Advertisements & Notices

... GBEAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. LINCOLN APRIL FAIR. For the convenience of Dealers and others attend- ing Lincoln Fair, a SPECIAL FAST TRAIN will leave GRANTHAMfI at 7.30, for LINCOLN, , SUNDAY, April 2o, immediately after the arrival at Grantham of the Ordinary Express Trains leaving London (King's Cross) at 5.o P.M.; Peter. boresgh, 642P-M-. and Nottlugh&a~at 6.rS P.M. Specal and Additional ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRALIAN COLONIES. INTEREST GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF TASMIANIA, 'Under A ets of Parliament, 33 Viet. No. I, and 34 Vict. No. 13, during the Construction of the Line, on the Instalments paid in, as stated in the Contraet, and for thirty years after the Completion and Opening of the entire Railway. TASMANIAN MAIN LINE RAILWAY COMPANY (LIMITED). FROM HOBART TOWN TO LAUNCESTON, (The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'THE ERIE RAILWAY COMPANY. London Offices of the Erie Railway Company, 86, Gresham House, Old Broad-street, London, April 5, 1872. To the Shareholders of the Erie Railway Company. The undersigned, the Committee representing in London the interests of the European shareholders, have now to advise that Messrs. William Wetmore Cryder, Edward H. Green, and Gilson Homan, members of the Committee, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E BEG TO IINFORM OUR FRIENDS AND VW the Public that we have app ointed Mr. JOHN JAM9ISON, of 20, Warng Street, Belfast, oar AGEN-T for that Town and surrounding dis- trict, for our Self-Lnbncative Packing, tc. HENRY HOUSE & CO., Catherine Street, City Road, London, E.C., Sole Licensees of the Lubricative Packing, Co. Patent Self-Lubricative Engine Packing. 4605 T O - N I G H T. I F R.R HOUSTOS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .0 le Now Ready, Third Thou ud, Cloth and Gold, I XVADDELL'S PSALMS. Price 3a. 6d. e, t 1 J. MENZIES & CO., and al Booksellera. i3 lDUCATIONAL DESTITUTION IN SCOT- 0o Y -A-Id LAND: REMARKS. and SUGGESTIONS. Co les Sfi t- of above Pamphlet may be had from Messrs. David Bryce & Tfi S Son, Buchanan Street. , o ., rISS BRADDON'S NEW NOVEL. PM iL res The New Novelbythe Anthor of LadyAudlcy'sSecrt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O -E Y; ?? O r, N .1 rVM Oil Bq=ar t~curlR with Life Assurannce..'' or Yin or t~t7, ood S~ec~ond liu&finf ?? 16 St. Vincent Streurt. - : . Gt'-ASG0W COURPoRATION jGAH.) FiEGLASGOW O oRP4RATION (GAS) TLarratat present gllOIRO WINGJ MOE.E;Y oats MOIU- P«r T~rmsc, r ppIY to tier Treaourer, 42 Vixeinlra Street, ?? strectiatree tGlnge5w, Alril 1872. 20 WANTEiDI. Six fjonths, or payable by 'Weelly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .IM AUCTION MART. . V 'ILL[ABI COOK, auu ?? that hie will hold a e ?? of GRAZING STOCK, in hi t 4L 0 i Mast, 3.1xhal,, on TuuenDy, th ' f, ?? .) of iPESENT ENTItIES.' Slf lf EI'. , -inrts blwel E 3s ?? their Lamb rI rUpM. 'I leesc ?? are good * *athis are double, and smile arc treri r .pillrt- 1i1lggs, very fresh ; aw i r lii:):g, in go. ,d condition. U Al ITL., &a. (fl i ,w, -. tiewly calved. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0. M. F. GLENNY'S CHOICE FLOWER SEEDS, FOR PRBSENT SCWING - Ten cisnees camellia-flowored balsam, 24 6d. Ten claesne newest giant or tree ten-.week stock, 2s. 6a. Ten claees newvst Victoria. astor, 2s. 6d. A mixed packet of any of tlhe above>, ls. Trelve hardy annuals, is. 8d.; twelve biennials and ptren. DiaS, 1H. Sd. Descriptive Catalogule and Areateur's Gulde, post free. 4, Alfred-tenseso. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA. For thirty years the Medical Profession have approved of this pure solution as the best remedy for ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, GOGCt I, AND INDIGESTION; And as a mild aperient for delicate constitutions, especially adapted for Ladies, Children, and Inafants. Whencombined with THE ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP, It forms a most agreetuble effervescing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YURNISHED APARTMENTS IN IPSWICH. TO LET, A COMFORTABLE SITTNG ROOM and BED AROOM, in a very pleasant and healthy part of the town, ten minutes walk from the Cornhill. Terms (in. eluding attendance), l0s. per ?? to C. P., Jouralse Office, Ipswich. WjIANTED, by a Lady residing in the country, a Vt Person not under 30, to take the entire charge ol a Little Girl of four years old, and to attend to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FI1E FCTYTOROS OF TIEI LAT:EI G} QORGE SALXON, (alver, Ci(lerm & Loodirg-glassMlanufacturer, BUTTER MARKET, IPSWICH, DECEASED, 1 ESPE*CTFULLY request that any Person or Per- Li sons having any Demand upon the Estate of the late GE0FRGE SALMON will send full particulars of their Claim within the present month, to either Ann Salmon, Wl'idow, Executrix, upon the above Premises; T. Salmon farmer, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. HEA',N~ ROYAXL, DUBLINz. Mr HrRIShas he onou to nfl~itle th~e engage- TheOi THlIS EASTER TUESDAY. April 28. 1872. A11d uVtrYl' vening during the Week. Iecerf rmalco veil1 commence xvith the Comredietta, TL~e pe;f~r~aalm in one act, entitled MIY DRESS BOOTS. To follo,,ed with entirely new Scenery by Mr. Wal- Trhofl. 0r %,weir. san Mr Chas. Parker, aL new Drama i.threea, ...