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April 1872
23 5 78 6




Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... (From Punch.) ZOOLOGICAL.—Little Tommy Trout in the Gardens (wbo has never seen a respirator) before: Does that old gen- tleman bite, Mamma? JRREMY DIDDI.OWE.—Mr. Bull: Yes, Jeremy, yon certainly owed me the twopence; but I hardly like takingf it—it looks so uncommonly like your borrowing fourpence next time! FOLLOWING SUIT.-To the Alabama claims it seems that we have a counter case to ...


... MISCELLANEOUS. The Rev. E. Barton, curate of Radley, has been Appointed an Inspector of Schools for the Dioceso of Oxford. It is reported from Munich that King Louis of Bavaria is about to marry a Prussian Princess. Three of the four men who were lately arrested by some members of the Kent constabulary for taking part in a fatal prize fight, have been committed for trial on a charge of ...


... The Times of India has given an interesting account of the late Professor Goldstiicker, one of the most eminent European Sanskrit scholars of the day. It declares that he had. raised himself to the very front ranks by silent but untiring industry. With him the love of study, especially of Vedic literature, grew with age. He was accustomed to get hold of every new, work of importance which he ...


... Mr. Disraeli arrived at the London-road station, Manche-ter, at half-past six on Monday evening. A very large crowd, estimated at 20,000, assembled to welcome him, and greeted his appearance with great cheering. Mr. Callender, jun., chairman of the Man- chester Conservative Association, was in waiting to re- ceive theConservative tea ier, whose carriage wasdrawn to his residence by about ...


... It is to be hoped that the authorities will so arrange it that the Summer Assize and the meeting of the Royal Agricultural Society in Cardiff do not clash. Were both to be held the same week, many officials, professional gentlemen, and others, might be put to serious inconvenience. ...


... ST. ANDREWS. The annual Easter Monday vestry meeting was held here on Monday the Rev. D. Howell, vicar, in the chair. There were also present the Rev. F. Jones, curate Messrs. C. Sankey and E. Dawson, church- wardens Messrs. Hoist, J. Morgan, J. Lewis, H. Heard, Aitkin, Robinson, Riches, aring, and Hooper. After reading the usual notice, the CHAIRMAN said the first thing they had to do was to ...

[No title]

... EARTHQUAKES IN CALIFORNIA.—The earthquakes in Southern California began on Tuesday, continuing with decreasing violence for two days, more than 1 000 shocks being counted. Inyo county, the region affected, is an extinct volcanic district, sparsely inhabited. Several small towns have been greatly damao-ed. The loss is estimated at 30 killed and 100 wounded. There are rumours of an active ...

[No title]

... The rectory of Staveley, near Knaresborough, has become vacant by the death of the Rev. J. Bishop Hartley, M.A. It is worth .£400 a-year, and is in the gift of the representatives of the late rector. The rec- tory of Bartlow, Cambridgeshire, has become vacant by the death of the Rev. A. Watkins, M.A. It is worth .£2dO a-year, and is in private patronage. BRIGANDS IN SPAIN.—The Andalusian train ...

[No title]

... On Friday, William Palmer, one of the men accused of the outrage on the manager and clerk of the Nenagh Branch of the National Bank, was conducted from the gaol to the bank before Mr. Walsh, the wounded manager, who, then, in presence of his solicitors, swore fresh informations of the identification. The prisoner was then removed to gaol. Mr. Walsh is recovering steadily but slowly. Arising ...

[No title]

... A SCENE IN A CHURCH.—An exciting scene took place at Boppard, in Germany, the other day, in connection with the recent movement in the Catholic Church. One of the Professors from Bonn who had been excommunicated was present on the occasion, together with a Professor from Breslau who had shared the same fate. They attended the Carmelite Church in order to be present at the first communion of a ...


... CARDIFF POLICE COURT. SATURDAY. (Before Alderman PRIDE.) OBSTRUCTIONS.—Margaret Dawkins and Jane Taylor, two women of bad character, were charged with causing an obstruction in the Royal Arcade, on Friday night, by fighting. They were also charged with breaking a pane of glass in the shop window of Mrs. Long, 17. Royal Arcade. The damage done was of the value of 6s. 6d. Ordered to pay the ...


... 'C terttsing is to Business what Steam Power is to Commerce. Macaulay. lisW^RDIiT AND MEBTHYR GUARDIAN haa been Estab- Paper nea y Forty Years, and is the OLDEST NEWS- arri„ IN THE DISTRICT. It circulates extensively qj THE FAMILIES of South Wales—the Nobility, Gentry, Solicitors, Iron Merchants, Coal Fa 8' Guilders, Estate Agents and Auctioneers,, &c., of Glamorganshire and the ...