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Advertisements & Notices

... ITHOR T ANYNOUNTCEMENTS. ?? Announaftflltflt are iacfled is t~is wtaumsof Sieptwe for lio zine,& BRmrV nuetdittg Lire is hanjed TrMvrsc lea du oase taee jaos aswmosme. act rs ePre-yai&.) G NIE Tobaccos and Cigars in everry variety by Bowen and ?? 15 College-green. nICTRP. Framesof every d-5(ription Manrilaetured p onthePremises.Thomas H. Reilly, 24Graf ton-streetL fELAHUNrS. of 25 Wirkiow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A : DRESS. ?? ~ ?? SD E W ' 6SH I R T S. his plain Dress Shirts ff t s .l Fit anud urstiblity g'uratitee ;Itd ;{oisr, lover, atd ilitary Outlitter. t,,,AFT~lN-SiĀ±'.T. an~ 1 CHATHAS- a S' TlLREi, ['UiLIN. --a_:tfits for Aciny and Navy execute3 on the n 5:igs; Dotice- 408.9 ALLEN begs to announce her return orallon. lt'r 1'6nis A-eat has consigned Mit ' 2PARISIAN NOVETZIRE In Cstiimes, Pasasols, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMuEMENTS. T\N i ?? i - ?? T .. ..E- -A-i T- . Rri. & A~u Sole ?? 3. and M. GuMW. ?IS5~ oe uzg&emeflt of fl)ERED, DraTatic and Burlesque Company. ,THIS EVE2NING. ToVc~mmenceat 7.30with LOVE'S DOCTOR. i(the ufM P n Mr Joseph Oin dcr ( Feshionbe hsii uiD,. Mar C Harrington; Jack Onion, Miss Kngs- I ?? ir O Jones , Alice Ord- Pla yn; a Lvndr.-A, To conclude with ,,jaz& ?? Act, by A.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHORT ANNOUNCEMENTS. GMva 2 r% Ia l a lon maninsw. u mgst bs PLr& ) RS r FrenchStay ad CorsetWarerooms, 34 T r XTDublin. 6 othose who buy their own Cloth, a Suit ?of Clothes perfect de for Ms., at 12 Lower Abbey-street. mS,56 G ENUINE Tobaoes and Cigas In every variety by G DBowen and ?? 15 Oollege-ge nICTURE Frnmes of every descrption Manufactured Pi onthe Premis Thomas H. Ref, 24 Grafton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - I VLLIANEOUS. ADULTERATED BRANDY. 1ThON bI'MANTS, No, 47 AM? ENSSTRE. 5Department of Science and Art, '-tuseum of Irish Indusry. er,,h's-tre'ien, Dublin. , 515-The French Brdy you sent me for examina- I tad tobe Perfectly Pure. I jtais 54 per cent. of Alcohol, which is about CIt-s e tT. ABOVE the average quality. ltolliElT GALLOWAY, FPC.S PTife ,-,sr of Practical Chemistry. AU the BraIry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES -BY AUCTION. SALE THIS DAY TROOPERS' LANE, CARRICKFERGUS. AUGTISjO HOUSEOHLD FURNITURE, MITECH COW, RETRIEVER DOG, Ac.- TobeSold by AUCTION, at Corner of TROOPERS' LANNE, Carrickfergus Road, on TUESDAY, 7 th May, 1872, at Twelve o'clock, ErH ENTIRE tHOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c., comprising M9ahogany Table, on Pillar and Cla-w,; Mahogany Card Table, Mahogany Couches, Six Chairs in Mahogany, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIEGA{LLUS PH-O0TOGRAPHIC STUDIO. s SIO LiC SOL ITED OF THE NEWEST t L C Stlce of CA1TES DE VMiITE AND VIGNETTE E P0O1 TRAITS. MIANATLIIUES for Lockets, Brooches, &c., in Water Colours. C'a~inet to L:c--L' Picu?t-es, in Oi7ls. S.c~ulnoas on view. DONEGATLL PT-AC, BELFAST. 4504 O R G ANS. j rniir GEN-lINE A M E I1CA N ORGANS j b iv IlLo-, k, -vE.mi_- 1'7ot ETn&1 lmketbons) can noW be had at 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHORT ANNOUNCEMENTS. iii~ M Ann wo ^ To dfl Ac f e v r 4 a. t S|J EBU jet Two lnez BWern ef*V Lie Bs ?? of5al evey escritheeon eneslafcae4 ena esemi Thomas Prnfdu a . R) 20 aiuet S FE ?? Gu B yand Corset Warereoms. 34 ml19,35 ElASWINGS Thobacznt Cigaros and ethery variet by Beai artnold (~a.nd E5 Colege-gru~eeD- 3 el~ SnICTR Frames of ?? Neotb Prem8Jise. Thomas Hbr. Relly. 24 anO Grafton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. SALE THIS DAY, ON ACCOUNIT OF W HOM IT MA1Y CONCET N. A Quantity of Furniture and Goods, purchased at AUCTION, the buyer not having complied with the Conditions of Sale, to be Sol by AUCTION, on WVEDNESDAY, 5th Mlay, at Eleven o'clockl MR. CRAMISIE WILL SELL THE ABOVE AT THE AUC- the TION MART, No. 10, Waring Street, at the Purchaser's risk and expense, of which all parties ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. fl A I E T Y T HE A T P. E. jaes sad Sole Proprletors-MesJ. and IL GQm. gPDED'S Dramatic and Burlesque Company. TTHS (Tuesda;) EVENING. Vay2fth. Tocommenceat 7.30with Axidrew HaUlid1h'Cq~lIOCra nT As tn~~ew Baud ~ kin Two Acts. vOn9 (the Hfero of Balclava) Mr. JOSEPJH ELDRED. QDr LsSder (a Fashionable Physician), Mr. Joseph PrllOD' Charles Lavender(isSon). M~rJ. G. Grahame; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M IISCELLAINEOUS. V.ADULTER ATED BRANDY 0 ;EN M'MANrjS, No, 47 AMIENTET. Department of Science and Art, ' Musseun of Irish Industry. 11 Stepheu's-Freen. Dublin. 2ddy Mfhay, ISM3 ., SR.hi French Brandy you sent me for examins, i r- ri to to ,, Perfect; Pure. 'l cortW 5ir 1pcr ceit. of Alcohol, which is about paCFNT, 'aO the average tl0ty. Professor of PrTctical Chemistry. AUl the Brarny svld ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHORT ANNOUIVEMENTS. WS Aluowmeamn* -O ifartS iss oamine do 8hpuu wa Two Lss Z ?? ?? i i~ss Asuroed = r cams Men Amss's assows. : N ut _ r vil AT CAROLAN has opened the York Tavern. 18 and IlS South Anne-streett Bebt drinks at lo~est prices. E Tobaccos and C i g f overy Vrety by s5 Bon ad Oxa J5,QIl'ren. ruscE FrameB of evry desription Manufactured roxths Premises.ThomE Reilly. 94xGafton ...