Advertisements & Notices

... d GTli &. G WOItKS O THE LATE B IR. WILLIAM SM I THE, h G 3 THORNDALE: or, the Conflict of Opinions, Second LS Edfiion. Crown 8vo, 1Os. Id. J GRAVENHUBST; or, Thoughts on Good and Evil. C0 rown~ avo, La 60. 0 ?? DRAMAS. I. Sir Williwn Criohton. II. Athelwold. S III. Guidone. reap, 3s. C ?? X DISCOURSE ON ETHICS. Oetave, 3s. 6d. J el Wrn, Blackwood & Sons. Edinburgh and london. a Prepaiing for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - AT CLi'BELL An_ C - On Monday, 15th April. iT OCKp OF CROO TI Fel T 0 C ig~rt~ . S, It ?? to Se*uestrav d tr Con ?? for co°ve inencc I - ..hOlV No. 3 Candle- Mal 6ige san DUo.NOAN ?? ITf neistinlg of Teas. Car sugars Coff., ee ?? Ala. ,SPlen lictl`15, STise. 'Cut Atrl O T do. lill s ;E~bnl scales, ausest Stock Tea tjtcsts. sets .,dDraweb, and suntdry otior GiT 9_ittrv aw9ve (nluin VIAdgLo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ~ ~ ~ ~~~fltiflrn)tlCtpite t ?? CLOSE, Ole THE 33D1 YEAR'S LISTS. THE LIFE ASSOCIATION OF SCOTLAND The Bonus S ystem in Clase Designed soilc Ghe vienr of Rsedfwiilg the exense of Life!fcAsssur e to tile ?? COneistent with security, has been eminently eucdesefuI. Ansnual atlocations ?? ai, i.,ile iti the form of Jash Bonuses, applied In part paymenttof the next.Piiuntifs of all Policylolder6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,Arfidcf for' AMCt or| .IJt'>l WIAGGUNEI'TT (Light), uuaneeiijjb Reen at Coach WYork', Wellgato Head, Lsnark. T>'UILDE1{B', ctNLTAAU'FVUS1{S ad QUA.R-j Se BERS& PLANT FOR SALE oc VIRE. New ae6 Scnd Hand, in Stock. DERRICK CitANES, fromn 15 cwt. upwards. STEAM DERRICK CIRANES. from I Ton. ENGINES, Portable and other kinle. P11ALPSand PU3MI'IN t, GEkR. t ith Pipe, EARTH WAGCIONs. MORTAR MI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -_ dvertisements for the PALL MALL GAZETTE shonid be se to the 0ice beforye fff-foast Nine o'clock on the day ofl5ublicatiofl AdvertiseMentj to 6e dis,614yed should be sent ont the ?? day. AnnoAncements of Births Marriages and Deaths are inserted in thze PALL MALL GAZRTTE ati e charge of Five Shillings. Th~ey may ee sent Oshroetg* an advertising Agent, N~ewlsagent, or Ltbrnartn or, jsroerl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11,Sg3OF OF LONDON'S FUND. B SPgECIAL NOTICE. A CONrFERENCE of SUBSCRIBERS and of -R9ONS interested in promoting the objects of Fle FUND will be held at W ?? RooOs POXORROW (Tuesday), April 23. The BIsltol' will take the Chair at 3 r.AT. *The following Subjects have been proposed for ; t3gn the ?? spirittri wlvants of the Diocese ;ceon be met in future years without the aid of *,>erMoCnt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =IE U AN Y FAI.TI&' @ ?pr dydd Hercher 7W 2g. 1E phri8 am chwriter y rhad d .r , os cymmerir 2, neu nurhyw~nifer fwy s o yr Un amlen,:m yw y ol 29, 2g yr un, ond taW yn minen, nou 2s. 6c. Os na ?? hyy. Bi phrfs wedi ei stampia Vw 2jg. Den 28. e y chwarter, ond ?? Yu Mlen; a 39. *ea no wneiir hyny. Pris argraphiad dydd Sadwrn yw Ig. yr an: end ei pbrio am RI chwavate yflrhad ?? yw lo. 8g. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEIRJAINNAU GWNIO 8 I NGE R S, PRIF SWTDDFA YN NGHYMRU. 103, OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA. FE brofir yn amlwg y safle uchel a'r poblog- yw nydd mgwr y mae PIEIRANNAT y SINGERS wedS ea cyrhaedd trwfy yr adroddiadau cywfir ?? Ewerthiant a wneir gfaD y ?? wneuthulrvyr Peiriannau Gwlo am y tiwyddyrn 1S70, yr hyn sydd 101 y canlyn: Gwoerthwyd o BeiriaTAlIL, Cwmpeini y S1INGERS ?? 327,833 WHEHELERi A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mHERE ARE FEA VI? ERE DesriptiOns of Material 'which have .ee such thorough satisfaction as those u-edninourFar-fared IMPERIAL PRUS- Hi-AN TROUSERS. Ihese TROUSERS, Mlade to Measure at lOs. 6d. and 12s Od., are aoknowvledged to be unsurpassed in - the Britis h Thnp lre for th e perfect ft, - superior quality, and olegassl style. TIsu Spriug we have slrovilteul a Elegant Assortment nf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jelips anbt~us N OR T H-EAST E I X RAI THIIRBW a& BS. On Thunrsday and Friday, April Ihth and 19th, a SPEC will leave the New Station, Leeds, at 10 4s11n for T IAs1l, Holbeok, &e. Fare 2s. 6d. Beturning from Thilsk IT each day at 6.30 p.m. Ok 3ts . ' The tickets are only availabla for the day oD which they a an d by tha special train. BYOtP t:t' York, April, 1872. RURNS AND BATHS. TL A tLAPAE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UJAST-PARADE CHAPEL. -TheAniesr SUNDAY SCHOOL SSRVICES9 will be held To-mrroa It It a~m. Red 8.30 prm The Morning Sermon Will be ?? d dresedto he choecs the Eieling Seimnon to Parents. G01288 dresed to the ShobK ce BELCGAVE OAPEL.-The Rev. J. R. Wi Preach To-mOrro, norning and OvenIng. ( 7444 d MR. TARRANrS MONTHLY LEOTURE to ?? WORKING PEOPLE, To-monrow Night, In Salem ChapeL bubject, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PULCAMUSEMENTS. 1;EA THE' ROYAL, DUBLINh o~ r.anaM DI ON BOGUWIAULTfoa ;vhnwil '.-o1eio.ho il be assisted by Mr. SFTIEL Igiyand Mr. F. LOVER. of the Prince of Wales' TtrosSe. On THIS EVENING. And eovery, Evening during the Week. su,,rnie will commence with the Farce entitled T'eI QURtE FOR THE FIDGETS. wl ,5i foloed' Nvth antirely no5w Scenery, by Mr. W! Ttisnn. Mr. We'ir. sod Mr Chat. Parker, ...