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... BREAKFAST.—EPPS'S COCOA.—GRATEFUL AND COMFORT- ING. By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws winch govern the operations of digestion and nutrition. by careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately fhvoureJ beverage which may save us many he.y doctors' bills.—Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling ...


... Again that air—again that rhyme Dearest of all they are to me Evoking thoughts of bye-gone time, And childhood's purest ecstasy Again those sounds !—the magic art Of minstrel ne'er subdued me more The fount of feeling and the heart With melody are runuing o'er. The first Song 'twas that filled my ear And soul with transports of delight, That touched a chord, and drew a tear. I know not why, ...


... CRICKET MATCH. BUTE HOUSEHOLD V. RHYMNEY. A spirited match between the Bute Household Cricket Club and the Rhymney Cricket Club took place in Cooper's Fields on Thursday. The wea- ther in the morning proved very unpropitious, the rain descending very unpleasantly, considerably im- peding the progress of the play but during the after- noon the sun was delighfully warm and pleasant. A small ...


... The despatches from Xew York brought by the steam- ship Spain are dated up to tho 4th instant. The New York Herald of that date said :— At the Cabinet meeting to-day the most important ao- tion which has yet been taken in regard to our difficulties with England touching the Arbitration at Geneva was de- cided 011. A reply has been received from the English Government in reference to the ...

LATEST TELEGRAMS. ..:1.j--.J--I.....l......u...v

... LATEST TELEGRAMS. GCARDIAX OFFICE, Friday, 4 (UII. THE ALABAMA CLAIMS. WASHINGTON, Thursday.—The President yesterday sent to the House of Representatives copies of the arbi- tration correspondence. XEW YORK, Thursday.-The and World severely condemn the Supplemental Treaty. The urges Grant to withdraw the proposition, and save the country from dishonour. The Regular State Convention of New York ...


... The Melbourne Argus gives an interesting account of the destruction by fire of the Theatre Royal on the 16th of Mnrch. This was the leading theatre of Melbourne and the Australian colonies generally, and its loss has occa- sioned general regret. On the night of the disaster the performances took place as usual, but whon the premises were closedfor the night sigus of burning were discovered ...


... ALTERATION OF GAUGE BETWEEN SWINDON AND MILFORD HAVEN. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Lines of JL.1 the Company between the above-mentioned points will be ALTERED from the BROAD to the NARROW GAUGE during the month of May next. Arrangements will be made to carry on the Goods Traffic with as much regularity as the nature of the case will admit, but, as the execution of so extensive a work ...

[No title]

... Nothing escapes the vigilance of the Ministry of All the Talents, and so we are not surprised to find that the Lords Commissioners of her Majesty's Treasury have recently been exercising their great minds upon the condition of the charwomen employed in the Government offices. The result has been the elaboration of a new code of rules and regulations for the guidance of the ladies in question ...

D:;sii[itl ,|!cid5

... D:;sii[itl LLANDAFF. POLICE COURT, MONDAY. (Before Messrs. T. W. BOOKER, E. W. DAVID, and G. PHILLIPS.) and poor's rate of Is. 2d. in the pound, an i i 'S^way rate of 3d. in the pound were granted, na the rates signed. THE DRINK.—John Dadds, a labourer living at Cft0*0' Was 2s. Gd. and costs for being drunk at Mar °A °n u^f ^iUiam Brookman and ar)(j^ nn Davies, both of Canton, were fined ...


... PENTYRCH. Latitude 61°31'N. Longitude. 3°15'W. Height of receiver ) Above ground 1ft. 1 in. of rain gauge. ) Above sea level 100ft. a Thermometer *o ^-2 >. a n + in shade. a Date, 1| fS-ElfSZJ S-S •M | g3,Maxi- Mini- la OH g ^jmum. mum. o M a3'i O :_H 1st 29-51 60 39 W.S.W. 3 98 0*37, 8 2nd 29-53 49 43 N.W. 3 87 0-01 2 3rd 29-77 55 34 N.E. [4 76 — 4th 30-10 55 32 N. 4 55 1 5th 30'41 56 32 E ...


... General Moriones' own account of his fight at Oroquiett with the Carlists, is published in tho Spanish papers. He says that the force commanded by the self-styled Charles VII., numbering about 5,000 men, was mustered on the heights commanding Oroquieta, on the 4th. The lateness of the hour (near six p.m.), and the presence of the Pretender himself with his troops, de- cided the General on ...


... The Xew York papers just arrived contani some inter- esting comments on the political situation. The Wash- ington correspondent of the 1'urk Herald of the 30th ult. says :— The President yesterday sent for Assistant Secretary Richardson, and had a long conference with him concerning the influence of the failure of the Treaty with England upon our commerce and finances. To-day the interview ...