... j1rHH OAT SHOW AT THE CRYSTL PALAOR. ! This being the third oi the Anuual Cat Shows 'which have been instituted at the Orystal P'alace, offers a fair test of the likelihood thee Is of similar exhibitions bsbeoming pormauently popular with the public. Yester- day was the first open day, aud judging by the number of Visitors, and their style and apnearanoe, we should be very snuob inclined to ...


... AD-VFNTURPE WITH A BEAu.-About two hours after, as near its I could tell by the height of the moon, Pat and I were simultaneously aroused by a terrible growl close by, and, starting up, I seized the axe which lay near to my hand while Pat drew out the old revolver from under the sack of flour that composed his pillow. We could see nothing at first for the glow of the fire, which still burnt ...


... BERLIN TH:EATREs. TO THE EDITOR OF THE ERA. Sir,-I have read with very great surprise the extract front a London morning paper, which you published in your edition of the 19th inst., and which sweepingly denounces the Theatres of th capital at Germany as being very much inferior to those of Loudo,1 and the Engliol Provinces in the paucity of actorsand sr ctress.. of talent, and also with being ...

Published: Sunday 26 May 1872
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1865 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... XR. PENNINGTON'S READINGS. On Tuesday afternoon this young but talented and popular tragedian gave a series of readings, or what should more properly be termed recitals, in the arawing-room ot the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone's house, Carlton-terrace, which was tilled by a large, distinguished, and highly appreciative company. At Sadler's Wells, at the Standard, the Alfred, and other ...

Published: Sunday 12 May 1872
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 631 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... SOnRrTa OF IRELAIND fORTICTTUfRAL SOCIETY'S SHOW. Taxz first exhibition this year of plants, flowers. and fruits, in connection -nith this society, wi take ?? to morrow in the Pavilionat the Royal Botanic Gardens. We have frequently taken occasion to notice the admirable snitability of these Gardens for holding flower-shows and public sports, and in doing so we have not neglected to revert to ...


... ?? A ,t(-SlE.NTar t made to the P~jnc~sr~gtiiie thl5 wiee The fist iN & ,4ew ?? rby~ f De~bi~d', `L ?? entitled Ou~oo Mahv whmigies ON.~eodso ~of; a~ yen9g Iar'iyst tW6 losers' Ljfla freshi la~d amlntnylightLeeko1OU~lMM n ?? -4uitot. ,one~be Injfaioutet ';by the 'Piriiti~~d tb' iholce 1trlmphiin;I theies'ee&'an that' the olitrtiilti ~Rnl~ad'J~MorisAf tev thedAinM(0bF iAntd' '~ousefrpth~*e ? ...


... WISHRW SOCIETY'r Holv. T'he annta) ccmpetitic .t tie 3rlsS cit Cal; usuetbanthi, Ciarb;uke. I) I ' a' I:. 'bat, inns Setd in 3 lide in the t rr; hL 'tc, i *i \V 'slsr, ret a; ut for the use of the ic:y iy ?Mr lscnc, wl'Otii., prret rvt of the aeszziciitl' u: The rm-ccl of farmers and others ir:tarsteri ir, a-r,ltzrai purcuils was large; hot tine nul'i'r oi -rit' in the ?? classes was ealt.^ ...


... lmuSIC IN LONDON. (AROMd OUR owfq tV o CO~tBEOD> T.) i0s R.Y~l Italian Opera, Covenit Gardeii, I -under the management of Mr Gye, and Her Wajesty's Opera in Drury Lane, under that of ?? Mapleonn, are now in full swing. Mr Gye a t first to open his doors this seasonoul O hwave reeie suc anre-~iatcrcitfn far, he has been exceedingly unfortunate ine gard to the members of his compatY, a number t ...


... GLASGOW CHORAL UNION- I( CATHEDRAL CONCERT. I' hi hi he ed he a tex eI w. as La ici his tic he ?? is is L's N I a a a a I On Saturday afternoon, our leading Choral Society gave one of their enjoyable concerts in the nave of the Cathedral. The audience, though numerous, was less so than on many previous occasions; the merits of the perform- ance certainly deserved a larger attendance. The ...


... COURT A-ND PAS'HION . . . ?? Lady Charles Ker is steadily improving, The Earl of Caryefort is lying at Rome in a most critical condition. I .~ . I..;1 I The health of the Emperor William is far from Im- preving. ,- . It is understood that Earl Dufferin will leave Ire- land for Canada on June lath:,' . The Prince and Princeis Christian arrived ?? on Monday from-tbe continent. MARBLAQE OF' MTSS ...


... Boieldieu's and Scribe's La Dame Blanche, never before, we believe, performed in England, has been played three or four times, last week and this, under Signor Mon- telli's management in a way which, though the orchestral and choral arrangements are still not quite satisfactory, is on the whole deserving of very hearty praise. Even if the accessories were by no means so good as they are, we ...


... I flN4, S. OALZ OP PR1I01 NAPOLHOMPS 0otwECToW. Me89. Christie andc Xaneoe rooms are now flleod wit4 theb large coll n of potatres nid other works of srt formed by Prince Napoleon, ogether with the magnificent platsl, chie, and b~ze oadndetbra, all oslin the styl of the GreRo t ho.use which tbh Ptlabfarnuhe4lu the Avenue Montalge, ond w41ih wae. entitely osked and burnt during the reign of! ...