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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... :: v . :i u n co7 ?? ?? Gene.alOAtgia' - funeral led tob a striking do- Monasttio o, 0 paoi 'sm ion tI e patp ::the. 3$omans. -The st;reets 'Xere 'orowdeci to ,excess. -The. funeral J ~gte ?? led by thebu6d of~ the 1t bdiaddier'. Then.L camei large numberoipnl' and'th pruishjpriest of 8t Vsinenzw adiiinio. An-.'iery'c~ia' e drawn by six-blkcl lhoises bor tkiedbo f sthededesk. Prinlce Htuber.. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EIEkHS, MARRIA GAS, AND DEATHS. B IRTH S. SONS. ALit siht, Xife of the Rev. V. H., at St. John's \Vicarsge, Worcester, Feb. 23. BAsLOW, wife of the Rev. W. H., at Bristol, Feb, 25 BARTLETT, Mrs. E., at Bath (stillborn), Feb. 25. CtIIALLICL, Mrs. xx., at Villiers-street, Strand, CIECNlLAND, Mrs. G., at Knighton, Leicester, Feb. 22. FLETCHEr, Mrs. B., at Bedford-square, Feb. 27. GLAY, wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3INS, MARRIAGES, and DEATiHS, otexeeedlg bliaaes insertedat ft ea. or 3 times for lOs.: I per line afterwards BMTHS. 3OOID,-February 13, at Bdwe-oAd, the wife of T. W. Boord, on. 00 ILtY.-!!Fc 1s, at lereet, BaQ, Me wfe d Mnhni. 0ounollit, YI Ntsvy of a6 son. cOPILA ND.-February 1s, at Kibblestone-hall, Stone, Stafford. shire, the wife of B. P. Copeland, Esq., of a son. =WWAEDS.-February 14, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTH S. SONS. ASTON, Mrs. W. S., at South Kensington, Feb. 20. BLOMNveR, wife of Captain, at Huldborghausen, Saxe-leiningen. Feb. i5. BRUNessIcLL, birs. W. F., at Buck-land House, near Kingsbridge, Devon, Feb. OS. CAntri-r, Mrs. F. B., at Islington, Feb. xp. LaO, wife of the Rev. C. W., at Eton, Feb. 2o. EntAilI, soife of Captain I. S., at Lorrdouni-oad, Sc. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NOT1'!G VMTHTE. 3MAUEAGFS. and DE& O~nteqedigSlnaq inserd at f& each, or 3 ?? for loV.: per Une ava IBMHS. I DNE.-Febrnry 6, at Sheustone, Liobdeld the wife of B. C. T. Beadnell, captain, Boyal Montgomery ihee (late 6Srd Re t), of Li Son. .- 14 ebruarY 7. at Brocbhunt, BoutSbsids, Wandewu%, thwife of 0. Berry, qof a ao. IURY.-February 6, at St. ernd'e, azing, Ecsez, the wife of aQJ. MrE89q. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... xTriS. MATI trAGES, and DEATHS, notmosoeding Sliame inesrted at 3. eebh, or 3 times for xis; s.a per inoa aterWardM ?? B1IRTHS. AfA3S,-Januarzy 31, at Ladbroke-grove, the wife of ,. S. Adams, ol a daughter. CNALIERIS.-JanAJxU4X 31. at Gorsofleld Waterloo, near liver'. pool, the wife of * . Chalmers, of a danuhter D]tEiW. - February 1, at Blessington-road Leer Thoms Prew, of a daught-kr. ,Le & ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NOMfIO - a B amiTrs. MARIUUAGES, and D ATH8otetoee4dng ?? irted at s. ceo oro 3Ot terlins rwa. . BIRTHS., A03-ebruait77,at Bbalden.IlodgE1Rs ?? H. Askew, Esq., Of a daaghter. H UURCZ.-1Sehruy 0 at AlbWv, fne, the W. T. X. Cburch, REq., of a a4agter. . *DAVME&-Fabeara 4, at Bdite Mogm, the wife of E. Davies, REq., et 2daner. I I Ba ]PALCK.-Fcbnary 7, at aestboue.pesha. the 'wib ft. WIrTh= ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... T M. YARXAS, en KO ECXi ;of a e ' Npret .or a time fo I.*pr 3;n avmkj 6 BIREM7. WOULDWORTIL-Peabra 20 at Queen 'e the ,mg ofie W. lEouldswezthtEmq., of *deegter. -ale LenTON.-eb uo 2 B , ant Nra. wom l-ngton of h daughter. IeNwfeOftie.2teimt.,At41, Croleb Qtwlhe eot Mr.F.B: .L&aver of &on. J MON.-Felru 21, at Wedbo e, W.the ife ot - ~bon W. tianOn, ofa LL-Febwnar SO atIUtlethunre, Dulyio, thae ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NOTICE, 3hTHSI. WARRIAGES, and DEATHS, not esceefirng a lines We Inserted at 5. eac. or 3 tines for 10s., Is. per line auiward, BIRTHS. 3DIG 0.-Febrnary 1, at Wimpole-street, Cgvendiah.sqiare, the Wife? Of Mr. G. l~liggS, Of a son, MR)OWN.-February 12, at Florenoe-villa, Croxted-road, Dul- wieh. Mms. Benjamin Brown, of a son. ]aROWN.--February 18, at Kensi gton-gearden-square, Kms. D. 0. Brown ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTH S. - SONS. GCiRc, Mrs., at Wardley House, Hong Kong, Jan. 14. MAIn, the wife of Capt. J. Gordon, late igth Regt., at Hartsfield, Betchworth, feb. 2o (prematurely- twin-, boy and girl). SYEONDS, wife of the Rev. NV., Rector of Grey- stoke, at Brighton, Feb. 21. TF.BBITT, Mrs. F., ?? Constantinople, Paris, Feb. IS. DAUGHTERS. Cova-Y, Mrs. G., at Puckeridge, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NOT1IOEI. UMTHS. MAlNIAGES, and DEATHS, not exceeding S1lneswe bsered at a. each, or 3 times for los.; Is. par line afterward& BIRTHS. BROOMO.-February 15, at Blenheim-road, St. Job-'&Woo the wife of L. Brooking, iof a daughter. CAMPE ?? 16, at Grosvenor-creseent, B0 rave- square, the wifc of Lord A. Campbell, of a son. DODD.- February 17. at Croydon, thewife of H. Dodd, of a son. GOODDY.-On ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BERTHS, AIARRIA GES, AAD DEA THS. BIRTHS. SONS. CrAIcra, Mrs, P. G., at armpstead, Jan. so. Hlisroste, Mrs. NV. J., at Richmond, Jail. a. RAt liBONE, Mrs. H., at Hctne-hill, Jan. 3o (prema- turely, stillborn), SE7I-EI, Mrs. W. M., of Holloway, Jan. 29. TUD1WtAv, Lady E., at Senniore-place, Mayfair, Jan. 29 (child survived its birth only a few hours). V/INGATr, the wife of Lieut. T. Oliver, x ...