... I - l a , it~ ~ I Isaqo ?? 1liid''G' i;Xeha1 ?? e adrchndbdy' Chief H=doeotiioitAi and Bergoant Dowrdel, -o; teh ?? sfbargedoon-llwawrant being coscnd w h o' ?? lsz ia' 'wturdh ?? e1t nit 'e oin, g to 'x oi' tV Tun1 n mrola , axd REt iB Mr. Su~~teidqt'IW1aMIMonD of Scotland. ard Vwatob ,e . nca1b othepolioo; 'CAd ob. ilbex 8o141: ?? co ?? R* ?? jef, oi Soan . nid, patilh: Wo iq ie u. !eed, N ...


... LEGAL NLTe& ROLLS COURT. DUBLIN, WnNxsnAxY. [scM UR SPC EPORTER.] In re H ESSKIILLEN, BUNDORAN AND SLIGO RAILWAY COMPANY. Mn. SWIFT moved in this case on the part of the company to draw out of Court m arn of ÂŁ95 17s 6d, money which they had lodged in 1863 as compen- sation to John and WVm. Boey for lands belonging to them in Tyrone, which. the company then con- sidered they would require for ...


... PCIaO kruTS11bleM ?? 0- ALLEGED LiBna.-James Irving Stott, the proprietor and editor of a weekly publication alled the Resorta-, was summoned for putliehing a ibN 1 upon Mr. Herbert Wood, a eoliotor. The defendant did not appear. Mr. Payne, a solicitor, who represented him, Waid that he was prevented by illnees from attending, and he bad received a letter from his wife to that effect. He ...


... JSTJETIB PARODIE)D. OF1Ltbne Ptity gS jaiejair the Unaied I iupdonm itbe | ~ieet~ smqutt ?? b'see Wmen (thoce heltl at Ubvidge on ?? WifkS OIe o2 fbh n Fee a chatr againet a, OW116dnte' for Ia6it6iirg a ntontbial cfwoautroivenr tleti irlO tdeae. Nho6dy keiiippied z *augqht'y liftfe ur3hti on the ap ?? and eo the vigorouti ?? of tbe -la* wme adjiitcd, i; b,'edi.ot o-ellingin a nuroe, or: ...


... .THEE:: :TICUBORNE TRIAL I , NDT-;EIGH DAY. ThetrI was ?? yesterday morning, in the Court do Q40ees Benom, Westminster, shortly ater ten o'clock. Q :- Mr. ereant Balant, . Giffard Q, , m1W Pollard, nd lMr. Jeune were foi the plahatlg; the At. tomey-General, Mr. Hawkins,.O.O, Sir Geo rgelbny. ml, Bart.,2M. Ohapuja Barber, and Mr. C. Bowen were for the defendants; and Mr. Mafthawsi Q.O., and Mr. ...


... WAfRWICKS111Rg SPRING ASSIZES. (ROWN cOtTfRT.-YFS'J'EEAY. 21r. Jus.tiea Keating toolk hi, ganat 'il the croswn Oourt vesterday rooming, at ten o'otock. SEn-TRNCES.-Ydary B>1i.:abhesth Iencowe (19), domestic servant ,ilieaded guilty to coucealmnent -of birth, sat Ltov--hy. ?? was sentenced to oae nomth's impriaon. inubt with bard Inkour.-Wlllasil Bird Harvey (28), tailor, who bad pleaded guil ...


... THLE I AMETIE MWER.t | :. , r,- .. ?? I:- Yestrda afernonthereainiszg io George M~erritt, who was murdered on Saturda'y moroing Week 'at Belvider'e-r.,ad lambeth, were intere at Tooting.Ceme-. tery. This faa that the' deesed *wa sz 0mbor- of the~, Foxestexs' Society, amud'th'at at the''fifie he neat lbis'de6th was rocediug atohe Lion 'Brewei to d the wirk;04L s brothr orester who lay ...


... COUNTY OF FERMAGH.AO [SPECIAL TELEGRAM.] [FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT.] ENiSKISEIEN, THURSDAY. Ar half-past one o'clock to-day, the follow'ing gentlemen were sworn on the Grand Jury in the Crown1 Court, by WILLI.M SMART, ESq., Deputy- Clerk of the Crown, before the High-Sheriff (Col. Archdall):-Major IRvINE (foreman), John Madden, Esq.; Colonel A. Cole, Nicholas Archibald, Esq.; c John Breen, Esq.; ...


... C USTOD}Y COUIRT--YEESI EDhs. [Before EDWARD OaRME, Esq.., RR.M.; and JAHES HAMILTOy, Esq., J.F.] BOTHER AND SO . George M'Conville was brought up in custody, charged by his mother, Ellen Ml'Conville, with I having stolen a pair of blankets, her property. 2 Ellen M'Conville was examined, and deposed that on the preceding day she caught her son tak-I ing a pair of blankets out of her house. She ...


... A A WORCESTERSHIRE DLVOROM-SUIT. I~ ?? ?? I EXTRAORDINARY FVIDENCE.: II the Divorce Court, yeaterday, Lord Penaneo, and a Speoial Jury, had before them the cause of Sanderson v. S:nerson, Steveni, and Hisicox. serjeant Parry, Mr. Gee. trowne, and Mr. H.,A. Iader- wick were commiel for the petitioner; -dr, colim and Mr. Petheram were for the respondent. Th was a husbailds petition for a ...


... I, LAW COURTS-YE3TERDAY. I I - CONSOLIDATED CHAMBER. (Before Judge O'Brien.) TEREATTE3IG X=rra CAM Mr. Hugh M'Dermott applied to admit to bai a man named John O'Donnel, at present confined in Carrick on.Shannon jail on a charge of writing a series of threatening letters to Colonel John Jame s Whyte, of Newtowin Manor, County Leitrim. It appeared that soeie 22 years ago the plaintiff's father ...


... BXTRAORDINA2Y M!ATRIC)DE. For some time past, before tho polise tribumnls and inI the Divorce 'Court, the aflairs of Mre. Muldola, alisn Porthary, have 666 od iedn a prominetk' position, , rB. amelia 1orttbury, aiqd37, was tlwdow 4 5.f (ltoc nasrcrd muld oea, who h,Y rneuy Aarsenjqoyriein ezteneive ptetice in Bsthnsl-gr~en, aud wvho on his death, at the momieoecement of l as year, left hie ...