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... POLICE JE W&.: CUSTODY COUIT-YZSTZRDAY. C [Before Dr. BRowmx., IN., J.P.] a ASSAULT. U Iary Jane Harvey was brought up by Sub-Con- u stable Craig, charged by a- man named Thomas Morrow with haviiig assaulted him by striking him I on the head with a stonc in Black's Place on the previous day. d The prosecution was withdrawn, and the pri. soner discharged. TRIAVELLING IN A. RAILWAY CARRIAGE ...


... COUNTY CAVAN ADJOURNED ASSIZES. : CAVAN MONDAYr [FROM OUR SrECIAL Cans, MoEnay, CHAEGE OF MURDER. T= adjourned Assises for this county took place to-day, before Mr. Justice Lawson and Mr. Justice KxOGa. It will be remembered that at the last Assizes, held here in February, amongst the charges on the calendar was one for wilful murder, wherein a person named Tay was indicted. The jury, as on ...


... ROLLS COURT. 8 DUBaLI, THuaSDAY. fhaOL OUR SPECL EROerarx. MILLAR V. WOODSIDfL Tats matter came before the Court upon special case, stated under the provisions of the Chancery (Ireland) Act. 1867, as to the constructioa to be put upon certain appointments containedin the will of the late Mrs. Millicent Fletcher, otherwise Millar, formerly of Belmont, in the County of An. trim, and afterwards ...


... LEGAL NYEWS. ROLLS COURT. [FIZoM OUR SPECIAL REPORTER.] lie, WILLIAM 3I'5MDNAUN, D)ECEASED. Mr. M'COBKELL moved for an order on a sum- mona for administration of the personal estate of the late Wm. H 'Meaunn, of Waterside, Berry, who died on the 2nd of July, last. Hec made his will on the 1st of June preceding. The presenta. plication. was on behalf of -Mr. 1,oss Hastings, who claimed to be a ...


... &2GLISH W7ILL CASES. ALurnoucGi judgment in the great Catholic will case of Parfitt v. Lawless has not been given, another suit, involving no less an amount than £S0,030, has just come into the London Court of Probate. It is a suit in which James Vincent Hlarting and Thomas Farrell propound a will of the late Baroneks sWeld, to which there are ten codicils, the first codicil being dated on the ...


... OARRIOKFERGUS GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS. [FRo~r &un. CO2.WSrOxfDENT. GanRYCi;FrnC;Us T1JESIAY. TUE general Qtuarter Sessions for the Couty of the Tovwn of Carrickfergns w-ere cornmenced shortly after twelve o'clocl; to day, before J. H3. OTEVAy, Eseq., Q. C. The folio wing gentlemen occupied seats on the bench: -Thos. hL Birnie, Esq., J.P.; John Borthwviok Esq., J.P., Lieutenanlt Wfilliam ...


... THE AMERICAN CASE AGAINST ENGLAND. I THiE Times thinks the object of this gigantic 'case' is to make the British Government re- sponsible-first, for the direct losses infliotedon American commerce by the Alabama, the Sum- ter, the Nashville, the Florida, and others; and next, for the indirect losses which the United States Government assumes to be due to the operations of those vessels. ...


... E1ROM OVR COfRDESONDlET.] awvnY, FRIDAY. TiE business of the Quarter Sessions was continued this morning at ten o'clock, before R. JOaRSTOc, Esq., Q.C., Chairman of the County. |I'PORTAN'T TO FLAX DEALTRS. John Grant, flax-buyer, Newry and Tandragee, plaintiff; Thomas O'Hare, hotel-keeper, Warren- point, defendant. In this case, which was Adjourned from last Quarter Sessions, damages were laid ...


... TlHE TICICBORNE CASE. COURT OP COMMON PLEAS. THE EXCITING PROCEEDiBSGS OF WEDNESDAY. COU readers will be eager to know the contents of the letters which led to the animated proceedings of Wednesday, and which were merely summar- rised i ou report. It will be recollected that The AT(PNos-w.T-UrENEM at the sitting of the Court, said he would call upon Mr. Holmes on his subpina& dUces tecum to ...


... Br3EACH OFYPROMISE OF .MA G, | IN the. Court of Common Pleas, Dublin, on Tues- day, the case of Lacy Elizabeth Fitzgerald v. Allen Nesbitt Lox was heard by Judge Lawson and a jury., It was an.action for breach of promise of I marriage. -The defence was that sufficient time had not clapsed for the performance. Damages were laid at £1,000. MI. tURrY Q.C., having stated the case, the follow1ing ...


... ROLYWOOD PETTY SESSIONS. [r.Row: OUR REI-0RTE.] T Y uLocWOOD. MONDAY. TO-DAY, the usual fortnightly Petty Sessions were held at Hclywood, the presidin g magistrates being James Alexander, Esq., J.P., and John Andereon, ESQ., J.P. DOOR-RATs. Mr. Edward M'Hugh, merchant, Belfast, was summoned by Mr. Snowden, poor-rate collector, for not having paid the sum of £2 2a Gd, being amount of pour-rates ...


... CtSTTODY COUTIRT-1YZTERDAy. j jlhuFore J. C. O'DosxtEL, Egq., l2L.; Captain PLINaErT, R3.; &ad RoDno1iUS lATuaVEY, sq, ASSAULTING A CONSTA.BLE. A man, by name John Adair, was put forward| n custody, charged by Sub-Constable James Reilly ! W'ith being drunk in charge of a horse, in iDonegall SFiTarc. West, on Saturday evening, and with as- I sauting the constable w-hen taken ijnto custody. ...