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... LITERATURE, SCrJENVE, AND ART. (From the Athernaum.) AMit NmnIvy announces a new novel entitled The Gladstones, in three volanes, from the pen of Mr Frank Trollope. SoME valuable data for the history of printings and short studies on other subjects, are being issued at Cambridge by the learned librarian of the University. HE1RR ANTON BALM, a leading pianoforte teacher and musician in Vienna, ...


... . , . I MR BnowiriNoS' new'Ioem, Fifine at the Fair, will be nh1 published in May. t si said to treat in a somevhat bold 'Y way the relations of the sexes. par The article, George Beattie, in the currenbt Cornlill, the is by the Rev. W. W. TuUoch, son of Principal Tulloch, johi and author of several articles in Bclgraoi4 and other PO0 magazines. art( The Scottish Guardian announces a ...


... TRANSLATiONS FROM BERANGER. No. XXIII. THIE ALCHEMIST. And it is thine thou sayest, thine who art so poor and olk, The secret of transmuting baser metals into gold; And thine no less that.mighty boon for which far more I yearn, Thine the elixir that can bid my vanish'd youth return. My purse I open to thine art which can such won- ders breed, For credulous my spirit Is, and bath of wonders ...


... wpJ-- I IT, IATVU.I ?? tirbidation'i to 'Teade; AJiions' t bd rittit'ei S I belatting4t ?? vati- i 'ue Manufa6ltuirsi tihe laeiiorv Aets i kWoi'k- _ hopst kuiay:-and itha tescl~,tl;i~' 3i ie > akerir Mtinersi An51r~'eamren, Th'csii'itaS~tbtcrr .od:! partaicladtyl-the' ias.: t'or 'asel? ?? rkr ,. rs~opsYfhA~otsX. 7narve~t 1nrehdtJ Fsind le i67, -, ; zodyof itatuttrrlrsfllatins/ widrhgi, .tahd ...


... AN HOUR WITH NATURE. Oh ! sweet the day, and fair, tho' thunderous clouds Spread dark o'er half the bcav'n, and evormore T le golden sunshine and tho silver rain Maintain a contest sweet. 0 list, what wealth Of wild song wells from forth the bosoms green Of yonder groves, rioh in their leafy pride. Or mark von fields, refresh'd by genial howers,1 And rous d to lovely life by summer smiles- How ...


... LIT ER AT U RE. Tee Northern Psalter and Hymn Tune Book Edited by WILLIAM CARnIE. Aberdeen: Lewis Smith and Taylor & Henderson. TEss Psalter, which we have bad occasion to notice favour- ably from time to time as it was issued from the press in periodical instalmentB is now published in its complete form, and quite fulfils our expectations regarding its merits. It is, of all the collections we ...


... The annual meeting of subscribers to the Art Union of Glasigow wasl held in the Corporation Gaherisystraat ?? in 1 The CHAIRIMAN, af tea' expressing his regret at the TI absence of the L~ord Provost, who -was in London on important public businless,- called on the Secre-b tary to read the annual report. Mr MooISE then read the report of the Comn- (1 moittee of Management as follows: - The ...