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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... Jelips anbt~us N OR T H-EAST E I X RAI THIIRBW a& BS. On Thunrsday and Friday, April Ihth and 19th, a SPEC will leave the New Station, Leeds, at 10 4s11n for T IAs1l, Holbeok, &e. Fare 2s. 6d. Beturning from Thilsk IT each day at 6.30 p.m. Ok 3ts . ' The tickets are only availabla for the day oD which they a an d by tha special train. BYOtP t:t' York, April, 1872. RURNS AND BATHS. TL A tLAPAE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UJAST-PARADE CHAPEL. -TheAniesr SUNDAY SCHOOL SSRVICES9 will be held To-mrroa It It a~m. Red 8.30 prm The Morning Sermon Will be ?? d dresedto he choecs the Eieling Seimnon to Parents. G01288 dresed to the ShobK ce BELCGAVE OAPEL.-The Rev. J. R. Wi Preach To-mOrro, norning and OvenIng. ( 7444 d MR. TARRANrS MONTHLY LEOTURE to ?? WORKING PEOPLE, To-monrow Night, In Salem ChapeL bubject, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVYERTISER~S. PREPAID ADVERTISEMI~ENTS. Advertisemeints under the following hoads only, viz.: SrnsAnIOrs WANTED, ApAnTxzinT To ens LET, SIrTUATIONS VACANT, PARTNERHIPS WANTED, ArAulTmmNT WANTED, M4ONEY WANTED, MISCitLLANEOUB3 WANTS, HOUSES AND OTHER PRIIEISES TO BE LLIC OR SOLD. SrEcmio ARfIOLEB FOR SAJE Byg pRIVATH CONTRACT', Are inserted in this Journal at the undermnentiofled. oharges: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I AnV~ltnSSZMltlgTc. 1 A good article en6uree recommnendation. The putity I arcd chbupnezs of l2orniiman's Pvchet Tea has for thirty ye:sr. docuared constant preference andi teifmunuendation front famfly to fLinily, 1 Iceds :-Goodall and Co., Boar-lane: Reinhardt ind Sois, Briggate: 7 Bachhouse, lUpperhead-ioav; Joeierson, leaccow lancs; F norn,.: Tsp r of liirisgate; Iredale, Top of Yor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rAnvETBtetsErTs.1 o 50umpared w7ith the tea ordinarily sold, Horntn ' is fcomd to be the strongest, cheapest, and the beet, as it consists Only of the choice spring gatheoing. Sold only in cacekets.-Loes, Goodall and Co. (Boar-lame), Reinhardt and Sons (Briggate), Basohonsa (Upperhead-row). Jefferson (hMeadowvlsne), Grewsley (North-street), Smpsou (Tode Park-corner). A ID e T2IE CoAi, TAR PIr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,Vublic Notfce%. T E1ONTEVIDEAN AND BRAZILIAN T E TELEGRAPH COMPANY LIMITED. Capitail £130j,000, fin 13,500 Shares of £10 each. IsSUE OF 11,0100 SHARES OF £10 EACH. £C1 Oil aplct oe . £1 on 111th May. :es on 1slt July. Colonel Glovrer, REU., Managing Director British Indian Extensjon Telegraph COMEnipiY.dpl ,W Lord George Gordon Lennox, Mr.P., PortlandpecW Captain Rt. C. Wayne, C.B., R.N., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11bat lrn Ructon. This D1ar' Fuse parade, Leeds. AMees'. BETTER aind SONS leave received instructions from a London Collector, who Ou tlie, its onaefermervisit, hoe succeeoded in irnpreising some of nour leadieg local collectors by dieposing of man~fy choice works, to Sell hr Auction (ins order to shorten his stay here, he leaving ?? in scothor eonity), Th~is Date (Tuesday), Api, Sd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XI P T T tEWIV I 8 LE ED S. rXR1131TION OF PILCTURtES. &c. &o. Meeof the great store and the criwdsd state of tic -~-H!BITTOV WTLL, 1E OPEN THISi DAY, 1-rom I to5 and from I, f) lt. -g'r'dI11L NVESLEYA.N BAZAAR.-On1 t,-the eaatemencB at the weather tite B.tO.ZA XE wilt be 1., laer n,,~6pnt1-ortct'ol-roorn r-a~dy TeraALw Ion froturdey frcrn 4 to, 3p.m. Admission 3d. each day. D 6524 ~ 1!1*ATEE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GUA`Prj.-Ti,- Rev. NV. F. OCALLA,. Evenig.WAYaad wifi Preach To-morrow, Morning and CeoaI'iEJL-'will be REOlCPENED~ To- ,,o . etit,in' sottr wiqt the P,.,tor, t J ke . W. ?? ott ec'lat Cire d ole' 'circled To-m- rrccc veaiz:g1,byir. H-ENSY TU.ORNE, ir imtL eiio C iitfA ?? will preach a 'Nz' pr.; anci. on~ J ar- Chn~tiau A!Lenlne~ a ao to 'Cic1W'1 .1t 6i.. B 63n32 d j4LD7FA LTN 5111±001. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGREAT pROBLEM SOLVED. THE rotTLAR DEMAND MET! TBE BEST AND T OSItELIAIBLE E DACHINE IN THE WORLD N -O- BE A IED IN EERY HOME. ¶T8WORIN OF.FIC ItL RETURN OF SAL'ES t~~zFX S5VORN~~~ lF~C7 ~ aa:n saf. etulrew, givse the T teleadirg doon 4I uS ?? LurfteT Ecdd as follows:- In 19,0 In 1871 TFE SINGER WA1NvFACrlRI'G 127,833 181,260 COMiPANY aold . ?? S8,208 128 1 Wbuikr and Witor(0O~;i ?? 31 125 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - m~~otels, &£. ,IION.-BLACK BULL, Old-established HOT EL and POSTING HOUSE B. LOFTHUOUSb, Proprietor. A. le]4fl Y ukE. -ABBBo fT'k3 RlAILWAY and IAHF[lLY _§ lOTEL (late Scawin'a), Adjoining the Station Gatoe, thoroughly rcnovated. Portfreattenddayandnighttrains. d Ask for A&B3 TT'B Porters. Ladieg' Collee Room. Excelent Aceommodation for CoxrnzuncUAL Gu]iZlxfn. IBILLIARDS, FEnt-alaa stabling. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AI'D F LOP~DIPIO1TRATL0N in WOOD. -&-BANDO E-LA CRAEL To-night, at balf-poot SeVOn. Tea et fi.ixA [,ES GARBET, Mtanchester, REFil 1tC1'-Oo.s I'ter'a Wesle)aUc('anal a-mrrow (Tnesday) T'KEiite rrc1 (nOI ?? ~ . otcloch, wOeO coileC.ioul3 will be murle hin ad tho ~unasdYschoolo.A la -ThE7 ,EMBEJR -GfiI'TLLA' B utd U TNITED1 .PRESBITEtRIAN {3HiURCf, Hanmover- Ijocar-In canp.~ctiefl with t-he ...