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Advertisements & Notices

... ESB. THOMPSON begs6 respectfnlly to inform the Ladies of Leeds and ito vicinity that her Show Aecorns care nov (open with a chovsoa o'oittent of MtrLINOERY, a'Tn&W, FLOWE1 &I,,ce. The favour of au early call be esteemed. IS5, OrrfoWrow.nW CHI-TL LETN' and LA IE'CHATUES b&g tlo a, va1rieyof F'S fY ?? thysar Th-AtY showin ROthe wrl~t he rtidy fo i- spoioney Bonn1let HatY, haprlst, jand ?? Arre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTISEMENTS. 5,000,000 (EvA million) packages of HornimmA's Pare Tea we sold last year, by their 2,e5c agents, who are appointed to supply tho publec direct fromn the insportere uith thils highly popular article; it can be relied ou for great strength, delieious vyavor, ?? real ehepnpess. Horsuhoar'd agrents in this district are advertised in our columns. EWA METAL PocPscW VESTA Box, WITR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, AT NO. 4, CLAIRE-S'IREET lESSR1S. H. R~. FARGUS'& CO.- will SELL IYJby AUG'PION, at their SAIAEROONI, No. 4. CLARE- - STRENTBristol, THIS DAY (SATURDAY), April 27,A AIl th0 excellent HOUSEHOLD FURN TU I011 RV, Disusr, DesertTea, and. other CHINA; Cut G LASS, BU M oginy Winged and other WARDROBES, pa Excellen M ahan Half-tester and other BEDSTEDwith lea, Foaticor sSEDS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A W0 N & MAOaNICoL'3 D AISNREWS DRES9S DEPARTMENT. flht NYte Patternsfor the Scanon are rnot forwGrdI to wwl GI we fults attentimon ThAre are ors o fstfulit, Made- t'i DR9SSESiSiu PIQU8, tahfk EMBROrDEft alsa, DOL'UR Job L:EZ.S a full SSock of HATS, CLOAKS, SQU4RE ke iwObIS P]rOSSES, IANTcr ROBSS. Wi bASSANrITS AND RASKETS Testefully Trimmed. or EC BOYS, 8 RILT and KNICKBR2BOoER SUITS In great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E BUA~fNALETABLISHMEXT, 17, St- trar', othni orr Corddncted by LUS A C~t~f'rassist' ed y Eelsece rndrs~drt rninra. Referencea to parents of pupils, including sovezal Clergymen. 59irme on application. C 14179 0 155 0. G DR~ begs respeotfttlly to announcO M thatab lirOSE an EDUCATIO'NA1 E9TABLV511 WlENT for. inN LDES the bealthy end plesoiattlyjtuafntid town of Tlelu eywoe rupile will reeeive a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sHORT ANNOUNCEMENTS. if Short Anoe. ttst~s\t5 4,5 ?? ?? ti Y~s \\ .~na ehe TsouflJW In du sa t a lm es Wu ?? Pr-pa~ C XBG e ic cs)>4 iennaIW be Penne) T0 tbsqe who buy their own Cloth, a Suit of Clothes perfectly made for 16a, at 12 Lower Abbey-st eet. G NfNE Tobaccos and Cigar in every variety by GBowen and Ca.'s, lS College-green pICTURE Flames of every description Manufactured on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BURN TH STAR NIGHT LIGHTSe TH E POPULAR NEW NOVELS AT ALL LIBRARIES. G-D D-BYE, SWEETHEART: a Novel. By RHODA BROUGHTON, Aatlor o ' Coometh up as a Flower,' I Red as a Rose is She.' Three Vols., crown Svo. M'I IC'HIAEL T'RESIDDER: a Cornish Tale. Two Vols., crown 8vo. A 131 A7NKSO - 1DENE: a Novel. By HuGH MULLENEUX WALMSLEY, fColoucel, 0tto2 15 n Imperial Army, Author of 'The Chasseur ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? NTrS'l Articles of food should be perfectly wholesome. The purity and strength of Earomman's Tea is guaranteed, as it is not coated with the usual injurions facing powder. Sold only in packets. Leeds, GoodaUl and Co., Boar-lane- Holbeclt, Mitohell, bookeller Wordtq, Orampton chemist; usled, Williameen, chemist; ffeadinsleu, HAll, chemist: Armlstt, Fawcett, chemist. A 19 e Fon T3m S=N.-For ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .U.. JiOj.- ?? THE ELECTRIC MEDICO BELT CURES WEAKNESS, Nervous Debility, Premature Dcline, Blusbing, &c. Write W. JExNLra, Esq., Percy House, Bedford-square, London. DERMAILS AND A TEST FREE. lIPILEPSY OR FiTS.-A sure cure for this X distressing complaint is now made known in a T altiso (ot 4s octavo pages) on Foreign and NaLtive Herbal Preparations. published by PROF. 0. PHELPS BROWN. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGRICULTURAL SALT, ROCK SALT, - ARTIFICGIAL MAN UIES, AT BENSON COAL WHEAF, WEEDON BROS. SIR JAMES MURRAY'S ORIGINAL FLUID MAGNESIA, The Pureel, Best, and Chteapest Prepenrn. rAS been prescribed for Sixty Years by thle .EIL most e'mineut of the Profession as the best remedy for ACrIrrrY, 1xDI .Sremo 7, HEA AcInItr GRATL, and GOUT. It is free from the dangerous effects caused by the use of 30 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OPIES OF PORTRAITS.-SIX Is SD; xJ Twelve, 2s Sd. Send Carte and Stamps to the CITY POTOGRL.PHIC COPYING CO., 2, Queen Street, Cheapside, B.C Perfect Copies returned Post Free. Enlarge- inents to 10 inches, 5s; Cabinet size, 2s. 4026 LEA & PERRINS ;XVORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, W Y Pronounced by Connoissewrs THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE. To guard against the numerous worthless itations of this renowned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11pRAX1ULA BO on a NOW 8ada I~prtoyea 'p ttprinciple. to bold one or two clilIdXOII without i width.. Alas tuB flew Patent RevaratIa Perambrola. to rcl68ntstive a6110st wind. relia, dust. ?? owen'is New lsedCaa0, post free ow on application. fl0toklN OWIIH. 15, Piccadilly (corner of Oldhansptreot). B'VIVAL BAND, Co-011erktivO Hall, Downiing-at. f~pBCULERVIONS O ltOROW, 080.23Gand 6. Con. ?? ...