, and not a little dan. ger, that I could make my way from one end of It Maia-street to the other. Instead of the rainse in the early part of the week, which coveredthe C streets ...


... I His Excelleicy the German Ambassador, the Countess Bernstorff, and Countess Therese Bern. storff are staying at Walmer Castle on a visit to the Earl and Countess Granvidie. The Earl and Countess of Wilton have been among the guests of the Earl and Countess of Sefton at Croxteth Park. The Earl and Countess of Sefton have during the presentv week received a large party at Croxteth Park. The ...