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Freeman's Journal


... ]'TWEIALWAY ELECTION PERTIO-. I (From our Reporter.) Galway, Monday. .'T9Mh Right Holilir. Justice Ke0gh :the! heantg of thtpetiiotitltbfisrg. ii ?? r. Murphy, Q C., continued his azddes en be- hilf of the petitioner. Heobserved that em Sta4r.' day'he had omitted, when dealing ?? .-the Rev. Mr. Deely, to bring aider hilsordehip's . otice a letter written by that reverendi gentleman to Father ...


... THE EXAMINATION AT THE POLIC Fair' , OFFICE. Al.. At the Northern Division of ?? ee to Police-court, on yesterday, before Mr CJ O'Ddnel, now Terence Walab, of Edendrry, was brought up in ,s . custody of Detective-officers Doyle and Carey, of to be the G Division, charged with being concerned in rded the recent murder of Mrs Neil, of, Sydenbam bi terrace, Eatlgar. laU, Mr Anderson, Crown ...


... * POLICE INTRLLIGENC1E-YEWICRDAY, * rAV1'T4J-'- T Th1TvrMAT NORWTHERN DIVISION. (Before Mr. Dix 3 A NovFL NUISAMEca.-Michael Tisdel, an Eag- lisbman, was brought up in Oustody of Police Constablcs 36 B acd 110 C, charged with hsving carelesely and recklessly driven seventeen horses from the Metal Bridge to Carlisle Bridge, be- tween 10 and 11 o'clock this morning, to the danger of the passers ...


... I . I Eero is a charming episode of Englishr don estic lHic- Extriordirraruy Cruelty.-At the Leives petty sessionls, Mrs. M~ary E. Chantrell has been charged, at th' in'tigatioll of the Royal 80ciet, for the Pre'vcutiurr of Cruelty to Anhiards, with ?? subjected 45 cats and 32 dogs to a state *f thu itmost miscry at her residence at Rotthigdearr. The defendant, it appoared. had formed a ...


... i ; TOWN Or DiJROIAIDA. Yeteotday morning, the High sheriff, T. ielautl, FEq accompanied by G Batterly, HEsg, Suns)heriff, took his Beat on the beaeh in tbe - Crow$n Courb,1'in the Tholselg wien the following ge wlen, wor - l~f~lA n.he gran' Jury gentl~ue vee emparrilleas ,6au gad u , bv C;i'Mahon, Esqq Ckork of the Ce-own .- .Thies ?dsthewa3 forelun-n ?? Chadwick. Wim *Vhirer b, E B Daly, ...


... I A short time since we copied into oar pages an interesting article from a morning contemporary, drawing attention to the unrivalled beauties of Irish scenery, and to the fact that, while every- body thinks it necessary to wander by the banks of Rhine and to climb the hill-sides of the Trosache, comparatively few betake themselves to the valley of the Blackwaterorseek health andamusement amid ...


... IIO]: !BLE RAGEDY AT NOWGONIG. IA terrible tragedy at Nowgong is reporteJ by al. eyewitness :- Under encouragement of the officer cowitnauding, some men of tho detach. ment 106th l. stationed here formed themselves into a ' Singing Club,' and gave their first per- formance to the detachment on June 1. This econsisted of singing, instrumental music, reading, legerdemain, hornpipe dancing, and ...


... ASSIZE INTELLTGENCE. j - _ CORK. (From our Reporter.) -drk, Friday. At the sitting of the court this morning Mr. Justice Morris proceeded to hear the complaint made against the high sheriff, Mr E Burke, D L, on THEi COISrITUTION OF THE COUNTY GQuxIe JURY Mr Fitzgibbon, Q C, opened the affidavit o' .Mr George Ware, by which the qualifications of five gentlemen placed on the present grand jury ...


... LAXW CO1JRT§-YESTKRDAY., I I _ * I ,o- ~ , VICE.CHAICELOR'S ' COURT.' John Henry Johnson v. Mary Anne Hodgpo.C -The bill in hi case was filed .byjthe'pltintIff, who is a London solicitor, to recover the amount D of 'a charging order again1s, a sum of 20,00%1. 2 Standing a the Court of Chancery, in which the I late husband of the defendant had the principal interest. With the view of ...


... I REVISION OF' THE JURORS' LIST. I ;Mcessrs. ,O'Hara, Q C., aud Kiayc, LL.O., comn- nmenced the revision of the Jurors' list for the city of Dnblin yesterday in the Court of Corn. mnon Pleaa. U ':'llnder the new Jary AcS, the 38th and 35th Vic., oap; 65, two panels -one of spe- ?? the other of common jurors, both re- lturnable for civil and criminal trials in the tseveral 'ouits, have been ...


... do I KILDARE. (From our Reporter.) Nams, Friday. The business of the assizes wvas resumed this ?? in the Record Court by Lord Chief Jus- tice qhitesido. 1utll DOYLE V. TIIR CITY OF DUILIN TRAMtIVAY COMrAN Y. This was an action brought to recover damagos ^a st x20'0, for injuries sustained by the plain. tiU in consequence of the alleged negligence of the defendants. It appeared that on the ...


... I - I WICKLOW. L (From our Reporter.) Wicklow, Monday. The assizes for this county wan opened this morning at eleven o'olock by the Bight Hon Mr Justice Fitzgerald and Mr Joshua Clarke, e Q C. The grand jury having been re-sworn, Mr Clarke, addressing them, remarked that the number of cases to go before them might look formidable at first glance in a county always re. markable for the ...