Advertisements & Notices

... THEXSMIR08P ADDR3BBM H. Jo NzOOLL, UERMANT LOTHEUR, ARMY, N~AVY, AND ?? OUTFIl'FB1 01 RBGAN2' BTRZE2' and COP.NRIEr,. zoDONO. Eiss Branch Establichomenitp at BRMRJTZGEAN, MANCHESTr13A and ZIZV2ERPOOL, where thet Most Approved and PhAlffON*RL SNOVEuM1 us Iiclftan6GUMIh Vroduned. Whether in Suits in Separae Garments Nor moraing ow Evening wear, or In Ovrcaits acid OmrArticlea of Dress. the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OA X BYA ATiio. Y T. - BOWDIDG THIS D t at M4 £LjlVlrtion B~tro.4~~OU8EfOLD~l) 8dRNITUE~and the MCOK.1N-TRADE of a Rurmmakor. bmo ?? above ioo be a41ohbay r-ui-s ?? need appe. 0ee aign ntii. ?? 'o 61-Alr I -I 7H- OWt;D a8i MAHNEDPT > -OM BitGFivons at ?? i 3£j IJO 1 S.TRfrt, WHEELE ihND WILSON SEWW# U OA8 --IC P30 £~s~sn 5.5. ?? S.HA ESPRAR -ND Co ?? eA : I3nWlviae Laflee. 00e. sped ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I GENERAL FUNERAL=COMPANY. i F, FOR AR 1871 - PER CENT. SU BlSGRTPTION FOR 30,000iH S OF £20 E iAH IN 7X500 PROVISIONAL CERTICA FOURBIURFEACH ,CERTItICAE OF THE A RAILWAYS COMPANY- mG M iLIMA TO CALLA.- - TO G OKQRlIdtttp PRIO E- 03 SUBSC lGPlN' l PER, PE#TIFIO4T Withi biineX of Baaneo of Ii ad for tbe ym.x ending ?? Deciember lat, equal to ,Tei Shillings par Shm, 2 , ,per Caertiote, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J~ ~B'4 GIXYand S=LM2 WATVBY1m ath mnisx be WarUW. Ovem n~ua. aann 'eiw. Md; 8ilyer 2G.Hzndaome Gold LaAexs. 981 G *81'e dtt 4. 1fta iree OB&M emdtu cexwtea plnd Wabohnmzker w. Size al dnw--offl imr E. I~b of ~ the Gre ?? b I' iocketa, 1a.M. ?? ~~~la . d.;b e w oab hi roa, onoi~W. Goea, -22M a~ ALL SaNWa. E. D13T ?? 81, sran,s 3, iBon1 Bir, d~rDtXP. from GG. Goldw *^t ?? d. ,, ofLO S~nWndi~to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRINTING DECORATIVE DESIGNS On Walls, Ceilings, &c., in Gold and Colours. EDWARD LEE'S PATENT. Architects sould find this process cheaper, far superior, and more durable than hand painting or stencilling. PATENT PERMANENT GLASS TILES For Church Decorations, Walls, Flower Boxes, &c. 10 FEATHERSTONE BUILDINGS, LONDON, W.C., 23 SOUTH CASTLE STREET, LIVERPOOL. ClUTLERY, Warranted.-The most varied ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | I kt Lu jtrftiurt. Adr-ertisefwexfs for the PALL MALL GAZETTE shouild be sent to, thre 0/lice before Half-Past Nine O'clock on toe day of pblication. Advertiosements to be displayed ?? be sent on thepreviotes day. Annouxncem~ents of Births, Marriages, and Dewaths; are iserted in is PALL MALL GAZETTE al a charge of Fiv-e Shil'iugus. Thzey may bie sent through~ an aeirmertising Agent, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .AVIARE, CAVIARE, CAVIARE. t SCOTT'S OYSTER ROOMS and RES- TIAUJRANT, S8 and xs, COVENTEY.-STREET, facing the Baymarket. Customers at the above establish- xmeet canl now pu~rch~ase the real Astrakcan Caviare Dy the lb. or less. Real Turtle Soup always ready. ITEDGES AND BUT LE R, .L 155, REGENT-STREET, LONDON, and 30, I(ING'S-ROAD, BRIGHTON, iuporters and bottlers of the pure wines of France, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LECTUMEN by thDEc.D t , Rswdon College tibi Erc.Ift raedy'- Marc)1' ao the New Teetament.' 0 4230 Eevs~ire- especiallY i r9-ef r ?? NIATN CSRIISTIANITY.- On Thursday end racica be ile at7.3, b OEPHCLIF, Esq., J.P. ¶1kvChai toG 4100 INDIANASSOOATION. - On 'rrcsoresein, arh 1th SMOAMEER ItAL KEIAN, LCD. wil drvera LETUR inthe Phtlosophicsl Hall, ~ ~0, eibti'blharredas inInda. Chair to be taken ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERBYSHIRE AGRICULTURAL AND HORTI- CULTURAL SOCIETY. ALTERATION OF RULES. N OTICE having been GIVEN of certain Proposed NAlterations of the Society's Rules, a GENERAL MEETING of the Members wil be held in the Town Hall, Derby, on FRIDAY, the 15th March, 1872, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, when such proposed alterations will be taken into consideration. (By order), JAMES C. SMITH, 9th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. SALE THIS DAY. FIRST-CLASS RETAIL SPImiT STORE A.nn OTHER PREMISES, FOR SALE BY AUCTION. To be Sold by AUCTION, on the PRElMISES, on FRIDAY, the let day of March nex, at the hour of Twelve o'clock Noon, K IL THE INTEREST OF THE ON1ER, 3L -Mr. JmiES M1'CALL, in those Extensive PRE- MIS:3 at the Corner of S[MITHFIELD and MAR- QUIS STREET, in the Town of Belfast, in which be at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHORT ANNOUNCEMENTS. ISrl Asnouwwuf9O~ gm etdi it ?? I4usnfor Ti rs tw ssereedlng Dms de '~usE TWVEd& Is au en thes AD GRD _unA- swt' Wise Os Prt-iaL flIOlTURE Frames of every deseription Manmifactred ?? Premises Thoas EL Reily, 24 Gatora-street G ENUINE Tobaccos and Cigars In every variety W Bow and O&', 15 Colg-gen 'hAtICHAELh THOMPSO!( Saddler-an8.lHarness Ma IIlrt nuafacturer. 37 Hligh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. 11ATRB RO YALA DUBLIN TL THIS EVENING ybeperfonnee will commence with the Cormmredietta 0itled A MORNING CALL. MU, which will be produced the entirely' New anad SS CNItSTM AS COMIC PANTOMIME entitled FEE PAW FUM, * Harlequii j3k, the Giant, and the Leprehanns O caily wdtten for this Theatre by John Strachan, Meciam1berof the Dramatic Authore Society, London. me ber b 0 r. ...