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... LITERARY -NOTICES. Tim ART JouaRAz. (Virtue & Co. London]- The number for this month coataiasthree beautiful steel engravings, but the subjects are common- i place. Cherries Ripe and Accident or De- i sign, are not worth the labour expended on them; but there is somie sentiment in the picture Cruis- ing Among the Water Lilies. ' The lettcrpress is -vry attractive historically, and finely ...


... TRANSLATiONS FROM BERANGER. No. XXIII. THIE ALCHEMIST. And it is thine thou sayest, thine who art so poor and olk, The secret of transmuting baser metals into gold; And thine no less that.mighty boon for which far more I yearn, Thine the elixir that can bid my vanish'd youth return. My purse I open to thine art which can such won- ders breed, For credulous my spirit Is, and bath of wonders ...


... I WVMENEVER the present Ministry falls, there is every prospect of its doing so with a dull crash, not an individual soul of them having saved himself by judicious ratting. This may signify nothing on the score of personal sympathies, but it is to be regretted on broad public grounds. A great abrupt political catastrophe will be offered to us, shorn of a whole series of interesting preliminary ...


... LIT B ER AT -UR B. YORKSHIRE: PAST AND PRESENT.* FIBST NOTICE. What Mr. Thomas Baines has already so successfully accomplished for Lancashire and Cheshire, he has under- taken to perform for his native county. He is engaged in writing the history of Yorkshire, and the two handsome books before us form the first instalment of this Herculean task. At no period has Yorkshire had any reasoa to com ...


... AVerOON PARTY AT BUOGE PALA&CE. Her Majesty the Queen gave an afternoon party at Buckiogham Palaee yesterday, from five to savon o'clock. Ths following members of the Royal Family were pre. wnt at the party: HisRoyal *ghness the Duke of Edinburgh, attended by the Hon. Eliot Yorke. Her Royal Highness the Princess Louise, Marihionesa of Lome, attended by Lady Sophia Macnamara and Cap- tain F. ...


... I GrĀ¶ &LLO TT COLLECTION. At the galleries of Messrs. Christie, Manson, .and Woods are now exhibited, previous to the sale to-morrow and Saturday, the pictures included in the second portion of this remarkable collection. As in the landscapes, now dispersed into various new quarters, we saw the English school at its height in Muller, Linnell, and Graham, with Turner entering upon his later ex- ...


... HER MAJYSTY'S OPERA, DRURY-LANt. I The re-appearance on Tuesday week df Mdme, t Trebelli-Bettini - as the Page in Lea guuisots-has r already been recorded. I On Thursday Mdlle. Maoimou repeated her refined per. f Formance of Ansina in La Sonnandnda; and on Saturday c her equally attractive representation of Maria in La Figlia E ski Regqimemtot. E On Monday Setniratnide was given for the first ...


... il . I ST. JAMBES.-FRENCI PLAYS. For many years past the performance of a series of French plays in London, under the direction of M. Raphael Felix, has been an annual event. At length, however, we have a French theatre regularly established among us, and to all appearance bent on keeping its doors open both in and out of season. This bold experiment was begun by M. Feli in November last, ...


... CRYSTAL PALAC EtXHBITION OF GA3ml BmIDs, Yeaterday, a private viow of an exhibition d Game Birds and Bantama was held in the Crystal palaci It is the first exhibition of the kind that has taken placq end partakes more of the character of an experiment tha of a complete show. The -eaon of the year, too, has bee4 3 unfavourable; the entries on1 this aecouat were not numerous as, no doubt, they ...


... The annual meeting of subscribers to the Art Union of Glasigow wasl held in the Corporation Gaherisystraat ?? in 1 The CHAIRIMAN, af tea' expressing his regret at the TI absence of the L~ord Provost, who -was in London on important public businless,- called on the Secre-b tary to read the annual report. Mr MooISE then read the report of the Comn- (1 moittee of Management as follows: - The ...