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... i -, buffBRRET LITERATURE. I . . MIDDULEHAROH. Pool. 4I. of Middlemarch (Blackwood and Sons) 3 comes t, ,romind us of our interest in s series of c pervona t&\whom we were introduced some two nmonlhs ago0.' That look bak is instructive. How is it that w4-:eenu to recall these people, not so much ns figurae in some play or scene invented by an artist, as in\ the midst of ordinary life, and ...


... I I I ?? ENCHANTED EMBERS. When bright flames nlicker o'er the burning coal, And throw gaunt shadows on the dusky walls, Anid my black cat sits by the mouse's bole With two round glaring eyes like fiery balls, Then in your ruddy, sympasthetic blaze I see old friends and live in other days- Live o'er again a time that was to this As sunny summer is to winter's cold, Or as long troubles are ...


... X ON AD VAMBETIE& * _ E * I i] Ginozi rede .lrs l o THE PRINCE OF WALES SPECIAL TELEGRAM. {From our Corretpondent.) Limerick, Tuesay Night. The followin g reply to the address of cungratulation from the city magistrates was received to-day by the Mayor :-Safdringham, King's Lynn. January 27, 872. General Sir William Ynollys has received the in- structions of the Princess of Wales to assure ...


... ?? - ^ ^ - ?? _9 4-1 f-:;A I -,E {1 itO The eleventh annual exhibition of the Glasgow is wr Institute of the Fine Arts will be inaugurated a a by the usual convorsazione, to be held this even- I ing, in the Corporation Galleries, preparatory to a iithe ,ublic opening of the institution to-morrow. c Zr Judging from a brief inspection of the pictures made by us on Saturday, we have little doubt ...


... I GLASGOW INSTITUTE ol THS FINE ARTS. t) ?? xt OPENING OONVES&ZAON& ?? night the eleventh exhibition of works of r modern artists, under the auspices of the Glasgow t Institute of the Fine Arts, was inaugurated by a e conversazione in the Corporation Galleries. The LI company began to arrive at seven o'clock, and; rduing the succeeding tw o hours occupied them-X a selves in promen~adig thea ...


... PEAN STANLEY ON THE ART OFE IPIRINTING. SUNDAY morning, thie establkhment of a fund to be devoted to the relief, by way of annual pensions, of the aged -nd necessitois daughters of printers, was inaugurated by Dean Stanley in Westminster Abllcy. The fund is to be called the WVestmainster Abbey Pension Fend, and is established in corn- ineeionrttion of the fact that the art of printing in ...


... :7v Spiritualism/ss Answered Ity Science, By EDWARD W. COX, S.L., F.R.G.S. London: LONGMAN and CO. Mr. Cox has boon accused of being a convert to Spiritual- ism, and he is anxious to deny this accusation. Ho is a believer in many of the phenomena produced by What Is known generally as spiritual agency, but which he, and other scientific experinentalists, attribute to what they designate ...


... B1RITAN1IA'S GLORY AND CROWN. Britannia wept, and from her Royal Throne, Whose mnighty base Beneficence inlaid Upon the strong foundations of the earth, Beyond the reach of Time or madmen's rage, And there cemented by a Nation's lorv, As adamantine rocks shall stand secure Whilst on her axle rolls this fitful world. From that stupendous pinnacle of Fame, With hair dishevelled and her plumne ...


... (jUR winter performances of music include nothing operatic, except pexhaps an occasional air from an opera in the body of a concert. They separate themselves naturally into oratorio performances, concerts of instrumrental music, chamber concerts, and concerts of a miscellaneous description. For the present leaving aside the oratorio performances and the admirable instrumental concerts of the ...


... I - - I THE PRINCE OF WALES. SPECIAL TELEGRAM. (From our Correspondent.) Belfast, Monday Night. Th&'corpozated body of the Queen's College. Belfast, have met and unanimously adopted addresses to her Majesty and the Prince of Wales. The following is the address to the Queen:- MAY IT PLEASE YOtJR MAJsSTY-We, the President. Vice-Presidert, and Professors or the Queen's College, Belfast, ...


... LITER ATUR g. MrnisULEMAanoH. By ?? Eliot. Blook IIL- Old and Young. William 13ilnckwood & ons Sons, TI Irournoticeof the first numbcrof Middlemnarclh 'V 'set complained of the difficulty, amounting almost to an impossibility, of estimating the work by the first of eight instalments. It need to not be said that it must be even m~ore difficult to at form any~accurate estimtate of the second, ...


... INFANT EMIGRA TION. THERE is perhaps in the abstract no rational reason why a woman working courageously, unobtrusively, and energetically in behalf of the young and tender of her own sex should appear more amiable than a man in his philanthropic efforts to aid his own kind. Nevertheless, as men, me cannot help so regarding it. Miss Rye's name is too well known in connection with infant ...