... HER MAJYSTY'S OPERA, DRURY-LANt. I The re-appearance on Tuesday week df Mdme, t Trebelli-Bettini - as the Page in Lea guuisots-has r already been recorded. I On Thursday Mdlle. Maoimou repeated her refined per. f Formance of Ansina in La Sonnandnda; and on Saturday c her equally attractive representation of Maria in La Figlia E ski Regqimemtot. E On Monday Setniratnide was given for the first ...


... ?? zerminatect. ,turdmv iuorninir a nno.o-i t i_~ - -- -8X-v~|a0o11N.M if On Saturday uornin g a special select dramatic entertain. is ment was given at the Royal Marine Artillery Theatre at .e Eastney, the admission being by tickets obtained through Ls the officers. As might have been expected, the little theatre g was crowded by our local wealth and fashion for some time n before the ...


... PUBLIC AUSE~ENTS 6610W Oakgeyo f lr*pw ju was'brought'out at'is theatre on Saturday evening An aiery creditabptl' aifi worthy mkunier. Thei leading ihiraiters, ?? sustaihed,' the 'binor parts-.weIlfilled,-and2 the scenic accessories- 'were tasteful andu'pprbwri lthbting unduly : proazhiienti If[2ierueisanj iji' a*d hope ?? suoeessful rea ionoinmifavour of Xtpmstical drama, . shoal ...


... RECENT NO VB~LS 'To author of Golden Keys (3 vols., Hunt n and 'Blaekett) is deeply penetrated with the ti abuses of his age; and in order to force them in I1 all their nauseousness on the 'public, the pill is tolerably well' gilded with romance. Phihppioes on money and money-lovers, ?? the o1 educiation question and free trade, essays on mlan- a' hters and morala--esoh has its turn; and the ...


... il . I ST. JAMBES.-FRENCI PLAYS. For many years past the performance of a series of French plays in London, under the direction of M. Raphael Felix, has been an annual event. At length, however, we have a French theatre regularly established among us, and to all appearance bent on keeping its doors open both in and out of season. This bold experiment was begun by M. Feli in November last, ...


... THE ALBERT CRORAL SOCIETY. On Wednesday evening the Albert Choral Society gave a concert at Store-street for the Organ Restoration Fund of St. Mary's Church, Seymour-street, Easton-square. Of the choir-itsolt, con- sidered as a body of amateurs, we are able to speak on the whole in favourable terms. Like all amateurs, they succeeded beat when not too ambitious, and theretore we were ...

Published: Sunday 28 April 1872
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 795 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... CRYSTAL PALAC EtXHBITION OF GA3ml BmIDs, Yeaterday, a private viow of an exhibition d Game Birds and Bantama was held in the Crystal palaci It is the first exhibition of the kind that has taken placq end partakes more of the character of an experiment tha of a complete show. The -eaon of the year, too, has bee4 3 unfavourable; the entries on1 this aecouat were not numerous as, no doubt, they ...


... FABHION MAD VARIETIES. H. BR Coddington, Esq., of Oldbridge, co. Ngesh ?? Coddington and suite are sojourning at Jesens Royal Hotel. Bray. Dr. Vincent and friend, from Longden, lloyeleey are sojourningat Tessen's Royal Hotel, Bray. THE QUEEN'S THEATRE. Lost night Mr. Clarence Rolt, the well-known actor sand dramatist, appeared for the first night of a short season at this theatre. The house ...


... THE IDYL OF BATTLE HlOLLOW. fiv e -*4tLE U- k ,,A Sa , - ?? r rsa&J Jn ?? . (War of the Rebellion, 1864.) No, I won't-thar, now, so! And it ain't nothin'-noI And thar's nary to tell that you folks yer don't kcnowv And it's Belle, tell us, do! aud it's Belle, is it tre '? And Wet's this yer yarn of the Maior and you ? Till Ins sicko f it al1,-so I an, bnt I s'pose Thet is nothin' to ...


... TEAItE' RQYAL. , ,,a~j I±liVXAJ,. , The Woman 'in; 'Wite'?? nnyalyibe onsidered as Mr. i Wilkie Collins's, masterpiecain'e tht peculnliar class of fiction tke beauty of which consists in the great skilo and: cor- weithof its plot. The reader reads and reads, wondering owhat swill, alltnur out, oandg the farther he reads the pro. founder become the mysteries and tws:he labyrinths -of the story ...


... t ? -1 -- -- - I . I . . . . I Ck 'A V00Q. EflEHU I FUGACES. An old man sitting In ciurch, a d praying with all his breath. An old man waiting alone for the ie that comes of death; As the parson tells the well-worn tale of heaven anld earth. Of the life that is only death-of the death that Is onlif birth I Aye, he 6euld patter it all by heart, as a school-boy hale; But the old old words are ...


... , A, , A g ,, , , :, , ~TI OF 1 72. I~~lNTERNATIONApMBITION OF 18,7?9. . 1DAUGUJ G OPIIhPING, LiAST NIGUT. Last might, what may be. considered the official in- auguri~tion of the aecond of the' annual International 'exhibitions, tuok place at South Rena gtonqundor circutastances which, contrasted vith the elaborateand widely-heralded' cerqmon'v of last year, may be de- scribed as quiet-and ...