... TEE ANTI-INCOME TAX AGITATION. CONFERENCE IN BrRMINGEAM. The second dey's Conference wvas held yesterday, at the Exchange Rvoms, under the presidency of Mr. P. . blunt z, 1I. P. In our list of persons present on Wedues- day the name of Alderman Holland was omitted. Alder- man Holland wes present all day, and again yesterday. The CHaAIRAAN said he believed there was but one opinion in regard to ...

Published: Friday 24 May 1872
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2645 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... Noticen of meetings and other trade movements are again being sent to us without authentication by the names and addresses of the senders. We must repeat that unless these particulaos are furniahed, we cannot publish the commnications. OPERATIVE fJOOPERS AD CASEMAKERS. The operative coopers and casemakers of Birmingham have submitted to their employers a proposal for an increase in the rate of ...

Published: Friday 17 May 1872
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1038 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... AND OURNAL, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1872. THE BIRMINGHAM DAILY MAIL, AN EVHNThEG JOURNAL, PmcH A HmSrP Ny; published at Three and Six O'clock, contains all the Telegrams, Market&, Sporting, Police, and Local News of the Day. Daily Circulation COw exceeds 15,000. Olice for Advertisements, No. 11, Cannon Street. The Globe mentions a rumour, which is strength-' ened by. a special telegram from one of ...

Published: Saturday 11 May 1872
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4470 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... 1 1fl:MISCELLANUEOU . tTS Woman suffrage finds few supporters in 1a(1aa - The woods in Minnesota cover a region 200 D ,_ by 40 wide0 Subscriptions to the Greeley monument fual - amount to 16,484 dollars.. The Japanese ladles have indignantly prothc the iatroduotion of ohignons. On Saturday evening at eight o'clock the Pope. from the Vatican in a close carrage, and pro ?? Porta del Popolo and ...

Published: Tuesday 28 May 1872
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2038 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... PRIVATE CORRESPONDEC(E Lorncox, Saturdar2- The House of Commons will reassemble on Monday, l after the Whitsun holidays, with, it is hoped, a ...

Published: Monday 27 May 1872
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3136 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... GENE RAL NEWS. [PIRSS AMsOATION TEL4GRA S.] Only seventy masons remain on strike at Sheffisld, masters having conceded the men's demands. The troops in Dover Garrison were on Saturday in. spected by the Duke of Cambridge, and subsequetaly his Royal Highness inspected the East Kent Militia. The North German Lloyd steamer Baltimore, which cillided off Hastings with the Lorenzo Semprin, arrived ...

Published: Monday 27 May 1872
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4509 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... Wt'tlill''91 ll 171milig W'joot AND JOURNAL FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1872. A NEW TALE, BEFORE WIND AND TIDE,'l iS OOMmuXOlD IN THE BIhMINGHA M1 WKERLY POST. NEWSO- THE DAY. In tl:e House of Lords, last niglt, Tnrl GRA N VILLE stated that General SciieNutK had given hin a copy of the despatch of Mr. Fisir. Taking the despatch by itself, it did not cause a solution ?? the unfortunate misunderstanding ...

Published: Friday 03 May 1872
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 5784 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... The joint Select Committee on this question sat again ystebday; Mr. 0. Fortescue, President of the Board of TVrade, In the chalr. Mr. A2lport, general manager df the Midland Company, was recalled for the purpose of having his oplnon on the Working Arrangements BIll relating, to the West of England. He said be could not sae the slightest differ. ence between this bill and an amalgamation bill, ...

Published: Friday 03 May 1872
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 584 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... * NEWS FROM ' ,, ~ ~ TuunA$ ZsaDr , t At a Ministeial; bouail to-day it w.a deided to opposoM. -Aautijens' Bill to authorise the Com- M mitted of uliqry tq exanpjne ;heqapitulatioqu of t Pari, in ?? view; mitl4er ioxds, t 'to bring Gleneral Tohu ktaeort-pmartal. The o, Committee to which' the Bill aas referred as d urgent' has aso, it is, rumOUred, unanimously D Agreed to reporb 4painst, it. ...

Published: Saturday 18 May 1872
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1374 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... TNH POPE AT.- T VATIOAN. 7(nou ova Id; oam :w (m O BOA* InOXU Xy 0. Xr.Rob1%tBrowninrm mulit Ohristaas ive and Easter Day, has rresented' his inquirer after religious truth as ?? bearing 1a ver. idiomatic sermon ins Methodist chapel, and being thence transported to Rome to the Catheda of $t. Peter's at the very, moment of High Maoe, and ihaving his senses ?? stupefied by the setacle ft the ...

Published: Saturday 11 May 1872
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1707 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... | THyE SONS OF TH OLERR lY The 218th anniversary. of this Corporation was cblebrated in the usuai manne r yesterday afternioon, There was a grand choral service uander' the doses of St, Paul' * the choir being strengthenedl fur the o~ccasion'by those of tho Chapels Royal, 'Westminster Abbey, St. George's (Windsor), Canterbu&y, Eton, the Temple, and Lincoln's- inn. The service was Smart in 13 ...

Published: Thursday 16 May 1872
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1021 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... >OO~V O M _: a, OA, TO, AluD R A ITH_ + I CONVOCATION AND TEM ATXSIAN I1 1 , I an'm > 0 , .~ . i ., ?? i l -;Both usesof CQnvooation eaton Thursday,tie Upper at Queen Ann's Bounty Oflclo and, the Lower in the Jerusalem Clhamber. The Prolocutor, he Venerable Arclhdeacon Blakersteth, attended by most oP the members of the Lower Houde, prsesnted to' the Upper ?? the seris obf resolutione come to ...

Published: Saturday 04 May 1872
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2965 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News