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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEOUS. F hA DULTERATED BRANDY' j otIS 31'iANIJS No, 4T AXIEN~STRgRf. I0 ?? ~~Departmenat of Scce and eat,, Mserum of Irish Indutsry Stephen'aereen.Doblin FrF-eeknch Brsniy you senxt mafor saia jsc I i;d to be .- Perfectly Pure. it contair~s 54Aperlce of Alcohol, which is about S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHORT ANNOUNCEMENTS. gfse fe'2~ Lne B=yeSeoeedfsv Lime to ?? Pnpa& gNIND ea m amvery variety bys ~iGTUE Frames of every description IManufactured PL onthe 3Premini allhomas Reilly, 24 Grafton-street. 1563 ELARUNT'S. of 25 Wicklow-etrest, Is celebrated D for for a Superior Style of Hair Ciatting, Gentle- 4enls Hair Cut and Brushed by Machinery. 3 2182 N NEW JAMS SEAOlN, i1871 'New Damu, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. ATR}3 ROYAL, DUBLIN. LAST SIX NIGHTS OF THE SEASON ANt) OF VINING'S COMPANY OF COMEDIANS bpeciaily organised for the representation of WVillde rpe ?? Drama. THE WOMAN IN WHITE, Urder the sole direction of Mr George Vhinn r-en vears sole Lessee and Manager o' the Royal Jo ?? eatre, London; u nder who. 3 Management yeitc r&,ue the renown~ed su~ccse of Tom Streetg of t is - ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i BjLIC AMUSEMLI.TTS. A I E T Y T H E A T R E. ee gnad Sole Proprietors-Mean J. and IL GONy. Extra Attraction! FOR THE BENEFIT OF Mr. EDMUND FALCONER, And Last Night but One of his Engagement on THIS (Friday) EVENING, May 21, at 7.3. , te presented for the first timie in Dublin a selection reisg of the first and third acts from Mr. Ednmurd y j ,ccers highly successful adaptation from Lever's J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEOUS. rJNADULTERATED BRANDY. To JOHN MWANTrS. No, 47 AMIENS-STREET. Department of Science and Artk. Museum of Irish IndustrT. ?? Dublin. SIsth-Te FrenchBradyyou sent me fora na- tion find to be *- Perfectly Pt It contains 54 per cent. of Alcohol, which is about FIpElES C&NT. AzovE the average ruslity. yROBBET GALLOWAY, F.c.S, Professor of Practical Chemistry.' All the Brandy sold at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... zfOIRT AN'N'OUNCI -MENTS, ?? \ ?? ss ?? EsXS. ?? !Mort AnrzlnM8Wn1 -t8r 4 ct0 in Chia 'umn as &sncs fcr 2Wo Lines. hey au2fsr VIed M i 4aMrgd n'veoce. In azi mm AW ikort dssuaO- Meaus Dat Os Prs ) t70 those who buy their own Cloth, a Suit of Clothes Tj perfectly made 4or 16s., at 12 Lovwer Abbey-etr-et. j)ICTURR F eofevery ?? k outhe Prx=aThomas H. Reilly, 24 Grafton-street. 1563 dlKUINE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUlBIC AMUSEMtIlTS. gEATRE ROnYAL, DUBLIN. Kogalgement of VINING'S COMPANY OF COMEDIANS. 5pecifliy organied for the representation of WVilkie (Collins'preat Drama. THE WOMAN I NV WHITE, T-r.oler the sole direction of Mr Genige Vining. or e* years sole Lessee and Manager of the Royal rrice-53 Theatre, London; unuder wh~ose Management erproduced the renown red successes of *The Streets of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHORT ANNOUIVEMENTS. WS Aluowmeamn* -O ifartS iss oamine do 8hpuu wa Two Lss Z ?? ?? i i~ss Asuroed = r cams Men Amss's assows. : N ut _ r vil AT CAROLAN has opened the York Tavern. 18 and IlS South Anne-streett Bebt drinks at lo~est prices. E Tobaccos and C i g f overy Vrety by s5 Bon ad Oxa J5,QIl'ren. ruscE FrameB of evry desription Manufactured roxths Premises.ThomE Reilly. 94xGafton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tREATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. ?? En garmenat of ININS'S COMIPANY OF COMEDIANS. 51pecil1y organised for the representation of Wilkle t'ollins'great Drama. THE WOMA N IN WHITE. rror the sole cirxa.tion of .fr George Vininl ,, sole Lessee and Manager of the tcoyal TOr F5`,Theatre, London: tnder whose Management erd the rene'wned successetsof The Streets of Ar~ %rrsh-S-Peog,I4t ?? too Late to ledS?.,. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMTEES A I E T Y T e E A T B E. tees aid sole Proprietiflft d.T 3. and M. GmN. LpDRED'S Dramatic and lurlesque Company. THIlS EVENING Toronnrenoeat 7.3Dwith Andrew 11alilday's Comic Drama, in Two Acd., LVE'VS DOCTOR, ?? n (the }ero of Ialaclava) Mr JOSEPH ELDRED. Lavender (a Fashionable Physician) Mr. Joseph Fani~f! CharlesLavenlder (his on). l 3. G. Grahame- Tom right, Mr C HIarrngtof; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHORT ANNOUNCEIMENTS. 18kr Amrnmalm am b es?*d CO 0urnt 6 Ic6' wa~ema/ ar aasre tad ths Owes S e: lipse for 2W zaea finm sIo &.no 6 4owgd r'wyessee. isa a1y dame amiu Awl ?? - oi _sw M b prWaC) , ENYUIN-2 Toblccos and Ciga in every Varet by 13 G Bowren ad Oes*. 15 oere TtURt'E ?? of every description anufactured t LLAdUNlrS, of 25 Wickou ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHORT ANNOUNCEMENTS ifBsS Aaesuaf*8 a insered a£4. btnlw S LEaxst EesV s Icoeeding Le;is ( 'Wrg d 2$conwnc /n an des.u thwe lert m nsiouns giants mwtt be Pralpai&) .IOlrT F fraa of every description Manufactured r onthe Premies&Thomas EL Reilly. 24 Grafton-street. .rU SNU TNE Tobaoccos and Cigars 2n even varety by tT Bowen and Efuts, 16 Collage-gret ELAHUNT'S. of 25 Wicklow-street is ...