Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At S9 Nnitli Hanover Street, on the 18th inst. Mrs A. G. MAXWFLLu; a son. At 62 Pollok Street, on thc 18th inst., Mrs THos. M'Gnsoaon; a daughter. . At 16 Whitehill Street, Dennistoun. on tihe 19th1 inst., the wife of JOHN MACINRsVn, Caledonimau Pottery; a son- still-bern. At 26 Caumevaide Street. Paisley, on ?? ?? inst., the wife of A' INDEW\VALUCAC1I, jun., dyer; a eon. At 85 Thistle Street, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? At 395 Parliamentary Road, on the 14th inst.; Mrs VIM. BUmiANAN; a son. At 604 Dunle Street, on the 14th iust., Mrs [1. DANIEL GIBSON; a son. ?? Primrose Place, Paisley Road, on the 14th inst., Mrs CAMPBELL B. Moors ; a daughter. At 147 Cunuberland Street, on the ?? 1. WILLIAM SrALL; a son. At Mausefield, RSilhalcolm, on the 14th inst,, [0. Mrs JOr{N RITCHIE, a, daughter. At Woodside, ...


... AND DEATHS. SCALE OF PRICES. Notices of Births aend Death78s (10 r ords and underJ, ?? ?? d., Is. 6d. ea.04 Afrarietgcs (24 words and under), ?? 2s. 6d. cack, For eachC 8 woids ad(lZtiona?_. ?? 6d. Creait .d. ?? ?? ?? ?? 6ext CZo.. At 10 Windsor Street, on the 20th inst., Mirs JoHN FULTON; a son. At 3 William Street, Calton, on the 20th inst., Mrs A. M'CULoriOi~i Aso. e At7 Og michael Street, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3INS, MARRIAGES, and DEATiHS, otexeeedlg bliaaes insertedat ft ea. or 3 times for lOs.: I per line afterwards BMTHS. 3OOID,-February 13, at Bdwe-oAd, the wife of T. W. Boord, on. 00 ILtY.-!!Fc 1s, at lereet, BaQ, Me wfe d Mnhni. 0ounollit, YI Ntsvy of a6 son. cOPILA ND.-February 1s, at Kibblestone-hall, Stone, Stafford. shire, the wife of B. P. Copeland, Esq., of a son. =WWAEDS.-February 14, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. February 18, at the Elms, Alphington, the wife of W. COTTON, Esq., a daughter. February 18, at Tuders-strect, the wife of Mr. W. WVEST, a son. February 16, at Queen-street, Newton Abbot, Mrs. JOs CcUDxEIGIoI, Jun., a daughter. February 16, at Starcross, the wife of Mr. HI: BAZLEY, a son. February 16, at Paragon-place, Exoter, the wife of Mr. R. BURNETT, a daughter. February 15, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NOTICE, 3hTHSI. WARRIAGES, and DEATHS, not esceefirng a lines We Inserted at 5. eac. or 3 tines for 10s., Is. per line auiward, BIRTHS. 3DIG 0.-Febrnary 1, at Wimpole-street, Cgvendiah.sqiare, the Wife? Of Mr. G. l~liggS, Of a son, MR)OWN.-February 12, at Florenoe-villa, Croxted-road, Dul- wieh. Mms. Benjamin Brown, of a son. ]aROWN.--February 18, at Kensi gton-gearden-square, Kms. D. 0. Brown ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BZRTHS. BATHO-Peb. 14, at Armagh, the Wife of Robert Batho, Esq., Medical Staff, of a son. GoDK;;IN-Feb. 13: t the Londonderry Arms. Cairn- lough, the wife of )r. Robert Codkin, of a daughter. lQNEY-IU-Feb. 12, at Glasgow, the wife of John Hioaeyrman, Esq, StrooveSkelinorLie,N.E., of ason. MILLS-Feb. 12, at Great Stanhope Street, London, the Lady Louisa Mills, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ith WEDNESDAY, Fobruary 21, 1872. BIRTHS. At 39, ConstitutIon Street, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr A. TRAILL, Teacher, of a daughter. At 113, High Street, Old Aberdeen, on the 15th inst., the Wife of HENRY M. BRAKERe, LL.D., of a son. At the Free Church Manse of Inverurie, on the 12th inst., the Wife of the Rev. JAMES MASSON, of a son. At Oldmeldrum, on the 13th inst., the Wife of Mr JOHN ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 14th instant, the wife of Mr. Thomas J. Halsall, Preston, of a son. On the 2nd instant, at Calstock, Cornwall, Mariou, wife of T. F. Mitchell, 1.C. S., of a son. MARRIAGES. On the 13th inst., at St. Ignatius's Church, by the Rev. Father Farmer, Mr. Benjamin Whalley, of Blackburn, form- erly of Pmeston, to Alice, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. Banhber, St. Paul's Road, Preston, On ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF THE L&TE ROBERT PAT. TERSON, ESQ., EX3tS. . Tuz faneral of this much-regretted gentleman took place on Saturday. The cortege started from his late residence, College Square North, a few nminutes after nine o'clock, whence it proceeded to the | Borough Conmetery, where the interment took V place. The universalesteem and respect entertained ] for Mr. Patterson, and 'the extent to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... D_4Ta OF THE -ISHOP OF CASHEL AND WATEURFORD. [SPECIAL TELEGRAMA] ight Rev. Dr Daly, Protestant Bishop of ~2shel anid Waterford, died at eight o'clock last j the 90th year of his age, said. 29th of his a lcess bish1op. the3 health hlad beenl failing fo' some time past. VF, CASE QT REA V. HFTISER-LXCE- CS iENT IN DERRY. [SPECUIL =EGRAM] JF.R3o 0Th OWN CORRESPONsnXYTr LocNDoNsDnY, FuRAy. 'r ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Not icre of Deaths and Marriages should be sent with the least posaible delay after their occurrence. ifunot rareived in liimefor insertion on or before Ihe third dayi after the cevet, theu will be chargef at ftsefosltwizig rates, vi-. :-l or 2 lincs Is-, ands (I. pser tins after- toorris. Of course this does not apply to Deaths and Marriages abroad or in the Colonies. -all Notices of ...