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... F~ASHION AND VARIETIES. THE VICEREGAL COURT. Yesiterdas evening their Excellencies the Lord Lieu- tenant and the Countess Spencer gave a dance at the Vicotogal Lodge, to bhich the fol!owing had the honotir of beinA invited :-The Lord Chancellor and Lidy Erfagan, tio Mdarquis and Mlarchioness of Waterford, the Marquis and Aar-hioness of Drogheda. the Marquis and Mlaroioness of Dlownshire and ...


... LOOCIERBZ SPFRING SHOW AND SHEEP FAIR. - Ottbin r XILIZA1 . This show was held yesterday, and proved an excellent one. 3The weather was cold, and the Annandale hills were covered with 8now. The Judges ?? shorthorns, fat stock, and ?? Fraser, Overton, and Mr Copland, Mainshead. Galloways-Mesers Shaunan, Balig, and Clark, Culinain. Ayrsbires-Messrs HyBlop, Tower, and Mackie. Sarkshields. The ...


... 4thtuser'ial Iroumeiold 7ales, by Fil:1 e yard. (London: Longnians, iuteenl, ?? C.0, -T'tis nwork is a re-publication in a I form of threc tales which origirel1I3 appelid nearly a quarter of a cen turv ago. I le autjr. ese Eliza Aleteyard.,.is known as a zwritt r u the socil state rf tle working clases all bi her life of Wedgwood has recectiy alievel some reputation. Thie nine llou ...


... ROGERS'S BACCH-E OF EURIPIDES.* IN the preface to this translation Mr. Rogers has started a difficulty, which he endeavours to solve by an interesting hypothesis. The Bacchae, though in some respects one of the most poetical works of Euripides, seems to convey a moral quite unworthy of its author. The cause in which it enlists our sympathies is that of a gross and extravagant popular ...


... ,a *1Z c Leopold arrived in Dover on Tuesday after- noeh. Ec was met by Ptince Arthur, to whose resi- deice he proceeded. Lord Halifax is prevented from attending to his parliamentary duties by a severe attack of gouet, which, altbough it hasq now quittod him, has left himr ?? Weak too returnimmedintely to London. 31r John Bright toek his seat in the House of Comn- mor e on the night of the ...


... FINDE- ARTS. I BALtI OF THE GILLOTT COLUCTION, The fine gallery of pictures by nmodern English painters which the late Mr. Gillott, the great steel pen snassufacturer, of Birminghabm, formed during a life de- voted to the pursuit of art as a collector, IS about: to be sold by Messrs. Christie and Manson, the sale of the first portion being fixed for to-day and to~morroW. The two spacious rooms ...


... I A meeting of the Council of the Exhibition of Arts, Industries, and Manufactures was held yed- terday, at the board-room of the Exhibition Pa- lace, for the purpose of fixing the opening day, and arranging the general details of the foribuom ing Exhibition. Amuongst those present ?? Lord Mlayor, Lord Monch, the Marquis of Coayn- ham, F R Davis, Mr Stoke, Sir A Guinuess, J W Switzer, E ...


... Mr Murray will isies daring the coming summer N' Notes of Thought and Conversation, by the late Charles Buxton, M.P. ' Mr Robert Brownigs ' new poem wil he entitled Ffiline at the Fair, and will be published early in blay. Nasmyth's portrait of Burns hae been beqageahe to the National uallery of &otland by Colonel W. Burns. The Khedive of Egypt haspre-orgaiiiscd the French Theatre of Cairo, ...


... II I . I .M I HER MAMESTY'S OPERA, DRURY LANE. Tuesday night brought back Madame Trebelli- Bettini, who re.appeared in a character with which the has 'often before been associated-tbat of Urbano, in Les ffufnots. The fine quality of voice aud polished style of this eminent singer were'. again displayed in the few opportunities offered by the part of the Page in Meyerber'e romantic opera. The ...