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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths must in all cases be authenticated by the signature of the sender. They cannot otherwise be inserted. Charges for announcement of Marriages, 2s. t6d., of Births and Deaths. If. (id. and, to insure iusertion, the amount must in all casei be prepaid. BIRTHlS. Coleman-Oct. 16, at the residence of her father, Jolla tGartlan, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHs, DEATHS, AND MARRJA(Ga Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths must in cues be authen ticated by the sign attre of the se They cannot otherwise be inserted. Charges for announcement of Marriages, 6.d, c: Births and Deaths, le, 6d.; and, to *inure iusereio, the amount must in all cases be BIRTHS. Blake-Oct. 19, at Rosebud Villa, St. Luikers ord, 1,., don, the wife of Andrew ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ' DEATH OF DR HARKV,; O'DERRY. Di44i& his insidence In Deray, on the 2nd inst, Dr. Harken, J.P. The deceeed had not opttsinqd his ?? year, yet he won for himself a very high position in his profeulon. .. lWA the second son of the late JohnHarken, eq., qmagh, a man whose name is still most 1 highly respected by all who had the pleasure of . his aequaintance. In social life DY. Harken was an ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AN]D D1EAThS. nad Dc.&U, L;. Sa. e wi-;, St ?? *roj . ra. trosnunt twit. ein Cl cab. s.i ,o '-nt BIRTHUS Judd-May 9. at The Nor-' a, M-rr.or, cnty D ?? the wife of Thomas Fiaiik J .,dd. olop, or a M AilRIA,;ES. Glover and Pbelan-May S. .e t:- chairch of S.,_ D .- .1 Naas, by the Rev. Dean iict, 1e ?? P. Ilrt-rc, 'iUt eonof the late Matthtw Gi1 v.r, Na;e to h t 1,- garet ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE REV. ANtHONY COGAN. The many friends of the Rev. Anthony Cogan, Dean of the Seminary of NMaya, and author of the History of the Diocese of Meath, Will hear with sincere regret the unexpected demise of r this gifted clergyman. A few months ago he was Prir seized by that insidious disease, fatty degenera- T] tion of the heart, which for some time did not of d excite any serious ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE REV. J. 0AVA1AGH, P.P, KILLERERAN. We regret very much to have toannounce the decease of the above-named amiable, venerated, anud respected olergyman which took place at the paroohial residence, Killereran, on Tuesday night last. The deceased clergyman had been for a long tlme in delicate health, notwithstanding which he, at all times, zealously endeavoured to work ivith assiduity ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRlAW-L$. Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths muut inba casesbe authenticatedby tho si:natureof the sesler. They cannot otherwise be inserted. Charges for announcement of Marriages, 2i. +;l, Births and Deaths, Is. 3ld: and, to insure iusertion the amount must in all case3 be prepaid. BIRTHS. Dillon-Oct 14, at 3 Crc3thwaite Park, Ki-ast)9wn, tn wife of Michael Dillon ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF CHARLES FITZGERALD, I ESQ., SEN. The remains of this much lamented and vener- able citizen were removed yesterday morning for interment from his late residence, Stafford-street, to Mount Jerome Cemetery. The attendance was mest numerous, and included many who had known him long and enjoyed his friendship through life. The chief mourners were-Mr. Charles Fitzgerald (who now succeeds ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. cagefosr anouncentac of Mlarriat-:s 2e. 6i,, of HOWtt zand Deathy, Is. fid. and to imai'e inaertion thg amount must, Ln all cases, bs prepaid. BIRTH. Biclsardson-July 20 at Clareville House, Harold's cross, the wife of Vl,. H. Richardson of a daughter. MARRIAGES, Johnston and Lalor-July 22, at the Uhutch of thc Three Patrons, Rathgar, by the Rev. B. GInnau, Edgar ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE VERY REV. D. CANON HORGAN, P. P., BA&LLINCOLLIG. Theobsequies of this reverend ard deeply la. mented clergyman were celebrated with all the great solemnity of the Catholic ritasl on Satur- day, the 15th instant, in the beautiful parish church of Ballincollig, which stands an enduriog monument of the zeal and piety of the late excel- lent pastor. Long before the saored ceremanies ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DE3ATHIS, AND MARR]LAi1!7 C0a}51O asssoeusseeestest of^ M~errcee Os. Ih,, sJ Sie and Deaths. 18. d. 4 t a ieermis tiA ?? ntus. in all cases, be prewaid. MARRIAGES. Murphy and ?? the 30th gcptember, a the Cathedral Churoh, ltnrlltorough-street, by the Riv. Father Furcell, Thorotes. son of late Mr Nwhoeiz dMurphy, of this city, to Rlhzabeth, eldest daunitor of Dm. Arehbald ianlon, blfatr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. aarges ir oar.Cqr.oufcrtnefl of 'ir-nce, a. tZ, 2,rJ; an7;d Deaths, Is. 4. enci; to ins'ure brrtiin g j awmunt musk in all rz~ee. be w-vrvcid. Bli T ElS, Coyre -D 'i i at Sla Ow- ,e, llowotinda, th c.f) 'I r. ?? tn.! tf . T -n. M';Larlillin-A-jril 2, at ''iheL ti ?? : ' wile of 11. B. .'si'Lai &I E, Eh , Mi)., ac., :. - ter. O'Brien anls Micl> ., ?? t the ...