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24 April 1872 (6)


Pall Mall Gazette


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Pall Mall Gazette

Advertisements & Notices

... 'THE ERIE RAILWAY COMPANY. London Offices of the Erie Railway Company, 86, Gresham House, Old Broad-street, London, April 5, 1872. To the Shareholders of the Erie Railway Company. The undersigned, the Committee representing in London the interests of the European shareholders, have now to advise that Messrs. William Wetmore Cryder, Edward H. Green, and Gilson Homan, members of the Committee, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A4dveoreisets fo, the PALL MALL GAZZITTI hoeelfd ae sent to tohe Ogff e b fvre /Halfy-afs Nine o0lock or the day ofiubnetlcat.ol. 4dzertisements to be displayed should be seat os tP fre'io^ta day. Arnnooeceweents of Birthts, arriages ard Deatks are inserted in the PALL MALL GAZETTE at a cfharho of Five Sitijsiag$. T/hey mnay be sent t0.,hek an advertising Agnt, lesagend , or Librafiara or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N E W I 0 R K S. TEE LIFE OF SIR HENRY LAW- IRENCE. By the late Major- General Sir i~lt.:PRT BENJAMINO EDWARDRS, ?? ?? al'd HESIAN MEPYALE, Esq. C.B. W~ith Portrait, a volS. demay Iso, 305. COC-NTrNY STORIES, OLD AND NEW, IN PROSE AND VERSE. By HOLusi ,7 F. Aththor of The Beautiful Miss Barring- to,; K athie Brande, &c. 2 vols. crown 8vo. :12S. ESSAYS. Bv the Author of Vra, The ?? du ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rME LONDON EXHIBITION OF 1 1872. ,TriE LONDON EXHIBITION OF 1 ART AND INDUSTRY, 2872, at Ken- ~IDgton, Will be OPENED to the ptiblic on WED- NESDAY, the 1st of May, 1872. The prices of Season Tickets will ?? a Gentleman, a as. br a Lady, L1 is.; for a youth under fifteen years Of Oge, 61 AS. HEz LONDON EXHIBITION OF 1 58a..--:he OWNERS of SEASON TICKETS will be entitled to ADMISSION to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEVON SLATE QUARRIES LIMITED. COMPANY, FOR WORKING AND DEVE1LOPING SLATE QUARRIES ALREADY OPENED AND NOW IN OPERATION. CAPITAL 4 6,OO0, IN 4,13 0 0 SHARES OF ,10 EACHS For 3,500 of which applications will be received, Payable ,;6 per Share on application, ;/3 per Share on allotment, ,C3 per Share one month after allotment, and 3 per Share two months after allotment, with the option to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RICHARD BENTLEY AND SON'S NEW WORKS. GOOD-BYE, SWEETHEART. A Novel. By RnIoD1. BROUGHTON, Author of Red as a Rose is She, and Comneth Up as a Flower. 3 vols. crown 8vo. DIARIES AND LETTERS OF SIR GEORGE. JACKSON, K.C.H. From the Peace of Amiens to the Battle of Talavera. Edited by Lady JACKSON. 2 vols. 8vo, 30s. Sir George Jackson drew pen-and-ink sketches of the Royal and illustrious ...