Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEEKLY RETURN ; OF; BIRTHS AND IDEATHO n TEM BORODGH OF BIRMINGHAM l 7XTHWnx, 1872. In theweek ending last Saturday 4,749 births and 2,844 deaths were registered ia 18 of the largest English towns, including Londoin. The births exceeded by 213, while the deaths were 33b below, the average weekly numbers in the -ten years 1861-70, corrected for increase of population-to the middle of this year. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NiOTIOE. BIRTHS. MARtBIAGMS and DEATHS notaxoseding fle~r inered at 5s. each, or 3 times for 10s. Poter ?? Afterwerd BIRTIS. ,&LFX DEM - February 20, the wife of XaJor B; P. Ajx- ander, Rifle Brigade, of a daughter, stillbom. ,SUMS1RE.-February 90, at ce5 Eyde-yark, the We of F. P. Ashmore, EFq., of a Eon. BURlBURY. -Februly22, at Upper Philli esrens, Ken- sington. the wife of i. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... VTMTHS, MAnRIAGES, and DEATHS, not eseeding Slines6ae inserted at 5s. each, or 3 times for 10s.: Is. par H5ue aftarwards BIRTHS. ALLEN.-FebruarY 5, at Stoke Nowington, lm. A. J. Allen, of a daughter. DENNY.-February 6, at Connasught-plo, the wifo of T. A. Deuty, Esq., of a son,. DOXAT, -February 3, at Hoflan-road, Kensington, the Wife of E., REq., of a son. Ao GltROSON.-February 4, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUINTERAL OF AN ORANGEMKASN. YEOTERDAY one of the largest gatherings that we have ever seen at a funeral assembled to accompany the remains of Mr. William Peebles, late Secretary to the District and County Grand Orange Lodge of Belfast, to their last resting place in the Shanihill Bulr ing-gro und. Mr. Peebles who was universally known amongst Orangemen, through his having held the office of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIPTSA IGES. ANt DEATHS BIRTHS. CoOTB-flec. 29, at Sealeote, India, te wfile f F. Eyre Cooie, q, 58th Begl. of a sonL EegLIN-Feb. 23, at the residerce of her fatter, tle Rev. J. Wrixon, 6, Queen's Elms, Belfast, the -wife of John Godfrey Echlia, Esq., of Rokeby, near ikE- born, of a son. bl'MYLTLB-Feb. 2S, at Lauriston House, Windsor, Belfast, Mr. Robert fiullezn, of a daughter. SIIYTHE-Feb. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARGES, AND DEATHS,- BIRTHS. ARMSTRONC-Feb. 25, at 14,B eSq East the Wife of Joohn Arstrong, of a daughter. CARMARTB-EN-Feb. 20, at Round OaI, FaLefield Green, London, the Uiouess'ol Casrma~ei of a daughterz MACPHERSON-Feb 23, at CGasheltown, Airs- shire, Mrs. James Macpheson, of a son, R.A4SIN-Feb. 25, at 15, Little George's Street, Bel- fast, the wife of Mr. Hugh Rankia, of a son, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 3 Victoria Sti'eet, on the 9th inst, th'e 'Wifo of Mr DxviD BAXTnR; a daughter. At Glenfield,'neaj Paisley, on the 9th inst., Msr JOSEPH1 FUnvoir j &sonl. At 4 Strathmore'Gardens, Londoi, W., on th& 9th inst., Mrs J. MouTimEs HuNTr; a daughter. At Newmains House; on the -8th inst,, Mrsa HEUTER; a daughter. I At 12 London Place, Cathcart R'oad, on the 7th inst., Mrs ?? M'LAE; a daughter. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF EARL MAYO. A telegram from Calcutta, dated Saturday, says:- -'The funeral procession of his Excellency Earl Mayo took place to-day, and was most imposing. The mortal remains of the late Viceroy were landed from the steamer Daphne, and conveyed to Government-house on a gun carriage, the Calcutta volunteers, to the number of about 500, forming the escort, and preceding the procession. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE REV. DR. DIXON. On Monday evening, at the Oldham-street Chapel, the Rev. W. B. Pope, Principal of the Wesleyan College at Didabury, preached the funeral sermon on the ocoasion of tho death of the Rev. Dr. Dixon, one of the oldest preachers in the Wesleyau Connexion. At the oonolnsion of his sermon Mr. Pope gave an interesting account of the life and ministry of Dr. Dixon. He said that ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. eFebruary. a, -t Meridian-place, Olifon, the wife of Charles dISteeie, Req., of aei on tlfbruary 4j at rundon houae, Clifton-down, the wife of Wm. sSmith, Rsq., of a daughter. : February4, atBerwickpiace, St.3Marks-road, Lower Easton, the wife of Mr. F. Sarrelt, of a son. February 5, at Francis-place, Whltehoune-street, Bedrlmlster, Ffthe wifc of blr. Robert Bleavie, of a ron. .- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... s0 e; BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. ly he DIED.-NEWCASTLE, at 6, Alexandra Place, on the ly7th inst., aged 42, Elizabeth, beloved wife of Mr T. PACarrick. pa DIED-At GATE HoUSE, Tarset, on the 1st inst., er Matthew, youngest son of Matthew George Charlton. ,d- DIED.-WAnwIctE GRANGE. on the 6th inst., Bel- anlamy, infant son of J. T. Dixon. nty DIRD.- HANTS, at Bournemouth, on the 7th inst., m ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. DIED. -At WHALTON, on the 22nd ult., aged 'JO, Robert Milbourn. DIED,-At HARLOW HILL, oil the 15th ult., aged 68, Catherine, widow of Mlr Thomas Guy. BIRTHS. NEWCASTLE, at 27, Westgate Road, on the 25th ult., the wife of J. E. Henderson, of a daughter, ?? Grainger Street, on the 27thi ult., the wife of Antonio Bernasconi, of a ?? 59, Westmorland Roud. on the 28th ...