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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... :Marriageo anab ]B1eatfj. MARRiAGES. ALLronT-CooTE.-On the 12th inst.. at the Free Church, St. Ivas. Hunts, Howard Ahton, eldest son of James Allport, Esq., of Littleover, Derby, to Sarah. eldest daughter of Thomas Coote, Esq., of St. Ives and Bournemouth. BARKER-HODOO5ON.-On the 19th lust., at Kereal Church, by Rev. Joseph Nunn, M.A., rector of St. Thomnaes. Ardwir, asaisted by the Rev. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... xattiasgf anb 3tatb0. MARMiGES. Boseker. of sado~lif co Sarah Jancaeld, o ?? the same ea, -auh of jXNB0ZOOLA *(ln the 18th inS6t. at P ho Bev J J (M-4Andrew Ohmber Chur.S Gr Walker Lar -A ft e to sun ChrBpe H Elyde. n , ,C~thi6;ththe 3r Side ?? Drm4~ huff. at Ch rit (l13Iro . 'legoogad, d r ph.^, . etu eonly okn o l Josephro $t2G0 V8j 0T01.R, -aath t l Sat. teorge's X1ouron SIP Co ...

Outiager, GOz MeAP

... AsauMST-'WsM,_Onthe f2thiust, atfl Gsese& .Evat Walter Aberaromby to A~neay g etd~h e leto Mr Wz ?? tot ?? o n~ duh h BAOooAI-BlPAVc.-OoD the 25th iat, at tewbald. by the Rev. H. B. Hda'Mj.thet Raye 0v1 Barbdnt.o&nonXthoealminisebr. Now tobaldyt grrmlesoa d~pn oteh3 CLAuRS-Lws D,..43n the Btb the Wesleyan (hoh. Bridg s0treet, Bolton, by the Bar, B .e H tling, Mr., 'Go Clarke of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - ?? ?? arib ]leatlx BIRTH. BLACTI-On the 10th inst., the wife of Mr. Andrew Black, draper, U Patricroft, of a fion._ __ _ MARRIAGES. ArniWSON-PAiNELL,-On the Ith inst., at the Parish ChurCh, Bolton, by the Rev.lCanon Powell, vicar, assisted by the Rev. C. Hind, hLA., of St. Paul'o, Charles Francis, youngest eon of the late Mr, John Albinson, to Emily, eldest daughter of Mr. JosePh Parneil, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I T!THE LATE MB. GEORGE WILSON. On Monday afternoon, a very interesting preseutatioli was made to Mrs. Wilson, widow of Mr. George Wilson, at her residence, Ardwiak Green. The testimonial con- slated of a magnificently illumineted album, containing an address and 1,297 eignatures of memabers of Parliament, deputy, lieutenants, borough and county magistrates, mayors and aldermen, town ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - ldtriage0i anb Deatbt. MARRIAGES &M3n1q-SsureOniO the 0th t, after b , ibe Rev. C F. Buclv, R.A., JA J l AnDon, of thie cty, to Iannah Harriet, eldest ughter ot MrIl. Henry Snilhee, le of SiotondleY, Derbysoire nt btC uele to th° 0ARSUMvERS-SHEDN -Ln the Ot11 iflst., St ?? buitms, by the btev. B. 0. Bnko, M, boroh 'View Greeuheys, tottee. D.i, ?? tr OJ Ebeldon, 'The Cro ?? iCOrpooSiJoEeON.At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF 'GtjqENERAL PEl AEFTHER. We have to announce theideath of Gefnehl Sir John Lysaght Pennefather, GO O Governor Of Chelsea HOB- pita which took place on hl^suraday anomhing between eight and nine o'clock at him offliial residence. The gl. G lant general, who was, wa believe, in his 74th year, ob. MU taine his first ?? in 1818. H accorpaiiedethe Rat 22ad Foot to Iudia when that regienit ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE RIGHT REV. DR. GOSS On Thursday evening an attack of paralysis carriedoD the- Right Rav. Dr. Goss, for 1 yeaws the R~e~ Catholic Bishop of Liverpool. Though the bishop 1h years had not been in -robust health, the event was not expeoted so suddenly. The right reV. prelate was known beyond the bounds of his large and prosperoue diocese for his very marked advancement of ?? .nterests ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... jaajiagap aneub . MARM2AGES. UVCLE-CfIIEoLEt -On the 80th tat., at St. potcO5 (Ihuofb, Oldhamfl, by the RRv. W. Riton, Charleo William Bo 0y o| ChOeadl 0, Angel Hotel. Oldham. CANeiuuN-FOwLz.-O1n the 29th ult., at Weley Chavel, Salo, by the 81ev. John Bedford, ass!istd b the Rev. Wms. Jachson, Governor of Didlebury CoWLlg, the iey. George Hoovtroty Cam- burn. of 1ondon, to Hannah Read, only ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? gttb Dtat*z. BrAeuslOr1'DSM H 'HtBaVOWN- (in ths~th Hisnst., at the Parish church, Roeslletbe Boy. JI'. P1itcaisa, vicar, John Beaufloiit eldest 5o 0 S ate ?? BeaturiontO. Manehester, to Mary, Recoind Olbu f Joha de Xslalne-BrOwle, of Eecls.-No yards. 'sCuh ikn Br. P r -Bvqvv.-O}n the 4th inst., at St. Jobn's Church Biriken. bedby the Rev. T. Lowe, B.A,, MIr. Peter Begley to iss Jane ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MR. ALDERMAN RUMNEY. We regret to announce the death of Mr. Alderman Bumney, which oecurrod at 9 30 a.m. on Wednosday, at his residence, Springfield, Whailcy lange. }or mny mouts Mr. Rumney had been incapacitated by a painful ?? from public duty, and for some weeks past it was known that the disease from which he suffered was mortal, and the event was one for which Mr. Rumney's frien ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAT, 0F MR. W. R. 0ALLENDIR. Yesterday, the remains of Mr. W. B. Callender, whc died at his residenoe, The lims, Didabury, on Friday last, Were interred In the family vault in Rusholie Road Cemetery. The funeral was private, but a ooneider. able number of spectators had assembled in the church. yard to witness the funeral. The procession arrived at the gates of the oemetey shortly after ...