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... MR. PURCHASES DEFIANCE OF THE LAW. The following, from a correspondent, appears in the Brighton Daily News of Monday :— Yesterday morning, between nine and ten o'clock, persons passing St. James's Chapel were surprised to observe a gentleman scaling the iron gates in front of the chapel, and nailing a written document on the doors. On inquiry it was ascertained that this gentleman was an ...


... London, which has been moulting during the recess» is itself again. The clubs are all activity the hotels are beginning to do a brisk business, which the proprietors hope will last till August. Kensjngronia, Belgravia, and Tyburnia are evidently commencing the season, and even the Ring and Rotten Row are beginning to be lively with the carriages of the aristocracy, and with noble horsemanship ...


... THE UNIVERSITY BOAT RACE.—The Cambridge crew have taken the usual course to Baitsbite. Bag- gaily, of Caius, was installed as stroke, and Robinson, of Christ's was sixth. The Oxford crew were out on Mon- day, including Ornsby, Lincoln Black, new Giles, Christ Church; Nicholson, Magdalene Malau, Wor- cester Audry, new Mitchison, Pembroke Lesley, Pembroke stroke, Moleyns, Queen's. The subject ...

[No title]

... RUN WITH THE DUKE OF BEAUFORT'S HOUNDS. The Beaufort hounds met on Friday last, at Trouble House, near Tetbury, and after trying a cover hard by, they went to Neunton Goss, where Reynard was soon found. After a little parrying be took the direc- tion of Bishoper, thence across Charlton Park to Smith's Mill, whence he led huntsmen and hounds tan tivey to Milbourn. There he dodged a little and ...


... Mr. W. M. Madden, B.A., scholar of Queen's College, Cambridge, who was bracketed seventeenth Wrangler in this year, has been appointed mathematical master at Dover Castle. FLORILINE For the TEETH and BREATH.-A few drops of the Fragrant Z lor Hi tie on a wet tooth brush produces a delightful foam, which cleanses the Teeth from all impurities, strengthens and hardens the gums, prevents tartar, ...


... ^L00AL1:NTELLIS0E. SOUTH WALES CIRCUIT.—Mr Justice Grove, who will be thlt. presiding judge at the ensuing assizes for the South Wales Circuit, has made the following fixtures :-February 2Gth, Ilavetfordwest; 29th, Cardigan; March 4tli, Car- marthen 9th, Swansea; 22nd, Brecon 27th, Presteign an 1 .'>,)th, Chester. REMOVAL OF A MINISTER.—Ye are informed that the Rev O. Waldo James, Baptist ...


... SATURDAY.—{Before J. a. Fowler, Esq.) THE CASE OF STEALING BREAD AND MEAT.—Geo. Jones was again brought up charged with stealing bread and meat, value 6d, frem the Clarence Inn.—As nothing was known of his antecedents, he was discharged. ILLEGAL HOURS.—George Parry, landlord of the Anchor Tavern, was summoned for selling beer during illegal hours. P.C. Charley was about to give evidence, when ...

[No title]

... TREDEGAIt POLICE COURT. TUESDAY.—(Before lib- Darby and Dr Coates.) A NOISY PAT.—Patrick Hogan was charged with being drunk and refusing to quit the Royal Arms, Rhymney.— Fined 5s. and costs. RHYMNEY CWRW BACH.—Walter Walters was charged by the police with selling beer illegally.—Mr Plews de- fended.—Sergeant Richards visited tho house of defendant and found nothing in the way of beer in ...


... THE ASSOCIATED CHAMBERS OF COM- MERCE. The annual meeting of the Associated Chambers of Commerce was held on Tuesday at the Westminster Palace Hotel, Mr. S. S. Lloyd presiding. The report expressed regret at the return of France to the pro- tection system. The Chairman, in moving the adop- tion of the report, referred to the appointment of Sir Louis Mallet on the Indian Council as satisfactory ...

[No title]

... The shipment of American manufactured goods to Australia has generally resulted in heavy loss. BREAKFAST.—EPPS'S COCOA.—GRATEFUL AND COM F(v?Tv.NG— By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which Sovern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well- selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately ...

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... OUR NEW COLONY.—Mr. Pope Hennessy, who was lately appointed Governor of the Bahamas, has accepted the post oi Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the African Settlements, includiug Sierra Leone, Gambia, the Gold Coast, and Lagos and is now at the Hague, where he has assisted in the negotiations con- nected with the cession to Great Britain of the Dutch colonies on the Gold Coast. GREAT ...