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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... AT its first meeting, held last Saturday, the Board of Guardians had an important subject under consideration. The appointment of an Assessment Committee is one involving the interests of all the ratepayers, and it is easy so to constitute that committee as to deal fairly with all classes, or to give an advantage to one section of the community over another. The Guardians have thus an ...

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... WILLS AND BEQUESTS. The will of Mr. James Monteith, of 38, Duke-street, St. James's, Westminister, who died on January 30 last, in his 65th year, was proved in London, on the 11th ult., under itt60,000 personalty in England. The testator was possessed 8f considerable shares in Indian railways. He has bequeathed annuities to several relatives, and legacies to various insti- tutions to which he ...


... The Earl of Harrowby, accompanied by Viscount and Lady Mary Sandon, is expected in town the week after next month from a tour in the Fast. Viscount Sandon's health has greatly improved by his resorting to a genial cli¥1ate. but it is doubtful if he will be able to continue his Parliamentary duties. BURGLARY T?C LoxnoN.—At the Central Criminal Court on Saturday. James Bristow. a respectably ...

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... THE HABITUAL DRUNKARDS COMMITTEE. The select committee of the House of Commons to inquire into this subjectmet again on Tuesday, Dr. Lyon Flayfair in the chair. Mr. D. Dalrymple, M.P., said he had recently been in America, and had visited various asylums for inebriates. He had visited nine asylums, one in Canada and the rest in the United States all these institutions were supported by the ...


... It is to be hoped that the authorities will so arrange it that the Summer Assize and the meeting of the Royal Agricultural Society in Cardiff do not clash. Were both to be held the same week, many officials, professional gentlemen, and others, might be put to serious inconvenience. ...


... ST. ANDREWS. The annual Easter Monday vestry meeting was held here on Monday the Rev. D. Howell, vicar, in the chair. There were also present the Rev. F. Jones, curate Messrs. C. Sankey and E. Dawson, church- wardens Messrs. Hoist, J. Morgan, J. Lewis, H. Heard, Aitkin, Robinson, Riches, aring, and Hooper. After reading the usual notice, the CHAIRMAN said the first thing they had to do was to ...

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... EARTHQUAKES IN CALIFORNIA.—The earthquakes in Southern California began on Tuesday, continuing with decreasing violence for two days, more than 1 000 shocks being counted. Inyo county, the region affected, is an extinct volcanic district, sparsely inhabited. Several small towns have been greatly damao-ed. The loss is estimated at 30 killed and 100 wounded. There are rumours of an active ...

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... The rectory of Staveley, near Knaresborough, has become vacant by the death of the Rev. J. Bishop Hartley, M.A. It is worth .£400 a-year, and is in the gift of the representatives of the late rector. The rec- tory of Bartlow, Cambridgeshire, has become vacant by the death of the Rev. A. Watkins, M.A. It is worth .£2dO a-year, and is in private patronage. BRIGANDS IN SPAIN.—The Andalusian train ...


... THE MURDER IN PARK-LANE. Accounts have reached England that on the appre- hension of the murderess and her friends a large FUlll- more than £ 2,000—was recovered, besides securities and jewels. This is evidently a mistake, for not much more than is supposed to have been in the safe which was robbed, besides the securities; and no jewels were taken. No doubt the mistake has arisen from ...


... PRINCE LEOPOLD AT THE OLD BAILEY, On Tuesday morning his Royal Highness Prince Leopold, attended by General Hardinge and Collins, was present tho Central CrimintA Court, and the party were accommodated with seats on the bench. The Prince is a witness in the case of O'Connor, who stands committed for pointing a pistol at her Majesty. After remaining in court about ten minutes his Royal Highness ...


... EVERYBODY has long observed the decline of the Government, so that its dissolution at any moment would cause no surprise. The respectable and independent Liberal organs are forecasting its doom. The defeats in the House of Commons last week show that Ministers have lost the confi- dence of their friends. Their followers are luke- warm, or cold, because they know there is a re- action against ...

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... Achievement, the celebrated racehorse, and the property of Colonel Pearson, hast just died at Rufford Abbey. THE MONEY MARKET.—The money market during the week has been very easy, and the outer market has been a little under the Bank rate, as usual. But we see no reason to vary the general prediction which we gave lately, that if the German Government persist in taking all, or almost all, ...