Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATIONAL EDUCATION. - BLA 0 ATE PTH OP r A J4S0o11OL Pazoeuene'-Th oIvte. PJOSEPf GrDinopl-Tlhorouev. J.Kempthon eM.A. late Fellow o1 tin lti Villeoae. Cambridge eooiw9 ' X Ihee&ld XM0ATe-XVh O 1T. n t. -eareoo v, Pl1aw of onilloe ad Cam ' Collw Cam' .aidgei',Mr541 ttinno teT.O$.mor. ore, ~~~b 1 otber onatOtcM RZAHnt,1 of %1, bt9enabl for thre an r, are ?? Or Va paog to the Univeraeltis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~R~aII~g7~~hie~hk~thieal Hal,1 LEITS LAY, 'rloseS, 'behLold ?? Apri t~t. ?? ?? in he i-enst, At seven edoes30, Sir he Wv. Ineew SnaceO, Stiel~:a-Stery-ten '110wl rereah in.i New- Doad side Wlepa Chapel, Welt, Ai~-3ULCMLe~t at hr~t A~zd~Wt1-tar-i in tee I~-f;tcot Ie I5 ?? J~,hL Nelson and his 1tinp atf,~ e-taI iceth 91rIt G C03 -j tEE h,,OI R P EA U .P E lane New Cc'cncIree. hu 10 ateIh' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I SSUE OF THE RESERVED ,700,oo0 DOLS., or 340,000 Sterling, SE:VEN -TER CENT. RENTAL TRUST BONDS, Being the Balance of ?? dols., or ?? Sterling, Total Authorized Issue. Specially secured and provided for by the Rental of Railways Leased by the ATLANTIC AND GREAT WESTERN RAIL- ROAD COMPANY. I-e Bonds to Bearer of ,c000 dols., or o200 each. Repayable at par in Gold in News York, or in Sterling ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADV'ENT INDEX. La Isthe .order of the AdvertisemniOtslin to-day's ~~4aartd. e'ungrv Hlurar. eelfC, toLet. Gouna to ?? JAt, or Self. iP ?? t,. Sell or Let. WWIr ;oeot. Ptoe~rlii04.Air Sole. Ij jleitud. SixIIn PAGE. 7 ~f ~rv g~arie~tti. Church .Nolicesr, ite. K . e. Wanted. pnolic Norcej. .t1rksIar Notices. JklwselbrneotroiBsinlu Odrdt. EIoU'rEIPAOR. C6,unrerciat Soles. jort',o m i. Barter. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S HOR T ANN.-OUNC EM E NTS. IMkin Annaunrveeenee are inserte4 is 11, Coharanf St m.eafor Two Lines. Resty tuecqedting Line is Mrge 2wumence. In all *ass these sket ws~outsan lunts muste be Pee-paid.) PICTURE braua.s 1 every ?? P uhPreiniiseeThonieasll., Reilly.24GOraf ton-street. 15f;3 GEN'VINE Tobaceo, and Cigann it every variety by E o-wen and ?? 15 College-greeni. T REA~IUN;`M of 25 Wiei, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALT & CO.OS X EAST INDIA, PgA ?? ~ ,AND 1 M B 9RT-N ALES, IN BO'TTLE, AlSO IN OASK, INE FI'ETm 0ONDITION. . e A o 44a.; bnperlnl Si1Ie,3Oh.: Si. i'm. 24 tttvg~drne; ?? ;. Jr~u~bt,2sR. LI)IE S i AND - 4D. LIMST~ET, ONDN Ex.C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE GREAT WESTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY (LIMITED). Incorporated under the Joint-Stock Companies Acts, 1862 and 1867. Capital 1,350,000, in 67,500 Shares of 20 each, Of which 900,000, in 45,000 Shares of 20 each, are nosy offered to the public. Deposit, 2 on Application, 8 on Allotment, and the balance at intervals of not less thant three months. DIRECTORS. E. W. BARNETT, Esq., C.E., London (late ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MMLT NOTIOES. WESERNTEEGRPHCOMPANY Lots, E62 ad ')4roa~sti thaJolnt.Stock ?? £13090,In 87,10 shares ofa 0 eac, o wish£90,00,.in 5,00 hars f £2. each are now offered H.W. Earnett, Rag., O.K. London (late of the Madran Railway Company); John Bibby, Keg., Liverpool; Nathanlie Buckley Hag. TiLP 4 William Fenton, Keg., Btanker, Roebdale'; John Hoeughi. FaS! ?? Balfour, and Coznpaey) - James Biggins ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ftteznoSvzN PIlt CENT. REtNTAL 'TS Tm 5I000 dole.Z 51,0110 Wlel 6*11Atrtal ~h Cl-the hared Aceifvl o for byli %ENTAL 'i hoe SolIl ecurd ban ;o o 0 TtLWAVSL E by the ATIANT andewe GREAT 1111.0 ?? itAI O~)COMPANY. Xis bonds to bearereot 8 or 9 in t ?? York, sorl £in eah O o&ya ?? yr i n L o n d o n , 'in , L n o in H ira ?? gold. Eor an e ensW ?? t Cl $~otiou ofthe holler, Thodiretailf-veerly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC ANMUSEMENTS. HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T , I~~~Lat Six N-izhtqof 3fF. A-,I) MRS11. DNON ROUCWCAULT, Who wfill, he assisted by MR. SHIEL BARRY ANT) air. F. CILOVER, On THIS EVENING The ~ w','1roiioeneewith the Farce entitled THE AREA BELLE. TcICef'wi, web etirely -New 5-eneryby Mr-%alt~er ti'. 'r~'ir ?? PrkranwDrama itl'. ets, precvii'5 by a prolosue. eutitled T-rIlET S~lETS OF LONDON. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 EV. A. B. BRUCE, Convener of Pealmody R Committeeof the Frroe Chlrch of Scotland. will Deliver a LEiTURE on PSALMODY, in FREE ST. JAMES'S 0CHURCH. London Street, on TUESDAY, APRIL 23, at ; So'clock ?? olli. trations by Church Choir. CITY CAURCH SEATS. t HllE 3EAT RENTS will be received St the TH CHAMBERLAIN'S OFFICE, 50 Wilson Streot, from tuND&V the 22ni till SATUIIDAY the 27TH April, Daily ...