Advertisements & Notices

... TRhDNMW 18ADJ1IIE8SF& ~JYMAND CO. 'S CLAOIIEIIG FOR BOYS, U VIIYOUTHR% and YOUBG GETE&U!LES 21,23, and 23, NEW STIWET. ~YAM ND 028 PRSENTSTOCK has been. TIj AM AND, ?? LITEST.STYLES and PrziCs. JUL YOUNG GENTLUB&EWB ATNB~. 1,22, anda23, 1TEW :BE Overcoats fr Little Bos . 75,6(1. t20i. 04., Eulokowbocker Suite Scalded) . 105. fd. ?? l0d.. Paten~and ilk V~v~tditto Me. 01.,,Sts Od, Barrow nd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP PBEPAA) ADVERTISEMBNTS. For consecutive insertions of the classes of AD 7BRTISEMENTS partioularised below, the following are the charges: 5. d. Two lines (nine words to ailne) ?? 06 Ditto Three ?? 1 0 Ditto Six Insertions ?? 16 Tharee and four hunes, Once ..1. 0 Ditto Three ?? 2 0 Ditto OIx Insertions ?? 3 0 These- charges Apply only to the following classes of Advertisements, and are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .ACANCOER I -OSPITAL. Brounpton, Ind 167, Piccadilly, JW.-SlUl3SOEPTIONS will be most THANKFUTLLY RtE- CEVEDforthisHospital whsichis free. Dietrequiredto bo maos Senerons, and medicines nf the most expensive kind. TaSiSU l-CRG oo. T. Hertslet, Esq. . tt. t ame sPalacS. S.W. BANxl;Rs-Messre. Couits and Co.. Strand, NV.C. By order, lt. J. JUlP, Seoretary. 1,ELESS BOYS of LONDON.-The'NttIONA.1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rWO the EMBERS of thM NATIONAL PROVIDENT L ' ~~INSMTl UON.I LDnas AND G5Nriamm-I have the Pleaure to inform V ou that I shall oiler atself e a Oandidate for fhe next vaoant seat at the Board of Diremorsr In taldng this step. which I do at tbe earnest aulleitatlon ot many v influential members of oum Institntion, I beg ?? Yo.thatfaol do ne the honour to eleat me myutmootendea. vours shall ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ? c VIM XTELD'S, OZOKERIT CANDLES. SUDDEN MOURNING. Messrs JAY are always provided with expe- rienced dressmakers and milliners, ready to travel to any part of the kingdom, free of expense to purchasers, when the emergencies of sudden or unexpected mourning require the immediate execution of mourning orders. They take with them. dresses, bonnets, and millinery, besides materials at ls. per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d GTli &. G WOItKS O THE LATE B IR. WILLIAM SM I THE, h G 3 THORNDALE: or, the Conflict of Opinions, Second LS Edfiion. Crown 8vo, 1Os. Id. J GRAVENHUBST; or, Thoughts on Good and Evil. C0 rown~ avo, La 60. 0 ?? DRAMAS. I. Sir Williwn Criohton. II. Athelwold. S III. Guidone. reap, 3s. C ?? X DISCOURSE ON ETHICS. Oetave, 3s. 6d. J el Wrn, Blackwood & Sons. Edinburgh and london. a Prepaiing for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - AT CLi'BELL An_ C - On Monday, 15th April. iT OCKp OF CROO TI Fel T 0 C ig~rt~ . S, It ?? to Se*uestrav d tr Con ?? for co°ve inencc I - ..hOlV No. 3 Candle- Mal 6ige san DUo.NOAN ?? ITf neistinlg of Teas. Car sugars Coff., ee ?? Ala. ,SPlen lictl`15, STise. 'Cut Atrl O T do. lill s ;E~bnl scales, ausest Stock Tea tjtcsts. sets .,dDraweb, and suntdry otior GiT 9_ittrv aw9ve (nluin VIAdgLo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ~ ~ ~ ~~~fltiflrn)tlCtpite t ?? CLOSE, Ole THE 33D1 YEAR'S LISTS. THE LIFE ASSOCIATION OF SCOTLAND The Bonus S ystem in Clase Designed soilc Ghe vienr of Rsedfwiilg the exense of Life!fcAsssur e to tile ?? COneistent with security, has been eminently eucdesefuI. Ansnual atlocations ?? ai, i.,ile iti the form of Jash Bonuses, applied In part paymenttof the next.Piiuntifs of all Policylolder6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,Arfidcf for' AMCt or| .IJt'>l WIAGGUNEI'TT (Light), uuaneeiijjb Reen at Coach WYork', Wellgato Head, Lsnark. T>'UILDE1{B', ctNLTAAU'FVUS1{S ad QUA.R-j Se BERS& PLANT FOR SALE oc VIRE. New ae6 Scnd Hand, in Stock. DERRICK CitANES, fromn 15 cwt. upwards. STEAM DERRICK CIRANES. from I Ton. ENGINES, Portable and other kinle. P11ALPSand PU3MI'IN t, GEkR. t ith Pipe, EARTH WAGCIONs. MORTAR MI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -_ dvertisements for the PALL MALL GAZETTE shonid be se to the 0ice beforye fff-foast Nine o'clock on the day ofl5ublicatiofl AdvertiseMentj to 6e dis,614yed should be sent ont the ?? day. AnnoAncements of Births Marriages and Deaths are inserted in thze PALL MALL GAZRTTE ati e charge of Five Shillings. Th~ey may ee sent Oshroetg* an advertising Agent, N~ewlsagent, or Ltbrnartn or, jsroerl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11,Sg3OF OF LONDON'S FUND. B SPgECIAL NOTICE. A CONrFERENCE of SUBSCRIBERS and of -R9ONS interested in promoting the objects of Fle FUND will be held at W ?? RooOs POXORROW (Tuesday), April 23. The BIsltol' will take the Chair at 3 r.AT. *The following Subjects have been proposed for ; t3gn the ?? spirittri wlvants of the Diocese ;ceon be met in future years without the aid of *,>erMoCnt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =IE U AN Y FAI.TI&' @ ?pr dydd Hercher 7W 2g. 1E phri8 am chwriter y rhad d .r , os cymmerir 2, neu nurhyw~nifer fwy s o yr Un amlen,:m yw y ol 29, 2g yr un, ond taW yn minen, nou 2s. 6c. Os na ?? hyy. Bi phrfs wedi ei stampia Vw 2jg. Den 28. e y chwarter, ond ?? Yu Mlen; a 39. *ea no wneiir hyny. Pris argraphiad dydd Sadwrn yw Ig. yr an: end ei pbrio am RI chwavate yflrhad ?? yw lo. 8g. ...