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April 1872
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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales



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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales


... Epps's CHOCOLATIL-LA Situation, in an article entitled France et Angleterre, eays:— Nous n'vons en France qu'une aeule usine oiL la preparation du Cacao emploie un materiel et un personnel aussi considerables que ceux que nous avons vus dans l'usine de Messieurs Epps. C'est une veritable curiotite dans son genre que cette immenso fabrique. The wrapper of each cake of Chocolate pre- pared by ...


... SIR SPENCER ROBINSON ON HIS DEFEAT. Sir Spencer Robinson has issued a farewell address to the electors of Tamworth. in which he says were not successful, but we were not disgra'ced. I believe the freedom and independence of this borough are dear to you ? all. You have struggled for the success of these principles before now you have suSered for them; but through defeat, notwithstanding ...

[No title]

... NAVAL AND MILITARY INTELLIGENCE. The Army and Aaty Gazette says:—The rumour which prevailed in naval circles during the week, to the effect that Rear-Admiral Key, C.B., had refused the appoint- ment of Principal of the Naval University, h unfounded, and we have every reason to believe that he will accept it. —If Rear-Admiral Sir Francis Leopold M'Clintock, F.R.S., is desirous of being employed ...


... AT its first meeting, held last Saturday, the Board of Guardians had an important subject under consideration. The appointment of an Assessment Committee is one involving the interests of all the ratepayers, and it is easy so to constitute that committee as to deal fairly with all classes, or to give an advantage to one section of the community over another. The Guardians have thus an ...


... THE AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS. LONDON CENTRAL AID COMMITTEE. A meeting in aid of the agricultural labourers was held in London on Saturday evening, and during Sunday seve- ral open-air meetings took place, at which the following tddreM to the working men of England was unanimously adopted and ordered to be printed :— The address is dated from the Central Aid Committee Boom, Blaek Swan Inn, ...


... LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE STAGE. It is announced that the family of the late Rev. P. D. Mnurico will be very grateful to any friends who will in- trust them with letters, as an aid in the preparation of a memoir. The letters will be copied and returned. Any directions sent with them, as to the extent to which they may bo employed, will be carefully attended to. The let- ters may be either ...


... LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. THE ANNIVERSARY SERVICES of the English Congrega- tional Church, Troedyrhiw, took place on Sunday last. The various services were well attended and about JE25 was collected towards the building fund. LOCAL PETITIONS.—Potions in favour of the Bill for stopping the sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday, were on Tuesday presented to the House of Commons, by Mr H. H. Vivian ...


... Ttio deatlia from smallpox hi London last week (48) were lower in number than they have been for many Resolutions have been passed at a special meeting of the Ballot Society, expressing satisfaction at the deter- mination of the Government to maintain the secrecy of the vote. The Pnncess Imperial of Germany was safely delivered of a Princess on Monday evening, at Potsdam. Her Imperial Highness ...


... Achievement, the celebrated racehorse, and the property of Colonel Pearson, hast just died at Rufford MoxEY MARKET.—The money market during the week has been very easy, and the outer market has been a little under the Bank rate. as usual. But we see no reason to vary the general prediction which wo gave lately, that if the German Government persist in taking all, or almost all, the gold which ...


... A man named Thomas Williams entered a public house in Cheaterton, Staobrdshire. on Sunday, and demanded some drink. As he was already drunk, the landlady refused to serve him, whereupon he took a knife from his pocket, and commenced hacking at his throat. An alarm was raised, and a man endeavoured to disarm Williams, who, however, succeeded in accomplishing his purpose, and fell dead in a pool ...

[No title]

... THE DUKE OF ARGYLL OX RELIGIOrS EDUCATION. The Duke of Argyll has addressed a letter to Dr. Mac- kenzie. of Eilcanach. Invernesshire, on the subject of education .in Scotland. The following is the most im. portant portion of the communication-—You may depend upon it that, however needless it may appear with reference to the practice long established in Scot. land, a Time Table Conscience ...

[No title]

... THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY. THE REVOLT OF NUMEROUS SECTIONS. The International Working Men's Association aoems likely to be crushed by the tyranny of its own rule*. During the past week several meetings, composed of dele- gates from the various metropolitan sections, have been held in London to protest against the arbitrary conduct of the General Council. In order to understand the questions in ...