Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PUNE1RAL OF THE LATE MR. ~TAMBIS - ~~~TX It is to be qulestioned whether any of the bliso-1 ful. dwellers'in Belgravia are familiar with the name of the gentle men we have placed at the head of this article, and R yet' it is a fact that yesterday he had a f uneral such as ak is only the reward of England's greatest men. Never on grea the Surrey side of the waterwa there suoh a scene as aset! ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. OuRTIs-March 7, at The Outwoods, Derby, the wife of the Rev. 0. J. Curtis, rector of Coddington, Herefordshire, of a SOn. MARRIAGES. BATTLE--BnOADHsunsT-Mxrcb 17, at St Alkmund's Church, Derby, by the Rev. W. Berresford, Arthur Battle, to Lucy Broadiurst, youngest daughter of the late Mr. George Broadhurst, painter, 15, Bridge-street, Derby. Ovsi-MonLEY-4ftrch 12, at Babington-lane ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEA&THS BIRTHS, CJOPER-31arch 1, at Jane Ville, Peter Place, Dub- in, the wife of George W. Cooper, BEsq, Delbrook, Dundrmn, of a son. D32NRAVE N-EFeb. 29, at Buckingham Gate, London, the Countess of lnraven, of a daughter. F zzGERALD-Blarub 4, at Cestlewood Aveanue, Db- lin, the wife of ZS Fitzgerald, Es., of a son. JO iES-Feb. 27, at Manorhamilton, the residence of ler ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 5 West Garden Street, on the 10th inst., 'MIrs Wms. Gnauvr; a son. At 2 Melrose Buildings, on the 9th inst., Mrs GEORGE SLOAN; A dall.ghter. Ati1d4 Watt Street, Paisley Road, on 0th iut., Mrs A. B. PATERSOlN; A son. At 349 Spririghurn Road, on the 0th inDtb, Mfrrs DAVIDe M'IlsNnR; A sn, a At 140 pootiled Street, Denniutoun, on the, 9th r inst., Mrs ,OJILN Bnluw?;; a son. At l0 Leven Street, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -, Ti I I ?? iI'' 'det announ~eeane~sa few daiysago,. of the- dcath of Mr J'ames'Eerguaon,. of Wiston, was biceneddirith ee`A regre by a;lqrge cirole of i 6icn&'' e'event'to'6k' ace'n his residence sat 'Auchinheath, Ieinahgbigo, 'iftei a very brief m118s;, the- de'c'6ased h nvhtg bebn: seized with, - paralysis 'on the morning2 of Fri yh the 1st, which graditall'yextended andcintensified, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On the 25th litimo, at the Parish Church, Presan, Mr. Thomavs Taylor to Miss MB.A Fiddler; Mr. Hienry Oldhem- to Miss Norab Shield. On the 25th nltimo, at St. Thomas's Church, Lancaster, by the Rev. WV. Arinitage, B.A., 3ir. Win. Davis, to M~rs. Isabella Dlavity both of Lancaster. On the 26th ultimo, at tbe Parish Church, LRyland, by the Rev. A. Schofield, curare, Mr; Geergc ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B}IIITHS, 1IARRIAGrES, & DE ATHS. PI DIED.-NEWCAsrLL, at 31, Leazes Terrace, on the C5 lst irst., aged 35, Sir James Wilson, bide and skin A broker. v DIED.-NEWCASrLE, at Nixon Street, Sandyford A Lazie, on the 5th inst., aged 71, Margaret, widow of Mr Joseph Race. DIED.-At WIICKHAUI, . on the 16th -alt., aged 21, P Thomas, son of AlIr William Potts, late of East Hart- ni ford, and grandson of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAR RI AGES. Feb. 24, at -St. Mary's, Bryanston-square, London, Walter Williamn.'Abbott, of 194, Oxford-street, to M. A. n Amelia, yeun1gest daughter of the late William Craker, of c George-st3 eet, Lndoal, and granddaughter of the late I Johnl EHillier, of O-xiord. No eards.c March 2, at;St. John's Churcl), Manchestar, by liceuice, I by the Rev. William lTuntingford, Rector,Fsrank, son of M1r ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lTI TUAILRY 'WOTICVS.-- ADSATN. Oy.. Slit. P8Te .SHTLvI.-The Swiss Tim3a announ.ces thle death of Sir Peter Smith, Cotr.panlon of the Beth, and Knight Coinrxander. of thbetr-ders of ISt George and St. AMichael, of Great Britain, :it the Hotel Righi Vaudois, Glion-sur-.Montreux, where helies resided for several months each season during the last ten years. From the age of ?? Sir Petert ...

Outiager, GOz MeAP

... AsauMST-'WsM,_Onthe f2thiust, atfl Gsese& .Evat Walter Aberaromby to A~neay g etd~h e leto Mr Wz ?? tot ?? o n~ duh h BAOooAI-BlPAVc.-OoD the 25th iat, at tewbald. by the Rev. H. B. Hda'Mj.thet Raye 0v1 Barbdnt.o&nonXthoealminisebr. Now tobaldyt grrmlesoa d~pn oteh3 CLAuRS-Lws D,..43n the Btb the Wesleyan (hoh. Bridg s0treet, Bolton, by the Bar, B .e H tling, Mr., 'Go Clarke of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B FTIlS. AIAR EtS. pnd 0 IHS, ftotee riflO llinerware inserted at 5s. eaeh, ?? o i. s e ieatrad.- BOYLE.-March G, at Mtilltown-bouse, cornty Dublin, the wife of 11. V. Boyle, Esq., J.P., of a ,on. Gx.iOPBLF.I.I-.*rch 6, at Beariddling, Ayr, N.B., the wife of E.jir 1. Caulplell, of Nether-plaee, of stdzughter. CI.AtBle.'On tho8th, at St. Margaret's, Twickenham, ya Jamcs N. Clarke, of twin ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TR=Y RETURN OF BIRTHS AND DBym m Tn BONUGH Q BMMWGHABL gm WEEK, 872:. In the week ending last Saturday 4,678 births aud 3,141 deathe were registered in 18 of the largest 'Englis4,tows,' Including London. The births exceeded by 142, while the deaths were 38 below, the corrected average weekly num- bers in the ten years ] 8fl-70, corrected for increase of population to the middle of the vdar. ...