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Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... AWSON & WAGNICOCL'S' IJ CHIT REN'S DRS DEPARTNRT2 fle tret Psltmrerefr thec Sascon are rO fsson S wkth gis ihcite attention there are COI ?? M eup ji~lSSES~i:SfPIQUE wizth JfBROtiDRRl'; lsl DoUus, LETrs a faull Stock 'of HlATS CLOAKS: SQUJA IdS .aoohs. filgLSSES. IvFANS' ROBES. * BASiSANETTS AND BASKT Taste!ally Trhnmed. B OYB' KILT aid 'NKIO ERBOCKER SUITS In great Variety, Made or to OrdeL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rbl~t LODO o8i5tab ITgN.IOA L sRT r&S.R le Rector of the rt,;PrO FrP.SESt, 55'i'EDtdESDAY. M,~AY,P . d~iO ~o 1o aaldeesed to the 401DS to tr Ovorvo at tt'L u GCoiege Sprinl Grove, Pe5.-'1d~iSrft~ r:I D I N GaT ~--v ~L S o N ~)13rt. Geecgg5 Road, - B ' T O L E N D. ,1 BEurS ?? ! 11 Ssr.. r St Vincen t AccSt itreet, t~ O L}NI), onll~rl;.ble Securit~y, £2Gvand tt) tIL~usA ?? Sn UILDtNG6 to be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IU. G LASGOW GAELIC MISSION. The ANNUAL MEETING of the GLA f4COW GAELTC MISSIONX has been ADJOURNED tll TO-NIRGHT (THUIRSDAYI, the Oi INSTANT-When Directors ostd others interested are earnestly invited to attend-within the RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION NROOMS, t St. George's Place. EIHUGH 'OOLLT, Secy. DOOR CHILDREN'S DINNER TABLE I SOCIETY. The ANN UAL MEIETING of the SOCIETY will be held. in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARAGRAPH ADVERTISEMENTS. BREAKFAST-EFPP5S COcOA.-Grrtentl and Comforting. . r.. WALLACE, Surgeon-Dentist, extracts Teeth without .pain, at 22 Dundre St., Ist door above N.EL RailraY Station. ThIurch jltofla, &C. ' COTTISH TEMPERANCE LEAGUE. Rnv. TREODORE L. ttX'LER, D.D., O0 New York. vvil PREACH. under the Auspices of the Lergue, in the CITY HALL, on SABBATH EVENING FIRST, at Hialf-past Six ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? ?? pnulished, CDs, S6.r, (to:h. with Porltrit, PFrcs 5d., A 5E1(l; F 1:; LATS' R-OME''PU gsa. E!tl0.S, With a. lutwduvciso by isiucipag C0DLItt. Elinburgh: JoLhu Malcare. Gsleiow: n). BCYM V SON. Fcmp n,o, Cioth Linp, Is.- 1iruads Is. Gr. pDAUL'S ADDII'ESS ATl' -1IJETUS: J TnCEIZSt'l Vedcl trei . Ey ths Bte. Jo':e. h Srusor. Ye'ter. Frirh:ugb Anrrs li.lvai 11 iri C Se ?? jrot l uhoitu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OAL.EDONIAN RAILWAY. NEW CIRCULAR TOUR- * lRIEF-F. ILUCHEA-RN - Li ~ST. PILLANS. 0 AND on md.t ofter 1sT JU E. and tmtil IUL, No~tice. :¶O&CEyES urn wpx lbetwoen aRIEVF andT EAN 'vi. COMETRSUm4 St PILLANS. is Connect' .An With Cortain ,of the Company's Tridd * assengers evine GLA9GO'W. XP' iROH, STIR ~ZING, PXRTH. DJSEA. ?? a er It the Evening. IForrriclllars a to FareS. Hone. ?? as. the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... > SCOTTISH LAW sEGLISB aAND tsaiASSOCIATION. O'RFi T SzCr.tL TY !ib . Nvso p TenthMO 4.4per ,!star ' 0 - DthEA , As I ; ; lRE z G s . l 'OFPROFNI~TS.,R1 815ilt211ee V',,esderT nlAns-inL ree J3. OSSADDITtONU teSIS will r ,jxoIT oeC~l~lOMAS n iOOrtrSIS. J erhl Oai oTI~jLI.t~~SrC ~ 1JO- rad O WALD, 3 SCCI1O2 BY ctOOl{ Ft-tLIEO HeAD 2.. -rb ?? G~~i~AT pp~~i VA LNE M tAL LIEL. i l, . , 187 .Extg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~f&L&EDOITIA N R A IL WA Y.) U~LASGOW y(J\EpN1~OQ'E TJZATNS, 1 Fit'is (,,i,ASCyOW 7.4(3, 9-U, 70 11 .1.0, 3 ?? ii,0. 4.20,1 ?? 9.0, 9.0 .t ?? FRom GCIEf~olrlr ut- o I5.&D, 8.0, 8.45, 9.20, 10.30, 13A.,1.,2.5 3. S, 4. so, X,.21T, ii. mI, 7)5)i) ¶5 Urns t.veass at 3.u0 A-li. Dli 5itrtrsss d Altf!O S i4M''T13ES tt'a aan CAttusoct IAN tJli( AX:.t In t~dltiatt a. the linr ?? 1'I'X Prins 'tens as~t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t. X C Ts 1D-:ZLR t T-1FA B Y A T T R A 0'A I o N S..8,2 * . LTH3 DEPARTMENTS, THE ARIGYLE HOUSE? -- 20 JAMAICA STREET. AUDFhRS, COPER & RAMSAY-b to intimate the Completion of their Arm iemeru for the pA e1ent Seae Th. IM;E,,qgE sTOCKX mioughouti the various D m oasi tic~tng of ?'LxlIM UdIMUL b5.cmie it'h a eethn&o S h'ATSST NOVELTIES, enablea 1.. C. &Ut to place Weore their oculerout OBSERVP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r ~~~o1u juutflttuflU.S Y THE CHEAPEST ESTABLI31SXEXT I2N THE CITY FDA ) REALLY GOOD SUBSTANTIAL FURSITURE S ?? ARTISTIC DESIGN AND SUPERIOR FIBBESR Jo H N M. S I M P S O N'S CABINET AND UPHOLSTERY WAREHOUSE AND SHOW BOOMS, to0 GREAT CLYDE STREET, (Corser of Maxwell Street.) ; flustrated House FTrnishing Guide and Price Ust' Gratis on Application, or Post Free for Two Stamps. s IMIPORTANT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B r ' i te.~l 3. di te t ?? J U , - ,ro! ?? 1 , , !0- i r VCI L L . \, I * ,, 13l DS o 1' ?? 'ss r t ! -;~sr Atll a1N I , ?? pd -tiA L ?? 3 c ?? , ,i J\ ,;t ?? ~ ?? sl;| ?? I ?? Ac13 ii Alt AnALDL oOE,, TX I ~ 1:Urh~~ \\V ?? hE- ?? _: vt'wiE 'L 11 3'Tlk\s C7E Ilet'.C OtE. e plt Oi'SS Piysti TEE 5X0ptiI A? J -r i -E eRR Xl' _AST. E .TH ENiT A R AT11 THE ORGAN tIO NA , e ALV ?? 2 1s tO Ll ...