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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... PONTYPRIDD PETTY SESSIONS. THE CHARGE AGAINST A POLICE-CONSTABLE. — On Wednesday (before Messrs E. Williams, W. Pritchard, and Major Lee), Police-constable James, of Gilfacbgoch, was again charged with having assaulted Mrs Palfrey, landlady of the Trebot Inn, Gilfacbgoch. The case had occupied nearly the whole time of two former sittings of the court, the second and last sitting being occupied ...


... THE DREADFUL TRAGEDY IN THE WEST OF LONDON. Full particulars are now to hand in reference to the tragedy in the West-end of London. A shoe- maker named Mcholls, a native of Plymouth, murdered his four children, owing, it is sup- posed, to distress of mind caused by having lost his situa- tion. He lived with a wife and six children in two small rooms over a shop in Copland-street, Church-street ...


... THE Report of the progress of the Ordnance Survey to the 31st of December, 1871, has just been issued. It contains many matters of interest. Plans of London have been completed on the colossal scale of sixty inches to a mile. They occupy 3213 full-sized sheets of paper, and probably constitute-in the words of the rerort- Tbe largest and most complete plan of a city ever produced. Parts of ...


... The >cotsma.n understands that the managers of the Royal Public Dispensaiy, Edinburgh, have granted three of the lady medical students permission to make ar- rangements with the medical officers of the institution for instruction. The Bishop of Orleans has written a letter to Maitre Lachand, the counsel for the defendants in the great Fionro Jibel case. protesting against his words referring ...

--'':'T.''P_''''1I' LINES

... OUR LONDON LETTER. I don't think I am an alarmist, but I must confess that I share to a great extent with Mr. Harrison in those feelings first publicly expressed by him in a leader in the Telegraph of Thursday last. Anyone who is at all behind the scenes of Continental politics must have been for some time aware that the danger of a fresh outbreak between France and Germany is growing more ...

3oi;al Jntellitjeuqe

... LINES ADDRESSED TO THE MARCHIONESS OF BCTE, Fair Lady welcome to the classic halls Of Cardiff Castle. Void within its walls, For long, long years, alas hath been the place Once filled by *HER nobility and grace, By virtues that illumine and adorn Life's checker'd course—its sunset, noon, and morn. Then may'st THOU well sustain the lofty r6le Of peeress, matron, wife—around the whole Of earthly ...

- D:Stiiict 3^108. ♦

... J. H. Balfour Browne, Esq., barrister-at-law, of the Midland Circuit, and author of The Medical Juris- prudence of Insanity and of the Handbook of Law and Lunacy, is a candidate for the office of Secretary to the Commissioners in Lunacy, vacant by the appointment of Charles Palmer Phillips, Esq., to a Commissionership. Mr. Tennyson's engagement with Messrs. Stra- han and Co. is approaching ...


... THE OVEREND AND GURNEY BANK. APPEAL TO THE HOFSE OF LORDS. An important judgment has been given in the Hsuse of Lords in the cause petition of Overend, Gurney, and Com] any (Limited), appellants; Gibb and another, executors of T. A. Gibb (a former director), respondents. It was an appeal from the Court of Chancery from a judg- ment given by the Lord Chancellor, reversing a docision of Yice ...


... Advertising is to Business what Steagit Poicei- is to Commerce.— Macaulay. ( THE CARDIFF AND MERTHYR GUARDIAN has been Estab- lished nearly Forty Years, and is the OLDEST NEWS- PAPER IN THE DISTRICT. It circulates extensively among THE FAMILIES of South Wales—the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, Solicitors, Iron Merchants, Coal Owners, Builders, Estate Agents and Auctioneers, ( Farmers, &c., of ...


... On Wednesday the case of Mr. Jones, the discharged dockyard clerk, who had obtained £ 2,233 from the Admiralty as compensation for a pension which had been refused him, came before Vice-Chancellor Bacon. Mr. J oues was ordered to restore the money as fraudulently obtained. ...

[No title]

... AUSTRALIAN NEWS. The Melbourne A rgus, of February 29th, says in refer- ence to the political situation:—The elections which are now going on in Xew South Wales have hitherto resulted most unfavourably for the Ministry. Indeed, it may now be said that their defeat is certain as soon as the new Par- liament meets. Up to the present time the Government has lost 13 seats, which, of course, will ...


... PETITIONS. In the past week, sixteen petitions, containing 2,156 signatures, have been presented to Par- liament, praying for the alteration of the Ballot Bill by modifying and simplifying those provisions of the measure which are intended to amend municipal elections. The petitioners have prepared this memorial so that the important advantage of the Ballot may be at- tained with the least ...